Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday June 22, 2012

It is starting to cool off. I slept in until 0700 this morning. In keeping with my summer schedule I loaded up the bike and headed to Millennium Park. It was a great morning for a ride. I was barreling through a sharp curve when I encountered a deer. I had to brake to avoid hitting the deer. I pedaled 18.5 miles in 1h30'. On my way home I stopped at the Kava House to read the papers. This afternoon I had to pack for my drive to CA tomorrow. I also ran several banking errands. Tonight Nancy grilled chicken for AJ and Missy and several hamburgers for me. We also had new potatoes and corn on the cob. It was great. Missy sold some more medallions today. She also had to buy new tires for her car. I am all packed and ready to go. Missy is flying to CA on the 27th and Nancy and AJ are flying on the 2nd of July. It should be an interesting time.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday June 21, 2012

Today is the first full day of summer. We had some showers roll through this morning. In fact the high temperatures will recede today. Temperatures will remain in the low 80s. Nancy has a Doctor's appointment this morning. She will take AJ with her. Missy is going back to the Heritage Camp to sell some more bracelets. I have a GRBA meeting at 1200. I drove the C2 to the MAC. I did the tri today. My time in the 1,000 yard swim is stuck at 30'. The GRBA meeting started at 1200 and was done by 1230. On my way home I stopped at the Kava House and read the WSJ. With the cooler temperatures Nancy has turned the AC off. The foot Doctor told her this morning that she did not need an operation. This morning Nancy purchased airline tickets to CA for Missy on the 27th and for Nancy and AJ on July 2nd. I will leave on Saturday for CA. I am driving Missy's car. The moving van will arrive in CA on the 30th. Nancy and I are flying home on July 6. This evening we are eating dinner at Panera Bread. I will watch a "Person of Interest" this evening before heading to bed.

Wednesday June 20, 2012

Summer starts about 1900 today. I am always sad when we reach the summer solstice because that means the days are getting shorter and winter can't be far off. Anyway it is Wednesday my easy day. I rode my bike to Bill's for pancake and eggs. It is going to be another hot day. As soon as I get home I get out the lawnmower and cut the grass. I was done cutting, trimming and edging by 1200. This morning Missy went to a Heritage Camp in GR. This camp is for children who are foreign birth adoptees. Missy makes a necklace with a picture of the child's home country or city. She displayed her wares and made several sales. After cutting the grass I drove Nancy to Meijer's Garden where she is working this afternoon. She is still on pain killers so they recommend she not drive. I then came home and picked up AJ. We went to the movies. We saw Madagascar III. I liked it better than AJ did. We had ice cream after the movie. We picked up Nancy after the show. We all spent a quiet evening at home.

Tuesday June 19, 2012

We started the AC yesterday. It was almost 75 when I took Ms P out at 0600. Today is an active day for me. I do the tri today. The pool was not very busy this morning. I would think the MAC would be offering swimming classes for school kids. However, I like an empty pool. I swam my 1,000 yards in 30 minutes. When I left the MAC at 1130 the temperature was in the 90s. The main part of the Kava House is air conditioned but they have a room with the windows open. I sat in the open room. I do not like AC. I read my WSJ and DFP. I got home about 1330. I had a quick lunch. I was going to cut the grass but it was too hot. I watched Ms P while Nancy took a nap. I also ended up taking a nap. All the medicine Nancy is taking makes her very tired. Missy called this afternoon and said that she would not be leaving Lakewood until later and she and AJ would eat on the road. For dinner tonight I will pedal over to the Subway and get a sub. Missy and AJ arrived at 2030. It must have been an emotional day for Missy. She left her house in Lakewood and is now starting a new stage of her and AJ's life in CA. New starts are always exciting.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday June 18, 2012

