Wednesday, June 16, 2021

June 15, 2021

 Tuesday June 15, 2021

Blog time 1130 Wednesday.  Sitting on Debbie’s front porch swing.



June 14, 2021

 Monday June 14, 2021

Blog time 0900 sitting in Panera

I could have slept in this morning but was wide awake at 0630.

The sun was up and temp was 68.  Another nice day.

I dressed and drove to Meijer’s to fill the Escape up.  Stopped inside and bought a banana.  The Pharmacy still did not have my prescription ready.  They said noon but I won’t have time to pick up.

Stopped at Panera and got a bowl of oatmeal and Croissant.  Finished yesterday blog.

Kim came to clean today.  At 1230 she drove us to the airport.  I have been hearing all kinds of horror stories about staff shortages creating massive backups getting through security.  No problem in GR. We sailed through.

The plane was on time.  I think because we were flying first class, boarding was a breeze.  Flight to Denver went quick, arrived early.

No delays in our flight from Denver to San Jose.  Debbie picked us up.  Her home is a short distance from the airport.  

We were very tired.  It was 2100 in San Jose but midnight in GR.  A long day for Bob and Nancy.

Monday, June 14, 2021

June 13, 2021

 Sunday June 13, 2021

Blog time Monday 0830 siting at Panera.  Yes Panera is finally open for inside dining.

Sunday morning up at 0700.  We can expect sun and temps in high 80s today.  Another beautiful day in West Mi.

Dressed, fixed oatmeal breakfast and then headed to Panera’s drive thru to get coffee for Bob and Nancy.  I was told the dining room would open tomorrow.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Each Sunday we see more and more folks at the 0915 service.  Restrictions have been lifted.

After church we took a short ride. Took Fulton east to Lowell, south on Alden Nash to Cascade Rd and then home.

Took an 8.5 mile bike ride before lunch.  Quick shower, followed by lunch.

Spent time finishing packing for our trip tomorrow.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  The eggs are from niece Jenny Finnegan’s farm. Also spinach pie and link sausage.  Good.

After dinner Nancy sat in den and watched “The Marvelous Mrs Maisel”.  I finished reading the paper edition of GRP and news on my iPad in the living room.  Also scanned some of 60 Minutes.  

We both watched an episode of Death in Paradise before retiring.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  

Checked the front yard at 2130 and the sun was still up.  Love these long summer days.

June 12, 2021

 Saturday June 12, 2021

Blog time 2145 sitting in den

Up at 0700, it was foggy with temp at 68.  Humidity at 96%.

Drive to Gathering Place for breakfast

At home Nancy starts laundry

I take a 10 bike ride.

After ride shaved head and face.  Showered.

Lunch and continued packing.


Dinner tonight at Olive Garden

Spaghetti with meat sauce for me and pasta for Nancy. Good

Tonight watched 2 episodes of New Tricks.

Pretty crescent when checked front yard at 2200.

Saturday, June 12, 2021

June 11, 2021

 Friday June 11, 2021

Blog time 1030 sitting on Nonna's Pantry outside porch.

Set alarm this morning for 0615.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.  Later she has her monthly Book Club.  At 1530 she meets with SofS to get a new driver’s license.  At 1700 we are both meeting with our house sitter, Brenna to go over some things.

First thing this morning Nancy looked out the bedroom window and saw a deer in the backyard.  First time in weeks.  It got spooked when the sprinklers went off.

I did my calisthenics at 75% this morning. Today I have a 1330 appointment with my ENT doctor.

Breakfast and then I pedaled the 5.5 miles to Nonna’s Pantry.  I had a coffee and scone at Nonna’s.  Sat outside and read emails, etc.  another warm sunny day.

Left Nonna’s at 1045.  Took the 10 mile route home.  On my route I passed several open areas with new clover.  Always note a bunny in the new clover.

Home at noon. Quick shower and lunch.  1300 I get in Fusion and head to ENT Doctor’s.  I wait 20 minutes before meeting with Doctor.  The Doc checked my nose for polyps.  No problems.  Next appointment in 9 months.  Total time in office 10 minutes.

