Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday December 9, 2015

Breakfast Club Wednesday: Up at 0545 and when I took Ms P out I noted that the temperature was in the 40s. It was pitch black when I headed to BC. Traffic on the freeway was heavy. Today's speaker talked on being happy. It was a Holiday message. We had a small turnout. Folks must be leaving early for warmer climes. Last year at this time we had 35 inches of snow. So far this year our snowfall total is 3.5 inches. Blame El NiƱo. After BC I drove to the Y. Did the calisthenics at 50% but ran 1.6 miles. I like the running track. Tomorrow I will run 1.8 miles and 2 miles on Friday. My goal is to run two miles every time I go to the Y. Stopped at Panera for a chance to read the WSJ. The big news was the proposed merger between Dow and DuPont. I hope the headquarters for the merged firms is Midland, MI. Dow has been a great corporate citizen. Midland is a great community. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. I took Ms P on our long route today. She seems to perform best when the temp is in the 40s. Had a quick lunch and then got in the Cobalt and ran errands. First stop was Macatawa Bank to make a deposit. My second stop was the Ada Bike Shop. They had installed winter tires on my bike. The tires have steel studs. The also put on a new chain and cleaned the gears. Final stop was at the Chow Hound. Bought dog food and also a block of salt. I will put the salt in the back yard for the deer to lick. At home I started out on a 2 mile walk. This morning I talked to a neighbor and asked who he had do his taxes. He said he used a firm located on my walking route. I decided to check out the firm. They greeted with open arms. I might use them this year. As soon as I got home I decided to take a nap. I laid down at 1715 and woke at 1840. I really must have been tired. We had a light dinner. Debbie called this evening and asked about Christmas suggestions. It is now 2115 and we are watching one of the last episodes of MidSomer Murders.

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