Monday morning and the first Monday of my new summer schedule. The weather folks say that the heavy rain will be north of us. I won't know what to do until Nancy calls Dr Kutsche and makes an appointment. I do my exercises and when I came up at 0800 Nancy tells me that her appointment is at 1120. I decide to stay near home so I get on my bike and plan on riding around Reeds Lake until 1030. I was starting on my 2nd trip around the Lake when it started to rain. Boy did it rain. It rained so hard that I had trouble seeing the road. In places on the roads the water was 4" deep. I headed home and was thoroughly soaked when I arrived. I went downstairs and threw all my clothes in the wash. It took me an hour to bike 11.7 miles. This was a good time for pedaling in EGR. At 1100 Ms P and I took Nancy to see Dr. Kutsche. I stayed in the car and read the WSJ on the Kindle. When Nancy came out she said that she needed to get a blood test done. The Lab was nearby. After the Lab we came home. I had a quick lunch and then headed to Meijer's to get Nancy's prescriptions filled. Nancy still cannot eat solid food so I got her a large bottle of diet Sprite. The doctor said she needed to drink a lot of liquids. Later in the afternoon I took a two mile walk. I had cereal for dinner. Nancy headed to bed at 2000. I followed at 2100. June 1960: I just found a card I sent my mother on my trip from Ann Arbor to my job in Vermont. I had a ride to Vermont but the guy backed out. I was going to hitchhike but the day before I was to leave two fraternity brothers talked me into going to the horse track with them. On the seventh race we each bet $2 on a horse named "Will of Allah". The horse was a 20-1 shot and my cut was $42.60. That night we had dinner at Weber's and beer at the Pretzel Bell. The next day I could afford to take the train to Albany, NY and a bus to Montpelier. I reported to work on Monday as scheduled.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday June 17, 2012

0330 Sunday morning, Nancy said that the terrible pain in her abdomen had not decreased. We got in the car and headed to Emergency at Blodgett. They took Nancy right in and started running tests. Within 30 minutes they had determined that Nancy's pancreas was inflamed. They hooked her up to an IV and were going to take a Cat Scan. They Cat Scan confirmed that she had an inflamed pancreas but the good news was that the gall bladder was ok. At 0800 I bailed out and came home to call Linda Moleski to tell her that the Father's Day Brunch was cancelled. Linda was going to notify the other guests. Nancy was discharged about 0900. Nancy headed straight to bed and I took the 2 prescriptions to be filled at Meijer's. When I got home I also headed to bed. We relaxed until 1630. Nancy had scheduled us to work at the Steve Miller concert at the Gardens. I tried to talk her out of it but was unsuccessful. We reported for duty at 1700. We were assigned the duty of taking tickets. We were really busy because the concert was sold out. We were finished working about 1900. Nancy was really exhausted. When we got home she headed to bed and immediately fell asleep. I watched some TV and was in bed by 2100. On this date 50 years ago, Sunday June 17, 1962, I wrote my mother a letter from Midway Island. We get our fresh water on Midway by catching rain water. When rain hits the hard surfaces of the runway and taxiway it is channeled to a storage facility. It does not rain much between March and October so at times fresh water has to be rationed. That means salt water showers and brushing your teeth with brackish water, yuck. Ice cubes are made with brackish water. At the Officer's Club they had a drink called a B&B. Bourbon and Brackish. The problem was that to avoid the bad taste the B&B was finished too fast. A B&B hangover resulted. In 1962 to solve our problem the Navy seeded the clouds over the Island and we were able to collect 2 million gallons. Next Friday I was heading to Hawaii for a week's vacation. I would be staying at an Army base called Fort DeRussy. It is located on Waikiki Beach. I also told Mom about Kure Island. Kure is located about 50 miles west of Midway. It is much smaller than Midway. It is a Lorain Station. A lorain station sends out signals to all the ships at sea. If you can receive the signal from three stations you can located your position. The US Coast Guard mans the station. I was told there was one tree on the island. They did have a nice beach but it was loaded with bad tempered seals. Every Sunday a plane left Midway for Kure. The plane took supplies and a chaplain. Duty on Kure was much worse than Midway. About the same time in June, 1960 I wrote my Mother from Vermont. I had a summer job working for the Vermont Highway Department. I made $15.95 per day and because I was on a traveling survey party I was paid $8 per day living expenses. In 1960 $15.95 per day was great pay. The party chief was a retired Army Colonel. The two other members of the party were Civil Engineering students at the University of Vermont. I told Mom for the next two week I could be reached at Leon's Knotty Pine Motel in Bennington, VT. I really liked Vermont it is a beautiful state.

