Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thursday December 10, 2015

Medical Thursday: I don't know if it is the nose spray or the fact that I am running again but I have been sleeping like a baby. Got up at 0710 and after breakfast got on my bike with the new snow tires and took the short route to the Y. I did the calisthenics and ran 1.8 miles. After the shower I headed to Panera. I only spent about 30 minutes reading because I have a 1120 appointment with the skin Doctor. The Doc sprayed my pre cancerous spot with liquid nitrogen. After I stopped at the credit union to get money to pay Kim for keeping Ms P while we were in CA. Next stop was Orvis for a Christmas gift and finally Costco for wine, prunes and grapes. Lunch and then I got back in the Cobalt and head to the Dentist. They added a tooth to my partial. I tried it on and it fit great. Ms P and I took our long walk. After a quick nap, Nancy and I headed to Sundance for dinner. We both had their eggs and ham. It is now 1945 and we are watching Jeopardy. It looks like a Netflix evening.

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