At home I started getting clothes ready to pack for our trip.

Brenna arrives at exactly 1700.  We gave her a briefing on the operations of the AC and Apple TV.  She has house sit for us when Petunia was alive.  She had no questions.  Nancy and I feel comfortable with her staying while we are away.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed the old Onion Crock’s split pea soup.  This soup is now available at D&W.  Good meal.

We watched some news tonight.  President Biden at the G7 meeting dominated.

Watched an episode of Shakespeare and Hathaway tonight.  

It was still warm and humid when checked front yard at 2200.  

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We gave positive report.

Friday, June 11, 2021

June 10, 2021

Thursday June 10, 2021

 Blog time 1000 sitting inside at Nonna’s Pantry.

Up with a 0630 alarm this morning.  This morning Nancy has a 0730 appointment with the Oral Surgeon.  Later she will go swimming.  

This evening we are having a pot luck dinner at Kathi Kothe’s.  This will be our last interaction with Kathi before she moves.

The temperature was 70 this morning with humidity at 90%.  Presently,1015, the temperature is 75 and humidity at 80%.  Total hours of sun today, 15h18’.

Today I did calisthenics at 100%.  Tomorrow I start winding down with calisthenics at 75%.

Oatmeal breakfast and then get on Cannondale and pedaled 5.5 miles to Nonna’s Pantry in downtown Ada. Ordered coffee and a scone.  

Read papers and finished yesterday’s blog.  Also spent time people watching.  Heavy foot traffic on the sidewalk in front of Nonna’s.  

Our string of great weather is unbelievable.  Sun everyday for my bike ride.  Reminds me of the words of the song “summertime and the living is easy”.

Left Ada before 1100 and took a 10 mile ride home.  Got home at noon.  Total miles today, 15.4.

Finished my shave and shower when Nancy arrived home.  She had lost her Driver’s License.  It was very upsetting.  We looked everywhere with no luck.

Nancy drove to the Secretary of State’s office in Centerpoint Mall.  The SofS has come under at lot of criticism lately because of failure to provide timely service.  I had a problem earlier this year and had to call my Legislator to get any action.

Lunch and then started out on some errands when phone rang. It was the SofS office saying Nancy has a 1540 appointment tomorrow.  

Headed to Meijer’s to pick up a prescription.  The Pharmacist said that I was too early.  The prescription will not be filled until Tuesday.  I said that I was leaving for CA on Monday.  His reply, Tough!  So much for friendly service.

Nancy has almost finished packing for our Ca trip.  I did spend some time this afternoon locating items such as swim suit and bike shorts that I want to take with me.  I even laundered pants I will take with me.

At 1630 we drove to Kathi Kothe’s.  Tonight we had a farewell party of snacks and wine.  Also in attendance was Bev Johnson an old friend of Kathi’s.  In years past Bev was on Debbie and Missy’s paper route.

We sat on Kathi’s screened in porch and enjoy a pleasant evening.  Nancy was emotional when she said farewell to Kathi.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.

It was warm and humid when made last outside check this evening

Thursday, June 10, 2021

June 9, 2021

 Wednesday June 21, 2021

Blog time 1220 sitting outside at my regular Panera.

Up this morning at 0700.  It was humid and 73.

Nancy is swimming this morning.  She usually waits until 0830 before leaving for the pool.  Getting a lane is difficult.

This afternoon Nancy is working at Meijer Gardens.

Today is my easy Wednesday.  I did calisthenics at 50%.

Breakfast then headed out on a 10.5 mile bike ride. Noted a dead deer alongside Cascade Road.  Looked like it had been recently hit.  Cascade Road is difficult for deer.

School ends this week.  This week for the first time the school year, I noted that school bus traffic was back to normal.  A steady stream going west on Cascade.

It was 82 when I got home.  Took a quick shower and headed to my favorite Panera.  As usual I used the drive thru but after getting my order I sat at an outside table to do my morning reading.  My table had an umbrella so it was pleasant. 