Saturday June 16, 2012

I had to get Ms P up at 0400. My clock seems to be off lately. Nancy finally woke me up at 0700. I had breakfast at "Bill's". When I got home I put on my bike riding pants and headed out. Today I am going to try a new route. I started west on Hall Street, crossed US131 and turned left on Godfrey. I stayed on Godfrey to Chestnut and followed Chestnut until I got to the new bike trail on the old AARR. This is a new trail that uses existing RR bridges over Market Ave and the Grand River. It connects to the trail through the old Butterworth Dump that connects to Kent Trails. I followed Kent Trail west and south to the trail that runs along the new M6 highway. I followed this trail east until after some detours I ended up at the intersection of M6 and Kalamazoo Ave. I followed Kalamazoo Ave home. I traveled 32 miles and it took me 3 hours. After my shower Nancy and I headed to the Art fair being held in Gas Light Village. This is an annual affair and it seems that it is held on a very hot humid day. We walked around the fair but did not make a purchase. I did take a short nap this afternoon. About 1700 we were ready to go out when a thunder storm came crashing through town. Ms P went bonkers. Nancy has been feeling poorly today and she really did not want to go out or leave Ms P. I got in the C2 and drove to the Subway on Lake Drive and bought a 12" turkey breast. I got wet from the heavy rain but it did not last long. After eating my sub and watching the news I took Ms P for a walk around the block. It is now 2020 and Nancy just went to bed. I will watch some TV before retiring. No MAC tomorrow because we are having a Father's Day Brunch. Speaking of Father's Day, Debbie called me today to wish me a Happy Father's Day. Debbie was driving to the SF Airport. She is on her way to China.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday June 15, 2012

The last week has been great. I especially liked the nice long days and warm sunny weather. The sun comes up at 0603 and sets at 2123. Here is an update on my activities since last Friday. Friday June 8, 2012: Today I am going to Lakewood, OH to visit Missy and AJ. I did my at home exercise routine and then got in the C2 and headed south on US 131. It has been quite awhile since I have driven this route. I pass through Schoolcraft, Three Rivers and Constantine. In September 1928 my mother, Maggie Hughes started her teaching career in Constantine. She often spoke of how much she liked the town and people. As soon as I crossed into IN I got on the Indiana Turnpike. I stayed on the IT until the end and then I got on the OH Turnpike. It was a nice day for a ride. I got to Missy's house about 1600. After unpacking I took Missy and AJ out to dinner. I love the neighborhood bars along Detroit Ave. Tonight we ate at the Rush Inn. They had their Friday night fish fry and I had fish and fries. After dinner was walked next door to a new ice cream parlor and had a cone. Saturday June 9, 2012: This morning I got up and walked to a coffee shop in Rocky River. I read the WSJ and DFP. On my walk home I ran into Missy and AJ. I got in the car and we headed to Duncan Donuts. After the donuts we headed back home and Missy showed me some cleanup projects she wanted me to help her with. Missy and AJ are moving to LA, CA at the end of the month. Missy has removed a lot of stuff from her house. In fact her first floor is devoid of any furniture. Our first project is to clean to basement and repair a drain line. We headed to Lowes and purchased some PVC pipe and fittings. I did make the drain repair with no problem. We then started scrapping loose paint off the basement walls. This was not too successful because the bricks were too soft. We did give the basement a good sweeping. I also tried to unplug a sink drain. I was not successful. For dinner we had pizza at Danny Boy's. We headed to bed early because tomorrow we go on our big bike ride. Sunday June 10, 2012: Everyone is up at 0600 because today is the big ride. We load up