Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday September 29, 2011

I am having a real problem publishing my blog. In the past I typed my blog on word and then pasted it to the blog. However, since I loaded the new version of explorer I cannot use this procedure. Latley I have been using Apple's safari but I cannot get safari to open the blog. Yesterday I opened the blog through explorer but could not get it to publish. I finally saved it as a draft and then opened up the edit window and posted the blog from there.

Thursday and the weather man said not rain until this afternoon. I did my usual exercises including my tri. I read the WSJ and DFP at the Kava House. Next week we will be in Bulgaria. This morning's WSJ had an article on the problems the country are having with their Roma (gypsy) minority. We will be on the Danube and I don't think we will actually set foot in Bulgaria.

I got home about 1300. After a quick lunch I started doing some "end of summer" chores. I put the lawn chairs and picnic table in the garage. I took down the screen doors and put up the storm doors. I also removed and stored the downstair window screens. I also got down several snow shovels. I did these chores in a heavy rain so I had to change my clothes when done.

Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner and then we will head to Meijer's for some supplies. We might watch some TV before heading to bed. It must be the change of seasons but I am really tired about 2000.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday September 28, 2011

I just checked and found out the last time I published a blog was on September 12. I have some catching up to do.

Tuesday: September 13, I have no idea what I did on this date.

Wednesday September 14: I started the day at Breakfast Club and then I cut the grass. At 1300 Nancy had a Meijer's Board meeting and at 1400 I attended the GRBA meeting. At 1530 we got in the Taurus and headed to Cleveland. It rained most of the way to Lakewood. Missy, AJ and Ms P gave us a warm greeting. We met Agulia a visiting student from Kazakstan (my Atlas spelling). Aguilia grew up in an orphanage in northern Kazakstan.

Thursday September 15:I drove the Taurus to Caribou Coffee. I read the WSJ and DFP on the Kindle. We spent the rest of the day running errands. For dinner Agulia made Borsch. It was an old Russian recipe. It was very good.

Friday September 16: The rain had stopped so I walked to Caribou Coffee. Nancy took AJ to preschool. In the afternoon Nancy and I took Ms P to the Vet. She is having some joint problems. The Vet gave her some medicine. The Vet costs more than my GP. We picked AJ up from school and took her to a park for some outdoor activity. Tonight Nancy and I took AJ to the Winking Lizard for dinner. Missy and Agulia also went out to dinner. They met some folks who had adopted from Kazakstan.

Saturday September 17: Missy took Aguila to the Greyhound bus station so she could catch a 0400 bus to Cincinnati. The bus was late and Missy had to wait until 0600. At 0800 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed East. We did stop at the West Side Market to get an Apple Fritter. The fritter was great. We also purchased some bread to take to Nancy's sister Peg. Peg and her husband, DeWight, have a cottage on Lake Owasco. Lake Owasco is one of New York's finger lakes. As the name implies the finger lakes are long and narrow. The largest Lake Seneca is 23 miles long and about 1.5 miles wide. Lake Owasco is 13 miles long and 1 mile wide. The area is very hilly and covered with hardwoods. The leaves were just starting to change and I can see why bus loads of old folks come for the fall colors. The Finger Lakes other main attraction is its wine growing. I think they have 23 wineries in the area. As always the Middleton's were great hosts. For dinner DeWight cooked salmon. It was great.

Sunday September 18: Sunday was an easy day. I spent about two hours kayaking on Lake Owasco. It was an enjoyable 2 hours. For dinner we drove to Skaneateles for dinner. I had a beer and fish sandwich. Skaneateles is a pretty small town. After dinner we walked around and enjoyed looking at the beautiful wood homes that were built in the late 1700s.

Monday September 19: Today is dedicated to wine. We start out about 1030. Peg is the designated driver. We make two stops before lunch. At each stop we buy at least one bottle. The wineries are usually located on top of a hill overlooking a finger lake. The view is spectacular. We had dinner at one winery that had a small cafe overlooking a lake. We made about six stops and purchased a case of wine. One of our stops was at 6 Mile Creek Winery. This winery is owned by a UM classmate of mine. He is a retired Professor from Cornell. Roger was not working on Monday but I will give him a call later after I evaluate his wine. It was a great day.

