Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Wednesday December 2, 2015

Catch Up Wednesday: It has been several days since I have written my blog. And a busy few days it has been. Monday November 30: Last day of November and I get up with the alarm at 0645. No Y today, I do the calisthenics and row 2K before breakfast. After breakfast we get in the Taurus and head to the West MI Heart Center. Nancy wore a monitor last week for 48 hours. We returned the monitor so they can read the results. I spend some time at Panera and then had an early lunch. I had a 1300 appointment with an oral surgeon. The surgeon pulled one of my front teeth that was decayed beyond saving. At home I took Ms P on her walk and then took a 3.5 mile walk. About 1600 Nancy gets a call from the Heart Center. They had read the monitor. The monitor showed that Nancy’s heart would stop periodically for about 5 seconds. This is not good so they had checked Nancy into Butterworth Hospital. She will have a pacemaker installed first thing Tuesday. By 1630 we had checked into the hospital. Nancy got her marching orders. Tests were taken and forms filled out. Once Nancy got settled I headed home. I contacted all the kids and told about their Mom’s pending operation. Tuesday December 1: I got to the hospital about 0800 and Nancy was being prepared. We were shown the pacemaker and told how it would be installed. About 1000 Nancy was taken to surgery. The actual operation takes less than an hour but a lot of time is spent setting up. At 1200 Nancy was wheeled into the recovery room and we were told everything went great. The pacemaker is set to keep Nancy’ resting heart rate at 60 bpm. Nancy’s heart rate before the PM would be as low as 40. I spent some of the afternoon telling the kids that everything went ok. Returned to the hospital about 1700 and Nancy was still tired from the operation. Nancy kicked me out at 1930. Wednesday December 2: We had arranged that Nancy would call me when she is to be released. I biked over to Panera had breakfast and read the WSJ. I called Nancy about 1000 and asked when she was going to be released. The Doc had not stopped by yet to sign the release papers. Nancy’s voice this morning was nice and strong. I finally got Nancy’s call and headed downtown. She was really glad to get out of the hospital and I shared this feeling. The Doc said for Nancy to take it easy today but tomorrow she can resume normal activities. I took a short bike ride before eating lunch. I took Ms P on her walk and then took a two mile walk. Nancy’s friend Kathi brought over some soup for dinner tonight. We will watch TV and netflix tonight before turning in.

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