Saturday, December 5, 2015

Saturday December 5, 2015

Catch Up Saturday: Once again I am writing several day’s blog in one. It has been a very busy week for Bob and Nancy. Thursday December 3, 2015: Today I head to the Y for this first time this week. I took the long bike ride to the Y. I timed my routine and found that I can complete my calisthenics in 21 minutes. After the Y I head to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ. I am still surprised at the popularity of Donald Trump. He is a bully, rude and not what I want in a leader. Didn’t Mr Trump ever go to Sunday school? The Middle East, terror attacks and whether Assad should stay still gets a lot of ink. Of course all the pols have easy answers. I say if you can’t tell the good guys from the bad stay out. I had a 1300 dentist appointment. The dentist was going to add a tooth to my bridge to eliminate the gap cause by my recent extraction. They wanted me to leave my bridge for several days while they added a tooth. That means I would have a big three tooth gap. I told them that next week was ok but for the next two days I do not want to look like a minor league hockey goon. She said ok so we rescheduled for next week. At home I spent some time in the office. Tonight Nancy and I are attending a Christmas Gala at Meijer’s Garden. I have to decide whether to wear my 58 year old tux or my 40 year old three button blue suit. Both are in good shape and fit well. I decided on the suit. We picked up Nancy’s friend Kathi at 1800 and drove to the Gardens. The place was packed. Nancy estimated 500 folks were in attendance. Free booze and food, what is not to like. It was a sit down dinner with an after dinner show. It was a great evening. Friday December 4, 2015: Today I biked to the Y. This is my last day at this Y because on Monday a new $30M Y will open 1.5 miles from our condo. I do the calisthenics and end up at Panera. I have a quick lunch and then get in the Taurus and head out. I stop at the Y to unload my locker and then head to my ENT doctor. The doctor checks my ears and nose and declares they are working fine. He did give me a prescription for some nose spray to stop my dripping nose. This evening Nancy and I head out at 1730 to Leo’s restaurant downtown. We are meeting the Horling’s for dinner. We had a great dinner and then walked over to DeVos Hall for a Holiday Concert. It was a great show. Nancy and I got home at 2200. Saturday December 5, 2015: This morning Nancy and I walked over to Panera for breakfast. Nancy had a toasted whole grain bagel and I had oatmeal with sourdough toast. Nancy really liked the toasted bagel. We walked home got in the Taurus and headed to the new Y. They had an open house for the new facility. It was like old home week. We met about 15 folks who were old members of the MAC. They all have joined the Y. I start using the Y on Monday. After the Y we dropped off some dishes at Kathi’s home. Our final stop was at Breton Village. Nancy bought several items at the Loft and I bought a barn coat at Orvis. At home I took Ms P on a long walk, two miles. I had lunch and then took a 3.5 mile walk. Nancy fixed soup and a fried egg sandwich for dinner. It is now 1954 and Nancy is talking to Debbie on netflix. We are waiting for the MSU/Iowa game to start. It has been a busy week. Nancy had a major procedure that was successful. She looks great and is on her way to a full recovery. Next week the dentist will make me a new partial. We are looking forward to our Christmas break in CA. I got my 30 in today did you?

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