Tuesday September 20: Today is a travel day. Because we are only allowed 4 bottles of wine when entering Canada we have to take the long road home. We left at 0700 and arrived in GR at 1800.

Wednesday September 21: I started the day at Breakfast Club. After BC I headed to Dr Mary's office. She removed several skin cancers today. After the Dr I came home and cut the grass. Today Nancy has Book Club at our house. Tom Moleski and I met at Ucello's for dinner.

Thursday September 22: It is back to normal. Nancy spends most of the day at the Hospital. We have dinner at Great Lakes Shipping.

Friday September 23: We continue our return to normal. We have dinner at Russ'. At 2200 Missy, AJ and Ms P arrive.

Saturday September 24: I pedal to Bill's for breakfast. At 1000 we all pile in the Taurus and head downtown. We walked around looking at all the Artprize displays. We all took a nap. At 1700 we drove to Meijer's Garden to look at their Artprize displays. We have dinner at Olga's.

Sunday September 25: I get up at 0655 and head to the MAC for a swim. Nancy stays home and fixes breakfast for everyone. At 1145 we head downtown. We visited the UICA, Art Museum and Convention Center. We take an afternoon nap. Nancy fixes spaghetti for dinner.

Monday Septmeber 26: Nancy takes AJ to the MAC. I ride my bike. Missy visited Bethany to talk about their adoption program. At 1400 Missy, AJ and Ms P head back to Lakewooe.

Tuesday Septmeber 27: Today is I performed Bob's tri. I rowed 15', ran 15' and swam 15'. I make a trip downtown to talk to the City's street light folks. They had no idea about the type of poles and lights that were installed. I decided that I would write a report and let them respond. I ended the afternoon with a 3 mile walk. After dinner we watched NCIS and then headed to bed. On Monday night we watched 2.5 men. It was terrible. If I was a parent I would write the network and tell them to remove the show from prime time.

Wednesday September 28: It was raining when I headed out to Bill's. I got about 1/2 way when I decided it was raining too hard so I headed to the Kava House. I had my coffee and a scone. After the Kava House I pedaled around Reeds Lake. I put 10 miles on the bike (retro). I spent several hours writing my report on the OHNA street lights. I got a phone call from the Rolex folks that my watch was repaired. I headed to the store and was delighted at the result of the repairs. My Rolex should last another 45 years. I stopped by an Urgent Care facility and got my flu shot. This evening I will deliver my street light report and then watch some TV.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday September 12, 2011

I get up at 0700 and head to the MAC. Today is my busiest day at the MAC. However, I was done by 1015. At the Kava House I spent time reading articles on the European Banking Problem. I think I am beginning to understand the problem. I also read about Israel's problem with Turkey and Egypt. It could turn out to be very serious for both Israel and the US.

The WSJ loves to report on the failure of the President's efforts to support green energy like solar, wind and ethanol by giving them huge subsidies. It is not working.

Every week we hear about oil companies finding new oil and gas fields. Last week it was a huge find off the coast of French Guiana. BP has discovered another large field in the Gulf. The oil shale in PA and WV continues to be developed. North Dakota cannot find enough workers for its oil fields. It is enough to give the Greenies a migraine.

I got home about 1245 and after a quick lunch I ran several errands. I got my C2 washed and stopped by several health clinics to see if they give flu shots. I keep hearing go to Walgreen.

Tonight was cereal night. We also watched the news and at 2000 I started watching the football game. About 2015 I decided I needed some air so I took a 1 mile walk. It was a beautiful evening for a walk. We have a bright full moon and the temperature is 72. This might be the last night that I can walk in a tee shirt. We have a cold front moving in. It is now 2112 and I am signing off. Good night.