At 1230 I headed to Meijer’s for some supplies.  My new favorite snacks are Vanilla Pudding and mini Naans.

Lunch followed by normal Wednesday chores, laundry, trash and recyclables.  

I store a lot of clothes in crates. I keep the crates in basements.  It is very convenient.  However, over time clothes get put in wrong crates.

Spent a couple of hours getting things squared away.  I put a name tag on every crate.  Also picked out clothes to take on our upcoming trip.

Before taking a nap I turned on the AC.  It was 90 degrees outside.  I can remember summers when the temperature never reached 90.  This year we have had at least 6 day over 90 so far.

For dinner tonight we had Cheerios with fresh strawberries and a scone.

We watched some news tonight.  President Biden’s trip to UK was the top story.  POTUS will also meet with President Putin.  I sure hope he comes across as a no nonsense President who will retaliate against any Russian threats.

Tonight we watched Shakespeare and Hathaway.  We give this show a B+.

We also watched an episode of “The Kominsky Method”.  No rating yet.

It was still warm and humid when checked the courtyard at 2200.  No critters seen.  Also turned off the AC before turning in.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

June 8, 2021

 Tuesday June 8, 2021

Blog time noon at Lake Eastbrook Blvd Panera

Up with alarm at 0630.  The temperature was 73 but very humid, 90%.  Rain expected later today.

The high humidity changed Nancy’s walk venue from Calvin to Woodland Mall.

I did my calisthenics at home.  Oatmeal breakfast and then headed out on bike.

Change of plans today.  I will not stop my ride.  That way I don’t have to carry my backpack with iPad.  

I rode 10.5 miles.  As soon as I got home shaved and showered and then got in car and drove to Panera.

It must be a Panera policy to keep their customers cold year round.  No heat in winter and jacked up AC in summer.  Not a pleasant dining experience.

I did find time this afternoon for a short nap.  Expected rain the afternoon but it did not happen.  

Spent time in office reading and checking finances.

I thought we needed a break from all the humidity.  For dinner tonight we drove to the Ice Cream store in Ada.  I had a large cup of butter pecan and Nancy had a regular cup of some fancy chocolate ice cream.  We sat outside and enjoyed our treat.

At home I turned on the AC.  Will turn off when we head to bed.

No news tonight.  We watched an episode of Death in Paradise.  I slept through most of it.

Missy FaceTimed tonight.

It was drizzling when checked front yard at 2200.  More heat and rain tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

June 7, 2021

 Monday June 7, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0630.  My phone weather app said rain will start at 1100.  I will have to hustle to get my ride in before the rain.

Nancy has two doctor’s appointments this morning.  She will not have time for a workout.

I did my full calisthenics at home before breakfast.  The temperature was 73 so I put on only a tee shirt and my high visibility vest.  Today I pedaled to Noona’s Pantry in Ada.  I had coffee and a scone.

Noona’s had a high speed fan running making sitting inside uncomfortable.  I sat outside.  Drank my coffee and did some reading.  

Left for home at 1030.  I took the long route home.  Total bike miles today 15.

Showered and then ran errands.  First stop was Mr Thang’s tailor shop to pick up pants.  Next I stopped at Macatawa Bank.  Got money for Kim who will clean twice while we are gone.  Also for her daughter Brenna who will house sit.

Lunch and then a quick nap.

After the nap I headed downstairs to the office to check my accounts.  Noted Macatawa Bank had a large withdrawal that I could not account for.  I reviewed my check book and looked at old bills but still could not figure it out.  Also got Nancy involved.

Nancy did some checking and then said it looked like a cash withdrawal.  Of course, I withdrew the money this afternoon.  I had a major brain failure.  Getting old sucks.

Alzheimer’s drug is good news.

Glad to see the USA was able to recover ransom money for pipeline shutdown.  About time the Feds got results.

We finally did get some rain this afternoon.  Rain also predicted for rest of week.  We need it.

We had our standard Monday dinner.  In addition to Cheerios we had fresh strawberries and scone.

