Monday, May 31, 2010

Monday May 24 - Thursday May 27, 2010

The trip: May 24-27, 2010. Monday morning I get up at 0600 and get ready for my return trip to MI. I say my goodbyes and get a final coffee at Starbucks and head for I710. My route today will be I710 to I10 to I15 to I70. I hope to spend the night in Green River, Utah.

It was a great day to travel. The traffic on the 710/10 was heavy but I encountered no delays. Traffic on the I15 was light. I15 travels through very arid country. In Nevada especially around Los Vegas I saw miles of new residential development. I understand that most of these developments are experiencing financial difficulties. Unsold homes and many foreclosures are the norm. I often wonder why would anyone want a home on such arid property where not even a blade of grass could grow.

I pass by St Georges, Utah. Nancy and I spent some time in St Georges when we attended an Elderhostel. I have nice memories of St Georges. The I15/I70 intersection is about 180 miles NE of St Georges. I70 from I15 to I76 just east of Denver is one of the prettiest drives on the Interstate system. I plan on spending the night in Green River, UT about 160 miles east of the intersection. The drive is great. I like the eroded buttes and mountains. The scenery is like Zion and Bryce Parks. Green River is a small town right off the interstate. There are no chain restaurants but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express that was very nice. I had dinner at a local bar. The bar was jammed and I got the last seat at the bar. I ordered a Blue Moon and they laughed so I had a Bud. I had a 1/2# burger. The bar even had a working juke box. I had traveled about 680 miles.

Tuesday May 25: I left Green River about 0730 and headed east. The topography remained the same until I got to Grand Junction, Co. (elev 4600) and then stated the climb up to the continental divide at about 12,000'. The view was spectacular with the Colorado River paralleling the interstate and the snow capped mountains jutting up sharply. If Nancy was along she would have been constantly reminding me to keep my eyes on the road. I drove by Vail and several other ski areas. There was a lot of snow along the road at higher elevations. I crossed over the divide and began the slow decent to Denver and Grand Rapids. I got through Denver with no traffic problems and got on I76 heading NW into Nebraska. It was 190 miles to Nebraska. I passed through Fort Morgan, CO and saw that it was the boyhood home of Glen Miller.

I76 ends at I80 in Nebraska. I drove another 130 miles and stopped at a Day's Inn in Lexington, NE. I would give this motel a 1.5, out of 4, rating. I had dinner at a Mexican Cafe.

Wednesday May 26. For the first time on my trip I saw some wildlife. I noted several deer, antelope and wild turkeys in NE. I think NE and KS had received a lot of rain because both states were very green. I crossed over the Missouri River into Iowa at Omaha. Iowa was very green with the corn just beginning to pop out of the ground. It is about 300 miles across Iowa. I drove by West Branch, Iowa the home of Herbert Hoover. Did you know Hoover was the first president born west of the Mississippi? I crossed the Mississippi at Davenport and head across Illinois. If anyone thinks we are running out of farmland they should drive through the Midwest. The farms in IL looked very prosperous. I passed by Dixon, IL the boyhood home of President Reagan. I spent the night at a AmericInn in Princeton, IL. I gave the motel a 3.2. I had a burger and beer at the Wise Guys Sports Bar. They had Blue Moon.

Thursday May 27: My itouch says it is 267 miles to GR. I came down with a cold on this trip so I wanted to get home as soon as possible. This was the first day on my car trip that I experienced delays due to construction. I think I lost about 90 minutes. In fact I did not take I196 because of construction. I got home about 1530 and was greeted by Nancy and Ms P. It was good to get home.

I took a shower and shaved and then took a quick nap. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping and then visited Tom Moleski at St Mary's. Tom had a hip replaced and seemed in good shape.

I spent 7 long days travelling across the USA. On this trip I liked the stretch on I40 across NM, AZ and CA. I really like I70 between I15 and I76. We live in a beautiful country. I recommend a cross country trip to everyone.