the bikes and head to Burton, OH the start of the ride. We did stop at a McDonald's so I could get an Egg McMuffin and a coffee. We picked up our registration packet and by 0815 we had started the ride. The sun was shining and the temperature was still in the low 70s. The ride is through rolling farmland. Most of the farms are Amish so we saw a lot of horses. This is the fourth time Missy and I had done this ride. The ride is sponsored by the Cleveland Bike Club and is called "A Sunday in June". Today there were 1,100 riders. Missy was the only rider out of 1,100 that had a passenger. It took me 2h28' to ride 28 miles. I think AJ enjoyed seeing all the farm animals. After we finished the ride a pasta meal was provided. AJ and I liked the lemonade and cookies. When we got home I showered and took a short nap. It was very hot. For dinner we ate at the "Around the Corner" bar. We sat outside and I had a very good hamburg and beer. AJ fell asleep so Missy put two chairs together and she slept through the meal. It was Sunday evening but the place was jammed. After dinner we stopped at a Dairy Bar for ice cream. The ice cream place was very crowded. Ice Cream is really good on a hot summer day. Monday June 11, 2012: Today is a travel day. I left Lakewood around 0800. AJ was going to school today. As soon as I got on the Ohio Turnpike it started to rain and it rained hard until I got to Michigan. I did stop at Cabela's in Dundee, MI. Cabela's was crowded. I did not buy anything. When I got home I got out the mower and mowed the grass. I did not have time to edge or trim. I was happy to see Nancy and Ms P. We watched 60 minutes and read the GRP before going to bed. Tuesday June 12, 2012: I went back to the normal Tuesday routine. I think I recently commented on the change I made to my TU/TH schedule. I now row 2,000 meters, run 1 mile and I increased my swim distance from 750 to 1,000 yards. I ended up at the Kava House and read the WSJ and DFP. After a quick lunch I got out the weed eater and trimmed and edged the lawn. I did watch NCIS before going to bed. Wednesday June 13, 2012: Today is Breakfast Club and I got up at 0555. The speaker was a retired history professor from GRCC. He also is Greek. His talk was about the current situation in Greece. He did not paint a rosy picture. After the meeting I stopped at home to change my clothes. I then rode my bike to the Kava House. I spent about an hour getting depressed while reading the WSJ and DFP. In the afternoon I took my bike rack to a blacksmith shop to get some work done. I also took a short nap this afternoon. Nancy was working at Meijer's Garden. I did walk 3 miles later in the afternoon. At 1730 I got in the C2 and headed to Fred's to meet Tom Moleski for pizza and beer. Nancy has book club. Thursday June 14, 2012: I did my summer tri today and ended up at the Kava House. I was glad to see the City of Detroit got a stupid law suit thrown out and now the Emergency Committee can now start getting Detroit's finances in order. I still don't understand why Greece is important? I picked up my bike rack and installed the kayak rack. I now have a multi use rack. Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We read the GRP and watched "A Person of Interest" before retiring. Friday June 15, 21012: I did not go to the MAC today. Instead I did my exercises at home. No aerobics. I loaded the kayak on the new rack and headed to Gun Lake. The park was very crowded. I spent 2 hours on the lake. My average time for a mile is 23'. I paddled 5 miles. It is now 90⁰ but the house is actually comfortable. Tonight we are going to Sundance for dinner. We both had a salad. On our way home we stopped at Meijer's to get some fruit. Sunday Nancy is fixing a Father Day's Brunch for six. We sat outside and read until it started getting dark. Nancy went to bed but I stayed up and watched "O' Brother Where Art Thou". I love this movie especially the music. At 2200 I went to bed.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday June 7, 2012