Sunday September 11, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0655. Today Nancy, with three other buyers for the hospital gift shop, are going to a Vendor's show in Detroit. I will have to go swimming alone. I swam for 45 minutes. For breakfast I went to the Omelet Shop in Breton Village. After breakfast I stopped by Walgreen to see if they had flu shots. They did but I would have to pay because they do not take insurance. So I came home and starting reading the GRP. After completing several sections I headed upstairs to take my afternoon nap.

After the nap I started changing the tires on my retro bike. I am putting on smaller tires, 26" x 1.95". The existing tires (beach or ballon) are 26" x 2.25" and carry 40 psi. The smaller tires carry 65 psi. The higher tire pressure makes a bike easier to pedal. I had to adjust the speedometer also because the distance travelled is different. After the change I took the bike on a spin. It is exactly 1.0 miles from the house to the south entrance to Aquinas College. The speedometer read 1.0 miles.

Nancy got home about 1600. For dinner I fixed a PB&J. We watched some tennis and football plus 60 minutes. We headed upstairs at 2100.

Today is the 10th anniversary of the attack on 9/11/01. I remember the day. It was a beautiful fall day. I was just leaving the MAC when I saw the Today show saying that a plane had crashed into the WTC. Today thought that it might be a small plane that had lost its way. When I got to the McKay Tower office Jennifer had a TV on and we watched the tragedy unfold for several hours. It was a sad day for the USA.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday September 10, 2011

This weekend in 1961, Robert H. Scott, was commissioned an Ensign in the US Navy. My serial number was 652654. This means that there were 652,653 commissioned Navy Officers that preceded me. John Paul Jones had serial number, 1. This weekend we had a Graduation Ball, a military pass-in-review and the graduation ceremony. We wore our Dress Whites which consisted of a white tunic, white pants and shoes and of course a white cap. On our shoulders we wore shoulder boards with a single gold stripe. The Navy had given us a clothing allowance to purchase our uniforms and accessories. We kept our shoulder boards, shirt insignia, etc in a jewelry like box that we called an instant Ensign kit.

My Mom, Dad and Sister were in attendance. Most of us did not have a date for the Ball but several of my classmates flew their girl friends in for the ball. In fact several classmates were getting married after graduation. We all had been given assignments to our next duty station. A lot of guys were being assigned directly to ships and had to report around the 1st of October. I was assigned to the Civil Engineers Officer School in Port Hueneme, Ca. Port Hueneme was known as the "Home of the Pacific Seabees". I was to report the first of Oct for this 6 week school.

After being commissioned my pay went from $80 a month to $222.30 a month. As a civilian I was making $510 per month. One Navy tradition is that new officers must give $5 to the first enlisted man that salutes them. Several enlisted men were in waiting and as soon as we were told that we were Ensigns they descended on us. I bet on enterprising enlisted man had $100 in five dollar bills.

One classmate was getting married in CA one week from graduation. He had driven to RI from CA and now had a dilemma on how to get his car back to CA. We solved his problem for him. A classmate, Wentworth (?), from the Detroit area would drive the car to Detroit. I was traveling to Alpena with my parents and we would stop in Detroit so I could drive the car to Alpena. I was going to stay in Alpena for two weeks. After my stay in Alpena I was driving to Minneapolis to pick up two classmates. The three of us would then drive to San Diego. The other two were assigned to Destroyer duty out of San Diego. One would then drive me to Port Hueneme. It was an exciting time.

On my drive to Alpena I stopped at a cafe in Tawas. I was wearing my khaki uniform. An older gentlemen walked over to my table and asked if I was a seabee. I said yes. He said he was a Marine during WWII and alway respected seabees. He shook my hand and left. I was very proud.

Saturday, September 10, 2011 was like most Saturdays. I had breakfast at Bill's and then decided to take a bike ride. I put the bike on the C2 and headed to the Kent Trails/Millennium parking lot. I pedaled from Millennium Park to the south end of Kent Trails, which is Douglas Walker Park off of 84th. The total distance traveled was 30 miles.