Sunday May 23, 2010

Thursday May 27, 2125: Sunday May 23 was an easy day. The entire group at 2309 Maine Ave, Long Beach, CA crashed today. Saturday was a hectic day with the baptism in the morning and the birthday party in the afternoon. I did get up at 0600 and walked to Starbucks for my morning coffee. The rest of the day was spent relaxing around the house. Steve and I did take Alessandra for a 3 mile walk around noon. We had so much food left over from the party that we snacked all day.

At 1800 Steve and I took Debbie to LAX so she could catch her flight back to Santa Clara. I also got my car loaded and gassed for the big trip back to GR.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday May 23, 2010

Everyone was up by 0600. I did find time to walk to Starbucks. Veronica, Debbie and Alessandra took the C 2 and headed to church early. Cousin Sarah and her mother arrived at 1000. We all headed to church at1030. The batism started at 1100 and about 15 children were involved but Alessandra was the star. Steve and I took the C2 and picked up lunch and the birthday cake. The birthday party starts at 1500 so I took Alessandra for a walk. We walked for an hour and Alessanda slept the entire time. The party was a sucess. The inflatable bouncer was a hit. I thought they had too much food but a good section was gone by 9PM. For the Scott Team it was a long but rewarding day

Friday May 21, 2010

Friday, Steve and Veronica take the day off to get ready for tomorrow's big events. I walk to Starbucks about 1 mile away. After coffee we decide to take the kids to Adventure World. Debbie drove. We spent about two hours. Steve and Veronica getting the house ready. We had Mexican takeout for dinner. Veronica's.mother and aunt helped getting everything ready. As you can easily see I am using the itough to write this.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thursday May 20, 2010

Today is Bob's easy day. Lucas and Alessandra also stayed home. I did take Alessandra for a walk. Pushing a stroller I can do. We had lunch at Costco. Three hot dogs, pop and a smoothie. I did take a nap. Steve, Lucas and I drove to LAX to pick up Debbie. When we got home Veronica her Mother and aunt were already home from LAX. It was a relaxing day. The grandkids were great.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wednesday May 19, 2010

I started out at 0700. I love the drive through NM. AZ was nice especially at Flagstaff. The last time I drove across NM and AZ was with Steve in 1998. It was 97 in the Mohave. I got to LB about 2100. I drove 847 miles. It was great seeing Nancy and the Scott Team.

Tuesday May 18, 2010

Tuesday I spent most of the day driving across KS. I took US 54 west out of Wichita. It was two lane but with little traffic. I drove through many small towns. They have had a lot of rain so it was very green. It looked like cattle country. I also drove through the panhandles of OK and TX. Spent the night in Morarity, NM which is on I 40.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday may 17. 2010

Left gr at 0740 heading for LB. Ca. It started to rain as soon as I got to In. It did not stop until i got to KS. The last time I was in KS was 1957. I was driving a scooter. I covered 750 miles. Tomorrow I want to get to NM. This blog was done on my itouch at a Comfort Inn in Ottawa, KS.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday May 16, 2010

1714: The alarm goes off at 0646 and Nancy immediately hits the snooze. We get up at 0700 and get ready for our Sunday swim. Since I will start the cannonball run tomorrow I want to be well rested so I suggested that we only swim 1,000 yards instead of 1,500. Nancy immediately agrees. After our swim we came right home because we will not need any supplies for this week. I did go to the Kava House to get us some coffee. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast.

I read several sections of the GRP and then came upstairs and started to pack. It took me about 15 minutes. Since it was Sunday I took a short nap. After the nap I loaded the car and Ms P and I drove to the gas station to top off the tank. Gas was $2.77 per gallon. I finished my outdoor activities by walking 3 miles.