Watched some news before switching to Apple TV.  Tonight we watched a crime show on Acorn “Whitstable Pearl”.  They add a new episode every Monday.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  

My check of the courtyard at 2200 found everything normal.


Monday, June 7, 2021

June 6, 2021

 Sunday June 6, 2021

Blog time 2220 sitting in living room.

Up at 0630 quickly dressed and fixed oatmeal breakfast.  At 0800 I drove to Panera to get our morning coffee.

Left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  Not much of a crowd today.  The one thing I took from today’s Homily was “that a house divided cannot survive”.  It is very appropriate for today’s political climate.  All Pols should start attending church.

After church we took our Sunday drive.  Today we drove south to Hastings and then east to Gun Lake.  Headed home on Patterson.  It was a very pleasant drive. Nancy loves our Sunday drives.

This afternoon I took a short 8 mile bike ride.  A lot of folks were out walking, running and riding bikes.  

The rabbits and geese are experiencing a populations boom.  Encountered a lot of bunnies and goslings on my ride.

Quick shower after the ride.

Today we should be celebrating D day.  The landing of Allied Forces at Normandy on this date in 1944 was the start of the fall of Hitler.

Spent most of the afternoon trying to straighten out our quarterly tax payments.  I think I succeeded.

For dinner we finished Saturday night’s pizza.  Left over pizza is sometimes better than the original.

I was behind on my blogs so I stayed downstairs and completed several.  While I was working on my blogs Nancy was watching Call the Midwives on Netflix.

No 60 minutes tonight.  We did watch New Tricks on Prime.

Checked the yard at 2200.  All was quiet.  Rain tomorrow.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

June 5, 2021

 Saturday June 5, 2021

Blog time 2000 on Sunday, sitting in living room.

Up this morning at 0630.  Dressed and then we headed to The Gathering Place.  

The waitress who has waited on us in the past seated us in our favorite location.  She even knew what we wanted.  Oatmeal with scramble egg and raisin toast for me.  Nancy wanted an Western Omelette.  The Gathering Place has become Nancy’s favorite breakfast place.

After breakfast I dropped Nancy off and took the Escape to Meijer’s for a fill up.  Gas was $3.00.  Inside I bought yogurt, cookies and bananas.

At home I put on my bike shorts and headed out on a bike ride.  Today I took the Cannondale Bad Boy.  Headed north on Buttrick to Thornapple and then south to home.  Total miles traveled today was 15 miles.  Great day for a ride.

This and that:

No this and that today.  Summer is here so I have lost all interest on what the clowns are doing in Lansing or DC.

At home showered and shaved before lunch.

Spent the afternoon reading and cleaning desk.

For dinner tonight we ordered a pizza from JT’s, ham and pineapple.  I picked it up at 1800 and the parking lot was full.  Most of the folks were picking up their orders.

Tonight we sat on the deck and ate our pizza.  I had a Guinness beer.  Great night to relax outside on the deck.

Tonight we watched New Tricks on Prime.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It was much warmer in GR than CA.

Temp still in 70s when checked front yard at 2200.  No critters noted.

June 4, 2021

 Friday June 4, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera

Up with alarm at 0630.  Nancy has an early class at MVP.

I do my calisthenics at home.  Breakfast and then head out on bike ride to Panera.  Today I took the Bianchi bike with new tires.  The tires are much smaller than previous ones making pedaling much easier.  Good move Bob.

The temperature was near 70 so for the first time this year I wore shorts.  Halfway through the ride to Panera I got overheated and had to stop to remove a layer. 

Today along 28th Street, the busiest street in MI, I saw a huge snapping turtle along the edge of the sidewalk.  I took several photos.

At Panera I got two plain bagels and a coffee.  Read Alpena News, checked my email and finished yesterday’s blog and started today’s blog.

On way home encountered turtle again.  This time he was digging a hole to lay eggs.  I assumed.

Took a long shower and then lunch.

This afternoon I found time for a nap.

Dinner tonight at Cascade Road House.  All the outside seating was taken so we ate inside.  

Nancy had a salad and I had the beef dip.  The food was good.

