Monday, December 14, 2015

Sunday December 13, 2015

It rained all night and was still raining when we left at 0800 for the Y. This is our first Sunday at the new Y. The pool is not ready so we ran/walked. Nancy walked two miles on the treadmill and then walked a mile on the track. I ran two miles on the track. We stopped at Meijer’s and bought some supplies. The fill up today was less than $18. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. Watched some Sunday news shows and read the funnies before taking my Sunday nap. After the nap the rain had stopped so I took Ms P on a short walk. At 1430 we got in the Taurus and headed to the Moleski’s. They are hosting Nancy’s Book Club’s Christmas party. Every one showed up and the food and wine was good. We got home at 1900. Watched 60 Minutes and read the GRP. We also watched a show on netflix. It is warmer in GR than San Jose, CA.

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