Sunday, September 11, 2011

Friday September 9, 2011

Friday's are alway and easy day for me. I have no special things that I have to do in the morning and my routine is shorter by about 15 minutes. I ended the morning at the Kava House. The WSJ reported that the reason the stock market is tanking is because of fears that the EU might come unglued. There were some articles about the President's speech last night. From what I heard it was another political speech by the President.

I have been reading about the longshoremen union attacking workers at the small port in Washington. The port which was very small and in poor shape was recently renovated by Korean and Japanese firms. The operators of the port have an union agreement with the Operating Engineers and not the Longshoremen's Union. The Longshoremen have always thought that they should control all west coast ports. In fact in the past they were so powerful that they could close down all west coast ports. This is not good for the economy. I am not a fan of this union.

This afternoon I ran several errands. I got my IRA check so I had to deposit it in the Kent County CU. I also stopped by the bike shop that I purchased my retro from. I was looking for some special tires. The tires that they recommended I already had so I said goodbye.

At 1640 I got on my retro and pedaled to Aquinas College to see if they had any tickets to "Ain't Misbehaving". If you purchase ticket after 1700 for the evening's play they are half priced. They had some tickets so I bought two.

At 1900 Nancy and I drove over to Aquinas. We had good seats. The play was very entertaining. It was a very pleasant evening. The only downside was that Nancy thought she was coming down with a cold.

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