For dinner tonight Nancy is cleaning out the reefer. I will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 minutes. Tonight on HBO is the final episode of Pacific and I will watch it. I will go directly to bed after the show because I want to get any early start tomorrow.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday May 15, 2010

2147: I got up at 0625 and after taking Ms P out I dressed and walked to Bill's for a breakfast of pancakes and eggs. It was a beautiful day for a walk. When I got home I loaded up the kayak and headed for Reeds Lake. I spent 1.5 hours on the lake. This is my first time this year on Reeds Lake. The lake was very quiet with only a few fishermen. Spring and fall are the best times to paddle on Reeds Lake because the jet skiers are still hibernating.

After the kayak trip I decided to mow the lawn. Since it will probably be two weeks before the lawn gets mowed again I cut the grass really short. I did not edge or trim the lawn this week. After a quick shower I took a 30 minute nap. Tonight Nancy and I met the Horlings at Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We ate in the main dining area and we each had a full dinner. The food was great. The Horlings told us how cold and windy it was in Florida this winter. We spent nearly 2.5 hours talking and eating. This is a great way to spend an evening.

Not much on TV so Nancy and I are reading our new books. Since we don't need groceries this week we are going out for breakfast tomorrow after our swim. In fact we will swim 1,000 yards instead of 1,500. We must conserve our strength for our big trip next week.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday May 14, 2010

2109: I got up at 0620 this morning. It was a bright sunny morning. I followed my normal weekday routine. Starting Monday I will take about two weeks off from all this exercise. I am looking forward to the hiatus. I fixed the master bedroom toilet seat so it would not move before going to the MAC. I got to the MAC and realized that I did not bring my Kindle. After my MAC routine, which included a 2 mile run outside for the first time this week, I headed home. At home I ate a quick lunch and grabbed my Kindle and headed to the Kava House.

After reading the DFP I headed to Alto and my 1300 meeting with Jennifer Dougherty. We talked about a project Jennifer is working on. Jennifer has picked up some very interesting projects in her short time in business. I left at 1530 and headed home. At home I installed a driver side seat cover in the C2 and then went on a 30 minute walk.

This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Olga's in Gaslight Village. We watched some TV and then headed to bed. We both have a new book to read. Tomorrow should be another nice day. I hope the wind is light enough so I can put the kayak in Reeds Lake.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday May 13, 2010

1639: All the partying must make me tired because I slept in until 0730 this morning. As I was finishing rowing this morning I heard a big racket upstairs. When I investigated I found Ms P going berserk. A thunder storm was passing through and she goes bonkers when she hears the thunder. She wanted constant contact. She did not want me to leave for the MAC.

Because of the foul weather I had to drive today. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I read both the DFP and WSJ but found no article that I found interesting. When I got home Nancy told me that Kim's daughter wanted to take care of Ms P next week. She needs the money. We immediately agreed and I phoned Missy and told her that the Ms P problem was solved. Nancy, Ms P and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. Did you know that gas is down to $2.77 per gallon? We purchased wine, peanut butter, paper products, pizza, vitamins, lotions and a roast chicken for dinner tonight. Costco was crowded for a weekday afternoon.

I started paying our car insurance and as soon as I put a stamp on the envelop our agent called and said that they had a new rate for us. It was a significant savings so I jumped at the chance. I tore up the checks and will write new ones when we get the paperwork. John Jones called and asked if I wanted to go for a bike ride tomorrow afternoon. Jennifer Dougherty had called this morning and wanted to talk about a project on Friday afternoon. I told John that I could not go tomorrow but I would call him as soon as we got back from CA.

Last night our next door neighbor was broken into. Two TVs and a computer were stolen. Nancy and I were worried about next week but Kim said she will stop by every day.

2133: We had the Costco roast chicken with corn-on-the-cob and salad for dinner. After dinner I fell asleep watching the news. Nancy watched Bones while I read the paper. I spent some time mapping out my trip. At 2100 we headed to bed. Tomorrow is suppose to be the first warm sunny day this week.

