Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday December 15, 2015

The rain has finally stopped so today I can ride the bike to the Y. We did not get up until 0700. Because I don’t like to ride in the dark I cannot start until sunrise which at this time of year is 0806. It was dark and gloomy when I started out with temp in the mid 40s. I took the 7 mile route to the Y. I did my calisthenics and then ran 1.6 miles. Showered, shaved and then headed to Panera. While reading the WSJ I got a text from Missy saying the LA Schools were closed because of a credible bomb threat. What does credible mean? The world is a confusing place. Are the Russians on our side and if so why are the fighting with our ally Turkey. Why is Turkey in Iraq? I listen to SOS Kerry and POTUS Obama and I think they are more confused than the average citizen. Speaking of confusing how come the GOP Governors running for President are not doing better in the polls. I could vote for any Governor but not the clowns leading in the polls. I got home at 1200 and immediately took Ms P on a two mile walk. Had lunch and then spent some time in my office. At 1430 Nancy and I drove to Kidder Safari. Originally we were to meet Trevor Shaw the owner of the safari lodge in South Africa. While we were in SA he sold Nancy her diamond. But Mr Shaw had to postpone his trip to GR because of a serious illness. The Kidders and Shaw are old friends. Nancy looked over the selection that Mr Shaw had sent. It was a large inventory but Nancy finally found the stone she wanted. It is a tanzanite stone and I think very pretty. Nancy fixed a pork chop and sweet potato for dinner. It is now 1937 and we are watching Jeopardy. It looks like a NCIS evening. We recorded a Major Crime episode Monday and we will watch it tonight.

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