Tonight we watched Fearless.  Good show.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed.

It was hot at 2200 when checked the front yard.  Heat will continue through weekend.

Friday, June 4, 2021

June 3, 2021

 June 3, 2021

Blog time 1000 sitting in Ada’s Nonna”s Pantry.

Up this morning at 0630.  Looked out the window.  It was very foggy with temps in low 50s.  High temp today will be in 80s.

This morning Nancy is attending a class at MVP.  Later she has an appointment with her Oral Surgeon.

I did calisthenics at home before breakfast.  This morning I rode my bike to Ada.  A distance of 6 miles.

At Noona’s Pantry I bought a scone and coffee.  Downtown Ada is very busy most mornings.  I got the last table at Noona’s.

Today I took the scenic route home, 8 miles.  It was a perfect day bike riding.  Flowers blooming everywhere and green is the predominant color.

New life is everywhere.  Noted at least 5 new bunnies this morning.  Our neighborhood ponds are full of new goslings.  Nancy and I on our Sunday drive to South Haven saw four fawns.

At home I shaved and showered.  Quick lunch and then loaded the bike rack on the Escape and headed to Ada Bike shop.  I picked up my Bianchi bike with new tires.

Finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed hot dogs.  Also had blueberries and coleslaw.

Not much on the news today: Coronavirus cases are down.  President Trump might have been right on the origins of the coronavirus.  We have a major labor shortage in USA.  Russian hackers are raising havoc and finally folks are mad enough to retaliate.

Tonight we watched episode 2 of Fearless.  

Akerke FaceTimed Nancy this afternoon.  They had a nice talk.  Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Temp still in 60s when checked yard at 2200.  High tomorrow 84.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

June 2, 2021

 Wednesday June 2, 2021

Blog time 1900 sitting in living room

Up this morning with alarm at 0530.  For the first time in over a year the GR Breakfast Club, Early Risers is meeting in person at the University Club in downtown GR.

Left home at 0630 in bright sun.  Traffic was light.

It was great to see all the members.  We had 30 members in attendance.  Food today was scrambled eggs, ham, muffins and fruit.  Very good.

Today’s speaker was from the Union of Concerned Scientists.  He gave a very general talk on Climate Change.  When opened up to questions he gave some vague answers to many questions.

When arrived home Nancy said she wanted to buy some more plants.  We drove to Huisanga’s on Eastern Ave.  Nancy purchased 5 perennials.  

I noted a couple also shopping who looked familiar.  I knocked on their window and asked if they were  the Obermeyers, Diane and Skip. 

The Obermeyers were involved in biking and speed skating.  Their children all went to Ottawa HS with our kids.  Karen was in Debbie’s class, Brian was in Missy’s class.  Kevin was a year ahead of Steve.  Kevin played hockey.  Skip and I were heavily involved in the Ottawa HS Booster’s hockey club.

At home I took a 10 mile bike ride on single speed Nishiki.  The single speed although fun to pedal is tough on my hip when climbing hills.  I will try and sell it.

On the ride through the Gatehouse Condos, a women said “Good Morning Bob”.  I did not respond but after passing her I said how did she know my name.  Turned around and talked to her.  She was a long time employee of the Michigan Athletic Club (MAC). I saw her every day for 10 years.  We had a pleasant talk.

Today’s blasts from the past.

This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.  She had already left when I got home from my ride.

Lunch and then shower.

This afternoon I did a load of laundry.  Usually I take out the trash but because of the Memorial Day Holiday trash pickup is a day late.

This and that

Ethiopia’s war against its province Tigray is causing famine to over 2 million citizens.  Efforts are being made to get a ceasefire.

Looks like Israel will have a new leader after many years.  Change is good.

Russian hackers attacked a US meat packing company.  Our elected leaders seem confused about what to do.  Will President Biden bring up the Russian hackers when he meets with President Putin?  

How are the Tigers doing?

For tonight’s dinner we got back to normal.  Cheerios with a lot of fruits.

Watched news before viewing another episode of New Tricks.  Best show now streaming.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.   Everything is normal.