Wednesday May 12, 2010

1655: Wednesday my easy day and I got up at 0650. I shaved and then headed to the Med Center to get some blood work done for my annual physical in June. After the lab work I headed to Bill's for their breakfast special. I also had time to read the WSJ and DFP. When I got home I took a 30 minute walk.

At noon I headed to the MAC for a 1,000 yard swim. I swam the distance in 27'41". After the MAC I headed downtown for a GRBA meeting. We met at Parking Services Office in the Ottawa/Fulton Parking ramp. After the meeting we toured the Weston/Commerce Liner Building. This is an interesting concept. Along Weston and Commerce Streets is a six story multi use building. The building is L shaped with a parking ramp in attached to the building. We toured some model condos and apartments. The first two floors of the building have offices and a restaurant. I was impressed.

After the meeting I headed home because Nancy and I are attending a fund raiser at Meijer's Garden at 1800. Stay tuned for an update.

1632 Thursday: The fund raiser was a lot of fun. We had free food and booze. About 350 folks attended and I think a lot of money was raised for the Gardens. Nancy and I bid on several big ticket items that we thought maybe no one was interested in. However, we were never close. We did get a mystery bottle of wine, a feeding stand for Ms P and tickets to a Whitecaps game. Nancy and I got home at 2200 and I was too tired to finish the blog.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday May 11, 2010

1741: I slept in until 0700 this morning. I think it is the cold gloomy days that make me sleep in. It was raining this morning and it continued until 1700. The temperature never got above 45. We turned the heat on this afternoon.

I drove the C2 to the MAC and after the MAC drove to Berger Chevy to get an oil change. After the oil change I stopped by the Apple store and purchased a gadget that will charge the itouch in the car and also play tunes over the car radio.

While in the mall I purchased a Starbucks coffee and read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP continues to write on the corruption in the Detroit Public Schools and City Government. The economy in the Detroit area continues to be a basket case. Property values are still dropping. The WSJ have been very aggressive in exposing shortcomings in the off shore drilling companies and regulatory agencies.

I have been catching up on my Engineering News Record magazines and it appears that constructing coal fired plants is becoming more and more difficult. The Greenies want to shut coal down. This afternoon we sold some of our Peabody Coal stock. We also officially signed up for the Russian River Cruise. We are leaving for the cruise from Cleveland.

I got a call from F. David Barney this afternoon telling me that my blazer was ready for pickup. I will wear the blazer tomorrow when Nancy and I attend a fund raiser at Meijer's Garden. After I got home from FDB's I took a 30 minute walk. Tomorrow I have a 1400 GRBA meeting. So this afternoon I read the packet for tomorrow's meeting. It was 87 pages long. I am finishing this blog early so I can watch NCIS this evening. Did you know that I have written nearly 700 blogs?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday May 10, 2010

1757: We had frost again last night. I think the temperature got down to 28. Monday is always a busy morning for me. In addition to my normal routine I lift weights and give myself a haircut. I did not leave the MAC until 1100. It was very windy today. It seems that every day we have high winds. I had to buck the wind on my ride to the Kava House. It took me 90 minutes to read the DFP and WSJ. Why am I such a slow reader? The WSJ has an excellent ongoing series on energy. They think natural gas is the fuel of the future. I happen to agree.

After lunch I got out the lawn mower and cut the grass. I also gave the entire lawn a good edge trim. Tonight Nancy is working at the Gardens so Ms P and I are alone. I am going to take a shower and eat dinner. I will continue later.

2109: As I was edging the back yard I noticed a weed that looked like poison ivy. I googled it and sure enough it was poison ivy. I am working on a plan for getting rid of the nasty stuff. We have had a series of setbacks today. This morning the ball valve in the toilet became disconnected and I had to fix it and this evening the toilet seat broke. Tomorrow I will have to buy a new seat. It is suppose to rain tomorrow so I should have some time. I thought I was making good time with the lawn work but it still took 3 hours. I cannot break this barrier.

