Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday December 8, 2015

1745: It was another cloudy mild day with temps in mid 40s. Started the day with a 6 mile bike ride to the Y. I did the calisthenics and ran 1.4 miles. My goal is two miles by the end of the week. After the Y I pedaled to Panera. I had less than an hour because I have a 1215 appointment with the dentist. At home got in the cobalt and headed to the dentist. They made impressions of my missing tooth. I had to leave my partial so they could add a tooth. For the next three days I will have a three tooth gap. I hope they can have it fixed by Thursday PM. The Ada Bike store has some steel studded tires waiting for me to bring my bike in. I loaded up the bike and drove to the store. They should the tires on tomorrow. Had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on her walk. Meijer’s called and said my prescription was ready. I walked over to Meijer’s and picked it up. Finished the afternoon with a nap. Nancy fixed spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner. It was great. It is now 2050 and we are watching NCIS. At 2100 we will watch Dr Martin on netflix.

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