The weather man said it was going to be warm and sunny. He was right. You can tell the warm weather has set in because the bike racks at the MAC and Kava House were full. For the first time this year I wore shorts. This being Thursday I did the tri. The pool was empty when I started and it was empty when I finished 23' later. I got to the Kava House at 1200 and I finished reading the WSJ and DFP at 1300. This was a record time for me. The Kava House is selling MI Honey so I brought my mason jar and bought 1.5 pounds of honey. 1.5 pounds is about 12 ounces. Stay tuned for my evaluation. After a quick lunch we all got in the Taurus and ran some errands. Our first stop was Home Depot. Nancy purchased some herbs but I struck out. We then stopped at Costco and purchased several items. Finally we stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond to get some furniture polish and coffee filter. They had the polish but no filters. I spent some time this afternoon packing for my trip tomorrow to Ohio. On Sunday Missy, AJ and I are going on a bike ride through Amish Country. We will either ride 25 or 50 miles. I think 25 miles wins. For dinner we headed to Great Lakes Shipping. We sat outside and it was very pleasant. This year the Thursday night entertainment does not start until 1900. We are done eating by 1830. It is now 1930 and I will take a short walk. Maybe Ms P will join me. Nancy has to pay bills. At 2100 we will watch "A Person of Interest".

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday June 6, 2012

Today is the anniversary of the D Day landing. I did not know anyone who was in the first wave but I did know some who were in the third wave. They are now all in their late 80s. Ms P and I went out at 0430 today. I finally got up at 0700. Today is my easy day so I got on my bike and headed to Bill's for breakfast. When I entered Bill's I saw an attorney that I knew from the McKay Tower. We said our greetings and then he invited me to join him for breakfast. Dave was a Marine assigned to guard the USA Embassy in Saigon in 1968. We talked about Saigon and how things have changed in the past 45 years. It was an enjoyable breakfast. On my way home I pedaled to Gas Light Village to use the ATM machine. I then took Ms P on a walk around the block. I was really tired this morning so at noon I grabbed my Kindle and headed to bed for a read and nap. I read most of the WSJ. A lot is being written on the vote in WI. I really think that most people only want to recall an elected official if they were crooked. I would never vote to recall an official just because I disagreed with their policies. If I don't like him I won't vote for him in the next election. On another matter I was surprised how easy the pension reform measure passed in San Jose. After my nap I backed out my car and started working on the new kayak rack. I made two trips to Rylee's before I finally got it right. We had a light dinner and after the news took a one mile walk. It is now 2030 and I will start reading the e -edition of the GRP. I might watch a TV show at 2100. If nothing is on I will head to bed and try and finish the book I am reading on the Kindle.

Tuesday June 5, 2012

More military history: Yesterday was the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Midway. Did you know that no Japanese troops ever set foot on the Island. Fifty years ago this date I was stationed on Midway. It was not considered prime duty. I spent 1 year, two weeks, three days and thirteen hours on the Island. This morning I woke up Ms P at 0445 and we headed outside. I returned to bed and got up at 0645. Today is a busy exercise day. I finished working out at 1130 and did not get to the Kava House until noon. It was cool when I left home this morning but at noon I did not need the sweatshirt. Next week I will start wearing shorts. It took 1h 30' to read the WSJ and DFP and I found nothing important to report on. I got home at 1400. At 1530 Nancy and I are going to the dedication of the Paul I Phillips Recreation facility. The renovation of the old Christian High gym was a GRBA project. Grand Rapids has contracted with the Boys and Girls Club to run the facility. It should be a good addition to the community. Nancy grilled a pork loin for dinner. We watched the news and then took Ms P on a mile walk. I started watching NCIS but fell asleep and slept for 1.5 hours. I might have to change my heavy Tuesday exercise routine. I was in bed before 2100.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday June 4, 2012

From the did you know department: Secretary of Defense Panetta is visiting Cam Rahn Bay today. Ltjg R H Scott was one of the first USA military to visit Cam Ranh Bay. The Navy built a pier at CRB in 1963. It was one of my projects. Cam Ranh Bay is one of the most beautiful place I ever visited. It had a great beach. To get to CRB I rode in a Vietnamese Navy convoy from Nha Trang. Nha Trang is now a very popular beach resort. Monday morning, June 4, 2012 and Ms P must have been tired from all the ball chasing she did yesterday. She slept in until 0600. I got up for good at 0700. After doing my at home routine minus the rowing I loaded my bike on the C2 and headed to Riverside Park. I rode 12.5 miles north to just past Rockford. My total mileage was 25 miles. I just wanted to see if I was ready for Sunday's 25 mile ride in Ohio. After the ride I stopped at the Kava House to read the WSJ and DFP. Saturday's WSJ had an interesting article on the loss of the cherry crop in Michigan. Today I found an article on Argentina taking over a Spanish oil exploration company. It was very interesting. Argentina does not want to compensate the company for its loss of assets. It appears that the government tramples on both human and property rights. Today's DFP had several articles on the corruption trial of the former mayor, his father and several buddies. When I got home I had a quick lunch. This afternoon Jacobson's Heating and Cooling is sending a service man to check out our AC. He arrived about 1400 and was done in 30 minutes. Everything was fine. We have a green fungi growing on the garage bricks near the ground line. The fungi is growing in areas that does not get any sun. I sprayed a super duper anti fungi spray on a test area. I hope is works. The manual says the fungi should be gone in 2 days. I also purchased some materials for my kayak rack at Rylee's. Tonight we will have a light dinner and then we will take a 1 mile walk. Not much on TV so I hope to go to bed early. Actually Nancy found a show she likes on the Hallmark Channel and she will stay up until 2200. It is now 2130 and I am shutting down.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday June 3, 2012