Temperature in 60s when checked courtyard at 2200.  The moon is now in its Third Quarter Phase.  I know this because I googled it.

It starts getting hot tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

June 1, 2021

 Tuesday June 1, 2021

Blog time 1100 at Panera on Lake Eastbrook Blvd.

Meteorologists consider June 1 the first day of summer.  I agree.

Up this morning at 0645.  It was sunny but temps still in 50s.

Nancy is going walking this morning with friends at Calvin.  

I do my calisthenics at home before a breakfast of oatmeal w/banana.  Got on bike and pedaled to Panera a distance of 8.3 miles.

Read my emails, finished yesterday’s blog and checked headlines before heading home.

This afternoon my sister, Helen, is visiting.  We will all go out for dinner.  Karen Horlings will join us at NO CO restaurant.  Nancy, Helen and Karen were classmates at Albion.

At home showered and shaved.  Lunch and then took my Bianchi bike to Ada Bike to get smaller tires.  Present size is 40mm, new size 37mm.  I think the smaller tires will make pedaling easier and thus reduce hip pain.

Helen arrived about 1430.  Our dinner appointment is for 1800 so we had some time to spare.

We drove to Meijer Gardens.  Today we walked through the Japanese Gardens.  The Gardens were in full bloom.  The Japanese Garden is a beautiful recent addition the gardens.

We left for NO CO at 1730.  We were glad we had reservations because the place was crowded.  Karen joined us at 1800. We all had wine.   I had fish and chips.  The girls had a lighter fare.  The food was good.

We spent two hours drinking, eating and talking.  Everyone had a great time.

Got home at 2030.  Spent the next 90 minutes sitting in the living room talking about the “good ol days”.  Great time.

Missy FaceTime the evening.  

The temperature was still in the 70s when checked the courtyard at 2200. 

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

May 31, 2021

Monday May 31, 2021

Today is Memorial Day.

Up this morning at 0700.  The sun was already shining bright.  It was 46 but would warm up to 72 later.

Today we had breakfast at Bob Evans.  The place was empty when we arrived.  Nancy had fried eggs with biscuits and fruit cup.  I had fried eggs with hash browns and a biscuit.  Food was good.

On way home we stopped at Meijer’s.  I filled up the Escape.  Gas was $2.99.  Nancy replenished our larder.

At home Nancy finished planting her flowers.  I took an 8 mile bike ride.  Today, for a change, I pedaled my single speed Nishiki.  Single speeds are fun as long as you avoid steep hills, which I did.

Shower and then a quick lunch.  

This afternoon Missy’s FaceTimed asking that I write again about several stories I told about my Navy years.  I agreed.

1. In late 1963 I was stationed in Vietnam.  The USO ran a movie theater for military.  I had been in-country for nearly a year and had never attended.  A friend told me of a good movie now playing called the “List of Adrian Messenger”. I planned on attending but when about to get a taxi my stomach rebelled.  I immediately headed home and missed the movie.  That night the theater was bombed.

2. Most evenings if I was in Saigon I would walk down Tu Do street to a great cafe situated on a busy intersection.  I would order a drink and croissant and people watch.  One evening I headed to the cafe when my stomach rebelled.  Hurried home.  Later I started out again for the cafe when I heard a loud boom. The cafe was bombed.

3.  I am probably the only person who can say I was spared serious injury by my ASSHOLE!

Today is the last day of a very relaxing weekend.  We violated diets and avoided serious exercise.  We especially liked the large dish of ice cream on Saturday night.

Today finished the afternoon with a nap.

For dinner tonight we headed to Panera.  Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had soup with a tuna salad sandwich.  

Noted this evening when paying for our food that a tip option was displayed on the screen.  I always liked Panera because of their no tipping policy.  However, I think because of their difficulty getting employees, tips will offer employees more money.

This evening we watched episode 2, season 6, of Line of Duty.  It was good.

Debbie and Missy FaceTimed this evening.  It was hot in CA and just right in MI.

Checked the courtyard at 2130 and it was still light.  Sun sets today at 2115.