Sunday May 9, 2010

1447: I got up at 0646 and took Ms P outside to do her bidness. I was surprised by the frost on the roof and lawn. It got down to the low 30s last night but no snow. They did have snow up north. We followed our normal Sunday routine. I swam the 1500 yards in 43' which is a good time for me. I topped off the Taurus and gas was $2.97. I think gas will be over $3 by the end of the month. Meijer's was crowded with fathers taking the kids shopping and buying flowers. Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there.

After a breakfast of Nancy's world famous poached eggs I took a short nap. I walked Ms P around the block. We had a hard time getting a leash on her she growled and ran away. Ms P is becoming a lady of leisure. After the walk around the block I took a 30 minute walk. We are waiting for Ed and Mary Namey to stop by and give us some details on their upcoming river trip between Moscow and St Pete, Russia. At 1600 we are going to the Moleski's for dinner.

1749, Monday: My keyboard ran out of juice last night. I was too tired to change batteries. The dinner party was great. There were 7 people in attendance. We got home about 2030 so I watched the ninth episode of Pacific. The show highlighted the battle for Okinawa. It was very bloody. Pacific is almost an anti-war film.

Speaking of anti-war, how come I don't hear any media reports about bringing the troops home. I think the military is bankrupting the country. Are our actions in the middle east making us more secure? I don't think so.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Saturday may 8, 2010

I am doing this on my itouch. It was very cold this morning. I walked to Bill's for breakfast. When I got home I did some chores. I also added a few names on the family tree. Nancy and I went to a movie this PM. We saw Crazy Heart. It was good but too grim for a Sat PM. We had dinner at Russ's. I had a nice talk with Debbie. Nancy is reading with Ms P sleeping on her lap. Typing on the itouch is difficult.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday May 7, 2010

2058: I woke up at 0630 and it was raining. The weather folks said it would rain all day and they were right. I drove the C2 to the MAC today. I read both the WSJ and DFP at the Kava House. There were no articles that stood out. I am still surprised how a country, Greece, that has less people than there are in SE Michigan, can bring down the EU. I continue to be amazed at how dumb smart people are.

Nancy took Ms P to the beauty shop today. When I got home from the Kava House I had a quick lunch and then ran some errands. My first stop was Russo's to buy some wine. I bought some red wine for a get together we are going to on Mother's Day, $12. I also bought some wine for RHS, $3.50. After Russo's I stopped at Whisker's Resort to check out their dog boarding facility. This was my 3rd stop and Whisker's is the J.W. Marriot of dog boarding. It is very pricey but it sure beats the other facilities I visited. My last stop was the new Barnes and Noble in Woodland Mall. I purchased the "Victory at Sea" CDs and bought a coffee so I could read, but not buy, the itouch book.

At home I checked out Ms P's new hair cut and it looked great. Nancy also got her hair cut yesterday and it also looks great. For dinner tonight we went to Panera Bread for soup and a sandwich. I also bought two cookies Nancy and I shared. There was nothing on TV so we are both trying to finish our books. It is suppose to rain all day tomorrow. My sister in Gaylord might get some snow tonight. It rained all day so I did not get my 30 in.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday May 6, 2010

1643: Boy! did I sleep in today. I got up at 0730. After the morning routine I headed to the MAC. It is very windy today and the temperatures are in the 50s so I had to dress in layers. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. Today's DFP had many articles on Ernie Harwell the Tigers announcer for 42 years. Ernie died this week at age 92. The DFP also had several articles on Mayor Bing trying to get his austerity budget passed. Surprising one council member want more reductions. Of course the DFP had to report that the Wings are 0-3.

The WSJ reported on the situation in Greece. I read about the problems in Greece and wonder will the USA have the same problem. The feds have got to quit spending. We keep creating new bureaucracies. I find it hard to believe that the President is responsible for BP's oil leak. When talker Rush starts blaming the President I think it is time for me to become a Libertarian. I have always felt that bigness is bad, whether it is a private company or the federal government.

