Saturday, September 3, 2011

Friday September 2, 2011

It was very hot Thursday night so we kept the AC on all night. The temperature is suppose to get above 90 today. If it gets above 90 it will be the hottest September 2 on record.

I was glad it was Friday because I am dragging. I did complete my normal exercise routine. I was sweating profusely when I got to the Kava House. I sat outside at the Kava House and took my time reading the WSJ and DFP.

I liked an article that I read about looking presidential. The article said that the news media always comments on a candidate looking presidential if he has a full head of hair and is tall and slim. Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt and Abe Lincoln did not fit this mold. Could a bald man get elected president. The last bald president was Ike. Ike was a great president. Wm Howard Taft was over 300 pounds and no way he could get elected today. Speaking of candidates John Huntsman is the only Republican that I like. He is tall and slim but I think he has a brain. I told Nancy about several articles I read but cannot remember them as I write this blog on Saturday.

After the Kava House I pedaled to D&W to purchase 2 apples. I must have my daily apple. This afternoon I worked on setting up Aunt Judy's antique dinner bell. Thursday I purchased a large flower pot. The pot is 24" tall and about 18" in diameter at its bottom. I also purchase 2 cubic feet of river gravel. I cut the post that I will mount the bell on to 6 feet and then mailed a board that I cut to the diameter of the pot to the bottom of the pole. I set the pole and leveled it. I then poured in the river gravel. Nancy helped me mount the bell on top of the pole. The pot is sitting in our breeze way. I think it looks good.

For dinner we headed to Great Lakes Shipping. I had a burger with cole slaw and Nancy a trip to the salad bar. Every August near Nancy's birthday we go to the soft ice cream store at Michigan and Fuller to get Nancy her birthday cone. Last night was the night. It really tasted good.

We watched some TV and Nancy headed upstairs about 2130. I stayed downstairs and watched the MSU game. I also watched for the 10th time one of the Bourne movies. I did not get to bed until 2230.

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