Nancy had to exchange something at the Knapp Corner Meijer's so about 1630 we headed to Meijer's. I purchased gas at $3.87 per gallon. We stayed in Knapp Corner and had dinner at Panera Bread. I spent most of the evening watching football on TV. I watched the first half of the UM/ND game before going to bed. I should have stayed up. It was a barn burner.

Friday September 9, 2011

Friday's are alway and easy day for me. I have no special things that I have to do in the morning and my routine is shorter by about 15 minutes. I ended the morning at the Kava House. The WSJ reported that the reason the stock market is tanking is because of fears that the EU might come unglued. There were some articles about the President's speech last night. From what I heard it was another political speech by the President.

I have been reading about the longshoremen union attacking workers at the small port in Washington. The port which was very small and in poor shape was recently renovated by Korean and Japanese firms. The operators of the port have an union agreement with the Operating Engineers and not the Longshoremen's Union. The Longshoremen have always thought that they should control all west coast ports. In fact in the past they were so powerful that they could close down all west coast ports. This is not good for the economy. I am not a fan of this union.

This afternoon I ran several errands. I got my IRA check so I had to deposit it in the Kent County CU. I also stopped by the bike shop that I purchased my retro from. I was looking for some special tires. The tires that they recommended I already had so I said goodbye.

At 1640 I got on my retro and pedaled to Aquinas College to see if they had any tickets to "Ain't Misbehaving". If you purchase ticket after 1700 for the evening's play they are half priced. They had some tickets so I bought two.

At 1900 Nancy and I drove over to Aquinas. We had good seats. The play was very entertaining. It was a very pleasant evening. The only downside was that Nancy thought she was coming down with a cold.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thursday September 8, 2011

Written Friday 9 Sep: Thursday and the day started very cool. I still wore shorts but I did put on a jacket and sweater. Thursday is my tri day. I did my row, run, swim routine. Of course after the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House and read my papers. The President's speech was a main topic in the papers.

After the MAC I had a quick lunch and because it looked like rain I headed upstairs. I worked on the family tree, read my mail and worked on the OHNA street light project. I recorded my latest inspection into the excel file. I also called the ex city manager of GR, Joe Zainea. Joe lived in the OHNA at the time the street lights were put in and had some data that I needed. Joe recalled the project and gave me some names to call.

Nancy and I plan on visiting her sister in NY's finger lakes area so I walked over to the post office and got a stop mail form. For dinner we visited Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we stopped at an ATM and then drove to Toy'sRUs to look at some game that Lucas might want for his birthday. It is call Byblades for something like that. It is a must have game for all male 5 year olds. We got home before the President speech. I grabbed the GRP and fell asleep. I slept for over an hour. When I got up the Packers game was on so I watched the first half before retiring.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday September 7, 2011

I got up with the alarm at 0555. Today is Breakfast Club. It was quite cool this morning so I wore a wool sweater. The Breakfast Club program featured the Executive Director of Art Prize. She gave a very interesting talk on the Art Prize Organization.

I stopped at the Kava House so I could read my morning papers. Today I have to cut the grass. I started about 1030 and was done at 1330. I think the growing season is coming to an end. Today was the first time this year I had trouble determining what was cut and what needed cutting. To solve this problem I changed my direction of cutting from last week. This way I left some new wheel tracks when I ran the mower over an area.

After cutting the grass I took a 2.25 mile walk. I then took a shower and a short nap. This evening Nancy and I are going to the GR Art Museum to see a preview on Art Prize at the Museum. We left for the event at 1800. Free snacks were provided and I purchased a beer. The Museum was crowded. Nancy and I enjoyed the displays and we had the opportunity to talk to the artists. We got home about 1930.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday September 6, 2011

Last night for the first time in several weeks I slept sound. I got up at 0700. I still have my cold so I went half speed today. It was cold this morning, 57, so I wore a coat and sweatshirt. However, I did wear short pants. This is the first day of school for the public schools so I expected traffic to be heavy. It was.