This afternoon Ms P and I ran several errands. I stopped by the bank and got $50 in dollar coins. I use these coins everywhere. I want to eliminate the dollar bill and also the penny. Our final stop was at the Cascade Animal Clinic to inspect their boarding facility. They all appear to be the same. Tonight Nancy and I going to Great Lakes Shipping. We always eat in the bar and tonight will be our first trip since the smoking ban. I am sure Nancy will like it.

2048: I was right Nancy did like the smoke free restaurant. Tonight Nancy did some more research on the Grand Circle River trip in Russia. It sound real interesting. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday May 5, 2010

1636: The alarm goes off at 0545 and I am up and ready to go. I did take Ms P out and got Nancy her coffee. I then headed to breakfast club. It is now light when I drive to the Women's Civic Club. Attendance was good today and the speaker talked about the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. After the meeting I ended up at the Kava House so I could read the paper. At 1000 I headed downtown to F. David Barney's, a men's clothing store. I was just looking for a cotton blazer but ended up buying a stretch wool travel blazer. It is suppose to be wrinkle free. The blazer I am using I purchased from Redwood and Ross. Redwood and Ross have been out of business for about 20 years. I had forgotten how much quality clothing costs.

It rained off and on this morning and so at noon I headed to the MAC for a 1000 yard swim. I swam 1000 yards in 27'51". After the swim I did some banking and then headed home for lunch. After lunch Ms P and I ran some errands. This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens and I am waiting for the upholsterer to pick up the chairs. Tonight is cereal night and I don't think there is much on TV. I might have to go to bed and finish my book. I just ordered 3 books for my Kindle. It takes seconds for a 300 page book to download.

This afternoon I talked to Jennifer Dougherty to find out how she was doing. She said the baby is kicking and moving so we are all keeping a good thought. I also talked to Missy and she reminded that Akerke will have her blessing on July 10 in our backyard. Peggy from the travel agency emailed Nancy some data on the Moscow to St Pete river trip. It sounded interesting.

2008: This evening Nancy and I decided not to take the river trip offered by our travel agent. Nancy is still looking at a Great Circle tour to Russia. I just finished reading the GRP and it was interesting to note that every school or city proposal for additional taxes in the area passed. Folks are not as dumb as they look.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tuesday May 4, 2010

1725: I slept in until 0700. The sun was already up and shining bright. When I finished my morning routine and was getting ready for breakfast I noticed that Ms P had thrown up. We do not know what caused her upset stomach but have put her on a bland diet. The MAC was not very crowded today but a lot of men were watching Fox News and their reporting on the New York bomber. I was surprised at how right wing this group of members were. I really don't care if the bomber is classified as a criminal or terrorist as long as he goes to jail.

It was very windy today so I did not go kayaking. I did read the DFP and WSJ. The DFP had several articles on the shooting of 5 police officers. I read with interest an article in the WSJ about China purchasing coal from Peabody Coal's Wyoming mine. Nancy and I have some Peabody stock and were thinking of selling it. I might have to reevaluate.

I had a quick lunch and then Ms P and I got in the C2 and ran some errands. First stop was Rylee's Hardware to see if they had any electric edgers. They did not. Next I stopped at the Vet to view their lodging for Ms P. It was Spartan but well run. They had a number of lodgers and they seemed well treated. After the Vet I stopped at Daniels to look for a blazer. I checked several price tags and left. Finally, I stopped at Bill and Paul's to purchase some briefs that claim to be the best for travel. You just rinse them out each evening and put them on the next day. I bought 2 pair just in case.

I finished the afternoon with a 50 minute walk. I am now wrapping up this blog. We watch NCIS on Tuesday and tomorrow is breakfast club so I want to get to bed early. The alarm is set for 0545.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday May 3, 2010

1741: I slept in until 0700. Nancy took Ms P out and said it was raining. I moaned and groaned because I wanted to cut the grass today. Us old folks do not like to be diverted from our schedule. We also had a problem with the coffee machine. It did not go off at 0606 as it was programmed to do. Not a nice start to Monday.

