Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday December 7, 2015

Pearl Harbor Day December 7, 1941: I was only 3 when the attack took place so I don’t remember it. I do remember on Dec 7, 1961 I was stationed on Midway Island Naval Base. I had the duty and I can remember talking to a Chief Petty Officer who was just a young seaman on the day of the attack. He was stationed on a destroyer in the Harbor. He started talking about 2300 and continued talking until 0300 the next morning. We did take one break. As the OOD I had to inspect 24 hour enlisted mess hall. I brought back a dozen fresh donuts and the Chief continued talking. It was very emotional. I regret that I did not take notes. In fact I had many late night conversations with CPOs. They told stories about the Naval battles in the Pacific. It was very foggy with the temp just above 32 when I got up this morning. The sun does not come up until 0800 but today the fog ruled all day. Nancy headed out early to go to MVP and walk on a treadmill. I headed out at 0815 and pedaled to the new Y. The route I used was 6 miles. The Y was sorting out some first day problems. I did get to pick my locker. The facility has all the exercise toys but no chin up bar. I did my calisthenics and then for the first time since Dec 2013 I ran a mile on the Y’s inside running track. I hope to be running 2 miles soon. The new Y meets all the environmental guidelines for an energy conservation. That means not much water comes out of the shower nozzle. I hate being PC. After the Y I pedaled the 1.8 miles to Panera. I had my coffee and read the WSJ. The San Bernardino attack dominated the news. Nancy attended a Christmas luncheon today. I took Ms P on a two mile walk. I think she likes the longer walks, as long as the temp is above 32. After lunch I got on my bike and headed to Meijer’s to get some supplies for my Y locker. I finished the afternoon with a short nap. It is now 1743 and I am heading upstairs for a light dinner. I got my 30 in today did you?

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