Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday September 7, 2011

I got up with the alarm at 0555. Today is Breakfast Club. It was quite cool this morning so I wore a wool sweater. The Breakfast Club program featured the Executive Director of Art Prize. She gave a very interesting talk on the Art Prize Organization.

I stopped at the Kava House so I could read my morning papers. Today I have to cut the grass. I started about 1030 and was done at 1330. I think the growing season is coming to an end. Today was the first time this year I had trouble determining what was cut and what needed cutting. To solve this problem I changed my direction of cutting from last week. This way I left some new wheel tracks when I ran the mower over an area.

After cutting the grass I took a 2.25 mile walk. I then took a shower and a short nap. This evening Nancy and I are going to the GR Art Museum to see a preview on Art Prize at the Museum. We left for the event at 1800. Free snacks were provided and I purchased a beer. The Museum was crowded. Nancy and I enjoyed the displays and we had the opportunity to talk to the artists. We got home about 1930.

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