After my at home routine I looked out the window and the sun was shining bright. The temperature was in the high 50s. The bike ride to the MAC was very pleasant. The leaves are all out and flowers are blooming everywhere. I also enjoyed my run outside.

Today when I got to the Kava House I sat in what use to be the smoking room. It is brighter than where I use to sit. However, it is very isolated and it takes a little effort to get a refill. I read the DFP and WSJ. Both papers ran stories on the oil spill and the screwed up bombing in NYC. Not much local news.

I started cutting the grass at 1400 and 3 hours later I finished. I cannot break the 3 hour barrier. Nancy is working at the Gardens this evening. She is working from 1630 to 2100. I think she will be working this shift for the summer. Lately I have been listening to music on my itouch while reading the GRP. The itouch has a thing called Genius that I have figured out. It is really nice.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday May 2, 2010

1727: The alarm goes off at 0646. It is raining but I take Ms P out anyway. She does not like getting wet but I won't let her in until she does her bidness. Today is swim day and we were lucky because we did not have to share a lane. I swam 1500 yards in 43'. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up. Gas was 2.91 per gallon.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast and after this great breakfast I had to take a nap. After the nap Nancy and I headed to Woodland Mall. I purchased a pair of khakis from J Crew. Nancy did not find the type of khakis she was looking for.

This afternoon I called John Jones the old geometry teacher at OHHS. He is now retired. Friday he called and wanted to know if I wanted to ride to Sand Lake on the White Pine. I was in Alpena on Friday but it would be nice to have a riding partner. I told John to give me a call any time he wants a riding partner. He was running when I contacted him. Next Saturday is the Old Kent run and John is training for this race. He was captain of the Albion College track team back in the early 60s.

I took a 30 minute walk after our shopping trip. I took my itouch and at 3 different locations I turned the itouch on and found a connection to the internet. I am finishing this blog early because this evening I am watching Pacific on HBO.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday May 1, 2010

2118: No alarm this morning but I did wake at 0630. I asked Nancy if she wanted to get up and go to the MAC but she declined because Missy and Akerke were here. I got dressed and put on my rain coat and headed to Wolfgang's for breakfast. The only reason I went to Wolfgang's was because it was close. I did not want to get too wet if it started to rain as channel 8 predicted.

This morning is the first day of the no smoking ban. I asked the waitress if they had any problems and she said no because smokers did not arrive until after 0800. The food was average and the prices were way above average. I gave Wolfgang's a 2.1.

It really started to rain on my way home so when I arrived I put my clothes in the dryer. Missy, Akerke and Nancy were starting breakfast. Nancy was going to fix Akerke her world famous poached eggs but she did not want any. I will have to work on her.

The girls went to a rummage sale at Trinity Lutheran today and Ms P and I stayed home. Ms P and I did run an errand so I could purchase a lottery ticket. I buy 1 ticket for the Mega million. When the girls got home I took Akerke on a 1.25 mile walk. She likes riding in the stroller. In fact pushing the stroller is the one grandfatherly thing that I am good at.

Missy tried to get Akerke to take a nap. After about an hour she gave up. Nancy and the girls drove to Wilcox Park to play on the toys. I rode my bike to the park. Akerke seemed to like the toys the park had. Missy wanted to get Akerke tired so she would sleep on the drive to Lakewood, OH. They left for OH at 1700. Mary Namey called and asked if we would meet them for a quick dinner. We met at the Bombay Cuisine. I had the butter chicken and it was very good. After dinner we watched a little TV. Nancy was engrossed in her book so she headed to bed early. I watched an old Clint Eastwood western and at 2115 headed to bed. Tomorrow we go swimming.