THE WEEKEND REPORT: Saturday June 2 When Ms P and I went out at 0530 it looked like the rain had passed. At 0700 when Nancy and I got up we assumed it was not going to rain so we moved all the stuff in the garage out to the drive way. When this chore was done I got on my bike and headed to Bill's for breakfast. I had their oatmeal. When I got home Nancy was happy because one lady had purchased over $100. The driveway was looking empty. She stopped the sale at 1130. I loaded up the car and took what we could not sell to Goodwill. I had to make two trips. Nancy declared the Garage Sale a success. About 1500 I decided I needed to take a walk. I put on some sunscreen and my GPS and headed out on a new route. I hoped it would be about 5 miles. Two miles into my walk it started to rain. I cut the original route short and headed home. I was really wet when I got home. I had walked only 3.5 miles. After a shower and change of clothes we headed out to Russ's for dinner. I had a hot turkey sandwich and Nancy had soup and a salad. We were the youngest couple at Russ's. Not much on TV so Nancy headed upstairs at 2100 and I stayed down and watched the hockey game. I was in bed by 2200. Old folks are really boring. Sunday June 3 Ms P and I went out at 0530 and I think the rain has finally passed. At 0655 we got up and headed to the MAC for our Sunday morning swim. I swam 1500 yards in 43'. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's to purchase supplies for next week. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.55 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read a few sections of the GRP. I called Missy this morning. Next Friday I am going to Lakewood. On Sunday Missy and I are riding in the Cleveland Bike Club's "A Sunday in June" bike ride. This will be our fourth time that we have participated in this ride. We will go 25 miles. The ride is very pleasant and takes us through Amish farm country. At noon I headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. After the nap I reattached our door closer on the side screen door. It had pulled out yesterday so I had purchased some epoxy and filled in the screw holes. It seems to have worked. I got out the lawn mower and cut the grass. It was not very long. In fact I did not have to trim or edge today. It was a bright sunny day so Ms P was outside with me all the time. My arm is sore from throwing the ball. Nancy is grilling hot dogs for dinner tonight. We will finish reading the GRP and watch 60 minutes before heading upstairs.

Friday June 1, 2012

It started to rain about midnight and continued all night. It was still sprinkling when Ms P and I went out at 0545. It was also cold, 45⁰. Today I was going to start my new summer schedule but the rain put it on hold. I took my car to the MAC. I did my normal Friday activity. After the MAC I stopped at Macatawa Bank to buy $50 worth of dollar coins. They did not have any so I stopped at the 53rd bank in Breton Village and they did not have any. Finally I stopped at 53rd in Gas Light Village and they had some. I like the dollar coins and I use them for my morning coffee and tips. Since I took my car the meter would only allow me one hour at the Kava House. I did finish the WSJ. The rain and cold must have driven everyone inside because I had trouble finding a table. I got home about 1230. After a quick lunch I started bringing more material upstairs for the Garage Sale. The garage is loaded with items for the sale. The basement is beginning to look empty. After we got everything upstairs I started going through the bookcases we have downstairs. I found a lot of family photos that I added to my collection. It was still raining at 1500 but I wanted to get my 30' in today. I put on my raincoat and hat and walked 1.5 miles. On the way I dropped off some OHNA dues at the treasurer's home. Tonight we are going to either Great Lakes Shipping or Panera Bread for dinner. I will let Nancy make this decision. Actually I made the decision and we ate at Great Lakes Shipping. The place was crowded. What else is there to do on a rainy day?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Thursday May 31, 2012

I cannot believe that this is the last day of May already. This is my favorite time of year with long days and temperatures not too hot. We had a cold front move in yesterday and the temperature this morning was in the high 40s. I left for the MAC at 0845. Today I rode my road bike because the AT is at the shop getting tuned up. The weather folks said we had a 90% chance of rain this morning so I wore my rain coat. Thursday is my tri day and I completed the row, run, swim in normal times. This Saturday the OHNA is having a garage sale. Nancy wants to use my side of the garage to store stuff we are selling. I was suppose to move my car out of the garage before I went to the MAC. I forgot so after the MAC I headed home and moved said car. I then headed to the Kava House. I continue to read about the troubles in Europe. Did you know that Greece is smaller in area than MI and we have the same population? When I got home I had a quick lunch and then started bringing garage sale items upstairs to the garage. After this chore I headed to GR Bicycle Co to pick up my bike. This evening Nancy and I are going to St George's Hall on the west side for hamburgers. We are meeting several other couple there. St George's Hall was crowded. They had great hamburgers and they only cost $5.00. We spent about two hours eating, talking and drinking beer. Actually I was drinking beer, Nancy had wine. We got home at 2030. We watched "Person of Interest" before going to bed.