At the Kava House I read the papers and drank my coffee. Dr Oz in an article in Time says coffee is good for me. It will make me smarter. Today's WSJ was all doom and gloom. I don't think anyone knows how to get the jobs machine working. I think shutting down the operations in the Middle East would save a lot of money. All the news outlets are playing up the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Like the day JFK was shot I do remember 9/11/01.

I had a quick lunch and then started running some errands. My first stop was D&W to buy some lottery tickets. I usually purchase 1 ticket for each of the big games. I do not purchase more than 1 ticket and I never play a game where the payout is less than 1 million. Next I stopped at Rylee's to buy a 15 mm wrench for my bike. My final stop was Bill and Paul's. I have several pair of quick dry briefs that I take on long trips where space is at a minimum. I wanted to buy some quick dry socks. The sales women told me to buy wool socks because wool does not have to be changed every day. I totally disagree. If you wear any sock more than 1 day fungi will result.

Nancy is fixing chicken sandwiches tonight. We also will have a salad and corn-on-the-cob. Sounds good doesn't it. We will watch some TV and read the GRP before heading upstairs. I hope to take a 1.5 mile walk between 1900 and 2000. I have to get to bed early because I have Breakfast Club tomorrow.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday September 4, 2011

Today is Labor Day. We had planned on going on Grand Rapid's Bridge walk this morning. We have done several of these five mile walks. The alarm goes off at 0630 and Nancy said I sounded terrible and we should stay home. I go back to sleep and wake up at 0830.

We are heading to Arnie's for breakfast. We just got started when Nancy mentioned going to the Discount Mall near Howell. I said let's go so we turn around and head home to set the alarm and Nancy wanted to get some reading material for the drive. We did have breakfast at Arnie's.

I was surprised at the heavy traffic going east on I 96. It was nearly bumper to bumper. We got to the Mall at noon. We agree to meet back at the car in 2 hours. I purchased a leather vest and a sweat shirt. The mall was jammed. Nancy also made several purchases.

We got home about 1600. This evening we will revert to our normal Monday night fare for dinner. We intend to watch some TV and then head upstairs. I want to get rid of the cold soon. I will take a 1.5 mile walk so I can get my 30 in.

Sunday September 4, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0655 and Nancy and Bob get ready for their Sunday morning swim. I am still under the weather so I only swam 30 minutes. After the swim we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. We have alway purchased skim milk. A recent article in Time said that the benefit of skim milk over whole milk is marginal. Nancy still wants skim. The article also said that eggs are ok. I love eggs. I filled the Taurus up with premium fuel today. It was $4 per gallon.

We had Nancy's world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read a section of the paper and then headed upstairs for my afternoon nap. I probably need sleep to get over this cold but I only managed 30 minutes. I finished the afternoon with a 1.5 mile walk.

We finished the chicken for dinner last night. We watched the US Open and 60 minutes. Nancy went to bed at 2100 but I stayed up and watched another Bourne movie and also the Blues Brothers.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Saturday September 3, 2011

I came down with a sore throat last night. I blame it on air conditioning. The heat wave is suppose to end today. I did pedal to Bill's for breakfast. I had the Saturday special. After Bill's I came right home and decided that today would be an easy day.

Fifty years ago this month I was getting ready to graduate from the Navy's Officer Candidate School in Newport, RI. I had a rocky start but now I am confidant that I will graduate. We are having a graduation ceremony in several weeks. My parents and sister are coming. Labor day weekend we were given liberty for the entire weekend. I and several classmates headed to downtown Newport and rented a room. We lived it up and as I recall it was a great weekend. As a candidate I was paid about $80 per month. I did purchase a class book. The book was like a high school class book. I spent about an hour this morning looking for this book. No luck! I know I put it in a place I would not forget.

Fifty five years ago this month I had hitch-hiked home to Alpena from Oregon. I had spent the summer in Oregon working for a lumber company. I was called a "choker setter". A choker setter put a cable loop around a newly cut log so it could be dragged out of the woods by a dozer. It was a great summer job. Around Labor Day I started my Freshman year at UM. It was quite a cultural shock.

