Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday September 28, 2011

I just checked and found out the last time I published a blog was on September 12. I have some catching up to do.

Tuesday: September 13, I have no idea what I did on this date.

Wednesday September 14: I started the day at Breakfast Club and then I cut the grass. At 1300 Nancy had a Meijer's Board meeting and at 1400 I attended the GRBA meeting. At 1530 we got in the Taurus and headed to Cleveland. It rained most of the way to Lakewood. Missy, AJ and Ms P gave us a warm greeting. We met Agulia a visiting student from Kazakstan (my Atlas spelling). Aguilia grew up in an orphanage in northern Kazakstan.

Thursday September 15:I drove the Taurus to Caribou Coffee. I read the WSJ and DFP on the Kindle. We spent the rest of the day running errands. For dinner Agulia made Borsch. It was an old Russian recipe. It was very good.

Friday September 16: The rain had stopped so I walked to Caribou Coffee. Nancy took AJ to preschool. In the afternoon Nancy and I took Ms P to the Vet. She is having some joint problems. The Vet gave her some medicine. The Vet costs more than my GP. We picked AJ up from school and took her to a park for some outdoor activity. Tonight Nancy and I took AJ to the Winking Lizard for dinner. Missy and Agulia also went out to dinner. They met some folks who had adopted from Kazakstan.

Saturday September 17: Missy took Aguila to the Greyhound bus station so she could catch a 0400 bus to Cincinnati. The bus was late and Missy had to wait until 0600. At 0800 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed East. We did stop at the West Side Market to get an Apple Fritter. The fritter was great. We also purchased some bread to take to Nancy's sister Peg. Peg and her husband, DeWight, have a cottage on Lake Owasco. Lake Owasco is one of New York's finger lakes. As the name implies the finger lakes are long and narrow. The largest Lake Seneca is 23 miles long and about 1.5 miles wide. Lake Owasco is 13 miles long and 1 mile wide. The area is very hilly and covered with hardwoods. The leaves were just starting to change and I can see why bus loads of old folks come for the fall colors. The Finger Lakes other main attraction is its wine growing. I think they have 23 wineries in the area. As always the Middleton's were great hosts. For dinner DeWight cooked salmon. It was great.

Sunday September 18: Sunday was an easy day. I spent about two hours kayaking on Lake Owasco. It was an enjoyable 2 hours. For dinner we drove to Skaneateles for dinner. I had a beer and fish sandwich. Skaneateles is a pretty small town. After dinner we walked around and enjoyed looking at the beautiful wood homes that were built in the late 1700s.

Monday September 19: Today is dedicated to wine. We start out about 1030. Peg is the designated driver. We make two stops before lunch. At each stop we buy at least one bottle. The wineries are usually located on top of a hill overlooking a finger lake. The view is spectacular. We had dinner at one winery that had a small cafe overlooking a lake. We made about six stops and purchased a case of wine. One of our stops was at 6 Mile Creek Winery. This winery is owned by a UM classmate of mine. He is a retired Professor from Cornell. Roger was not working on Monday but I will give him a call later after I evaluate his wine. It was a great day.

Tuesday September 20: Today is a travel day. Because we are only allowed 4 bottles of wine when entering Canada we have to take the long road home. We left at 0700 and arrived in GR at 1800.

Wednesday September 21: I started the day at Breakfast Club. After BC I headed to Dr Mary's office. She removed several skin cancers today. After the Dr I came home and cut the grass. Today Nancy has Book Club at our house. Tom Moleski and I met at Ucello's for dinner.

Thursday September 22: It is back to normal. Nancy spends most of the day at the Hospital. We have dinner at Great Lakes Shipping.

Friday September 23: We continue our return to normal. We have dinner at Russ'. At 2200 Missy, AJ and Ms P arrive.

Saturday September 24: I pedal to Bill's for breakfast. At 1000 we all pile in the Taurus and head downtown. We walked around looking at all the Artprize displays. We all took a nap. At 1700 we drove to Meijer's Garden to look at their Artprize displays. We have dinner at Olga's.

Sunday September 25: I get up at 0655 and head to the MAC for a swim. Nancy stays home and fixes breakfast for everyone. At 1145 we head downtown. We visited the UICA, Art Museum and Convention Center. We take an afternoon nap. Nancy fixes spaghetti for dinner.

Monday Septmeber 26: Nancy takes AJ to the MAC. I ride my bike. Missy visited Bethany to talk about their adoption program. At 1400 Missy, AJ and Ms P head back to Lakewooe.

Tuesday Septmeber 27: Today is I performed Bob's tri. I rowed 15', ran 15' and swam 15'. I make a trip downtown to talk to the City's street light folks. They had no idea about the type of poles and lights that were installed. I decided that I would write a report and let them respond. I ended the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. After dinner we watched NCIS and then headed to bed. On Monday night we watched 2.5 men. It was terrible. If I was a parent I would write the network and tell them to remove the show from prime time.

Wednesday September 28: It was raining when I headed out to Bill's. I got about 1/2 way when I decided it was raining too hard so I headed to the Kava House. I had my coffee and a scone. After the Kava House I pedaled around Reeds Lake. I put 10 miles on the bike (retro). I spent several hours writing my report on the OHNA street lights. I got a phone call from the Rolex folks that my watch was repaired. I headed to the store and was delighted at the result of the repairs. My Rolex should last another 45 years. I stopped by an Urgent Care facility and got my flu shot. This evening I will deliver my street light report and then watch some TV.

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