Tonight Nancy and I are staying at home and eating a chicken that we purchased earlier today at Costco. After our Costco visit I caught up on reading my mail and then I took a nap.

Friday September 2, 2011

It was very hot Thursday night so we kept the AC on all night. The temperature is suppose to get above 90 today. If it gets above 90 it will be the hottest September 2 on record.

I was glad it was Friday because I am dragging. I did complete my normal exercise routine. I was sweating profusely when I got to the Kava House. I sat outside at the Kava House and took my time reading the WSJ and DFP.

I liked an article that I read about looking presidential. The article said that the news media always comments on a candidate looking presidential if he has a full head of hair and is tall and slim. Winston Churchill, Teddy Roosevelt and Abe Lincoln did not fit this mold. Could a bald man get elected president. The last bald president was Ike. Ike was a great president. Wm Howard Taft was over 300 pounds and no way he could get elected today. Speaking of candidates John Huntsman is the only Republican that I like. He is tall and slim but I think he has a brain. I told Nancy about several articles I read but cannot remember them as I write this blog on Saturday.

After the Kava House I pedaled to D&W to purchase 2 apples. I must have my daily apple. This afternoon I worked on setting up Aunt Judy's antique dinner bell. Thursday I purchased a large flower pot. The pot is 24" tall and about 18" in diameter at its bottom. I also purchase 2 cubic feet of river gravel. I cut the post that I will mount the bell on to 6 feet and then mailed a board that I cut to the diameter of the pot to the bottom of the pole. I set the pole and leveled it. I then poured in the river gravel. Nancy helped me mount the bell on top of the pole. The pot is sitting in our breeze way. I think it looks good.

For dinner we headed to Great Lakes Shipping. I had a burger with cole slaw and Nancy a trip to the salad bar. Every August near Nancy's birthday we go to the soft ice cream store at Michigan and Fuller to get Nancy her birthday cone. Last night was the night. It really tasted good.

We watched some TV and Nancy headed upstairs about 2130. I stayed downstairs and watched the MSU game. I also watched for the 10th time one of the Bourne movies. I did not get to bed until 2230.

Thursday September 1, 2011

Today I did my 15'-15'-15' routine at the MAC. It has been hot lately and most stores have been jacking up their AC. If you are staying any length of time one can get really chilled. I hate air conditioning. Yes we have our AC on. We keep it at 74.

I ran several errands in the afternoon. At 1700 Nancy and I head to Woodland Mall. Nancy has a 1830 class at the Apple store. We have a quick dinner at Olga's in the Mall. The Apple class is on the use of the ipad. The class consists of five women all about Nancy's age. I stood behind Nancy's shoulder and watched. The class lasted 90 minutes. I think it was a good class. Nancy took a lot of notes.

We got home in time for me to have a beer and read the GRP. We headed upstairs at 2130.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wednesday August 31, 2011

The last day of August and the weather man said it will rain this morning. Despite his prediction I chance and ride the retro to Bill's. I was pedaling down Michigan when I felt some raindrops. I put the bike in high gear (I now have 5 speeds) and got to Bill's before it started. I think it rained for about 15'. I had Bill's weekday special and read the papers. European banks and hurricane damage dominate the news.

51 years ago I spent a summer working for the Vermont Highway Dept. It was a great job. I stayed in several of the areas that experienced severe flood damage. I spent about 3 weeks working in Brattleboro.

I got home about 1000 and immediately got out the mower. I cut, trimmed and edged the grass. I was surprised at how green and long the grass was. Usually this time of year the grass has turned brown and growth is retarded. After my weekly yard work I took a shower and then a short nap. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

I had oatmeal for dinner tonight. Nancy had watermelon. We watched the news and read the GRP. I did take a 1 mile walk about 1930. We were heading upstairs at 2100 when I thought I would check the History Channel. A program about Gettysburg was on. Needless to say I did not go to bed until 2230. I have been telling myself that I must be in bed by 2130 so I can get up at 0600. This morning I got up at 0700. This, lately, has been my standard get up time.