Friday, September 30, 2016

Thursday September 29, 2016

Blog time: 2130

I got to sleep in this morning, 0630. Weather folks said rain all day today, so no bike. I did all my calisthenics at home today. I walked to the Y in light rain.

Ran my mile, showered and then walked to the Y. Read the WSJ and some articles in Apple News.

Mexico gave away over 10 million TV sets to poor folks. Why not food or medical service?

The new President of the Philippines seems very emotional. He has insulted President Obama, the EU and anyone who disagrees with him. How do you diplomatically deal with a loose cannon?

Walked home in a light rain. Had lunch and then waited for the front door installer. He arrived at 1400 and installed our new storm door. The door looks good.

Took Ms P on a very short walk and then Nancy and I headed downtown to visit several Art Prize venues. Our first stop was Women's City Club. We really enjoyed their exhibits.

Walked down Fulton Street and visited several venues along Fulton. Final stop was the Bob. The had a lot of art on display. Walked back up the Fulton to the car. We spent two hours at Art Prize.

For dinner we stopped at Shepard's Grill near the condo. I had the lake perch sandwich and Nancy a bowl of soup.

Read the GRP and then a Netflix show.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Wednesday September 28, 2016

Blog time: 1730

Another early morning, up at 0545 and head out in the darkness and rain to the Women's City Club in downtown GR. Today is Breakfast Club, Wednesday. I sit at a table of eight very conservative men. They all watched the debate and agreed that Trump gave a poor performance.

Speaking of the election Nancy and I got our absentee ballots today. I can't vote for Clinton but both Trump and Johnson, the Libertarian, seem so unprepared.

Today's speaker was the membership chairman for the new Y that I belong to. She gave a lukewarm talk.

After BC I drove straight home. Changed clothes got on my bike and headed to Panera.

Shale producers have survived the drop in oil and gas prices by some belt tightening and innovations. I am a big proponent of fracking. I think it is game changer. It has some environmental problems but they can be solved.

Apple News has articles from several U.K. papers. The U.K. Is just starting to get liquid gas from the US. The U.K. gas reserves from the North Sea are rapidly dwindling and they need the US gas. The weenies in UK don't want US gas because it was fracked. I understand that the U.K. has large deposits of gas but it is not being developed because of the opposition to fracking. Let them burn their coal.

Why hasn't NATO created a no fly zone in Syria? The Syrian and Russian planes are creating havoc in Aleppo. Where is the leadership?

I have always been surprised that when the ACA was written that mandatory enrollment was not required. Companies are losing money because they don't have young, healthy members. Everyone is required to have car insurance. Why not health insurance?

After Panera I took a seven mile bike ride.

The weather folks said rain was coming in late afternoon. So I took Ms P on an early walk.

Lunch and then I took a walk before the rain.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

After a short nap I drove to Woodland Mall to look for corduroy pants. Stopped at J Crew, American Eagle and Macy's but no cords.

We had a light and now we are watching the evening news. It looks like a Netflix evening.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tuesday September 27, 2016

Blog time: 2130

Another busy day ahead. Up at 0545, do my morning routine and head out at 0700 for the Kent County Court House for Jury Duty. Once again we had 100% attendance. I am impressed with my fellow citizens.

We were told that we might be selected for four trials. Waited for three hours and then notified that a plea agreement had been reached in all four cases. No need for jurors so we were dismissed. So ended my civic duty.

After jury duty I drove to the Y and did my normal routine.

Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed out to visit the Ford and Honda dealers. We have to decide between a Ford Escape and Honda CRV, both mid sized SUVs. At both dealers Nancy checked out the driver's seat and asked some good questions. We made no decision but have narrowed down our color and extras. I lean towards the Ford Escape.

Nancy noted an Estate Sale was in progress in the adjoining condo association, Gatehouse. We stopped so Nancy could check out the sale and condo. Nothing purchased.

Took Ms P on a walk and then a nap.

Today the weather was cloudy and cool. High temp was only 62.

Nancy fixed pork chop with baked apples and Lima beans. Great meal.

After dinner took a walk around the block. The days are getting shorter and it won't be long before it will be too dark for my walk.

Read the GRP and watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday September 26, 2016

Blog time: 2035

Busy day ahead, up at 0545 and head out at 0700 for downtown. It was raining and pitch black. Today is my first day of jury duty. I was one of over 150 folks who showed up. They took roll and we had a 100% turnout of all the folks receiving a notice to report. The group was very diverse and looked like the folks at Costco.

Three groups of potential jurors were selected for three trials. I waited for two hours before I was selected. I report at 0800 tomorrow. About 40 folks are in my group and 12 will selected tomorrow for a jury.

We were excused at 1200 and I headed to the Y. I did my calisthenics and ran a mile.

When I got home the asphalt paving company was working on our drive. We are getting a new bituminous drive.

Had a quick lunch and them took Ms P on a long walk. The pavers were just finishing up. The new drive looks good.

Took a short nap and then took a walk.

We had a light dinner and then I finished my outdoor activities with a walk.

We are now watching the Debate. I think it is embarrassing that this is the best we can do.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Sunday September 25, 2016

Blog time: 2020

Normal Sundays return, we dressed and headed for our 0800 swim at the Y. The pool was not crowded.

After the swim we headed to Meijer's for some supplies. With the opening of Trader Joe's and Fresh Thyme, Meijer's is no longer our primary grocery.

As soon as we unloaded the Taurus I took it to D&W gas station for a fill up. The Meijer's station is being remodeled.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast.

After breakfast I took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk. I thought it might rain and I wanted to get the walk in before the rain. I was wrong the sun came out right after the walk.

Took a short nap. After the nap we headed outside and started trimming the tree and bushes in the courtyard. We filled five large yard waste bags. I had to make a quick run to D&W to replenish our supply.

Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

Nancy fixed hot dogs and soup for dinner.

Read the GRP and we are now watching 60 Minutes.

Going to bed early tonight because tomorrow I have to get up early. I have Jury Duty and have to be at the Court House at 0745. We also have to get the cars out before 0800 because we are having our drive repaved.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Saturday September 24, 2016

Blog time: 1845

We slept in this morning. It was in the high 50s when we walked to breakfast at Panera. Oatmeal, sourdough toast and coffee for Bob and whole grain bagel with cream cheese and coffee for Nancy. This our standard Saturday fare.

As soon as we got home, we got in Taurus and headed to Walmart. Nancy was looking for tennis balls. She puts a tennis ball in the dryer when drying rugs. I learn something new everyday.

Nancy started doing yard work in the courtyard and I took a bike ride. It was a beautiful fall day for a ride. I rode 14 miles. Nancy was still working in the yard when I got home.

Before lunch I took Ms P on a walk. In addition to the yard work Nancy also did the laundry.

Showered and the read the WSJ. I find the world news very depressing.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I walked to LaLaguna Mexican restaurant. It is an easy 0.5 mile walk.

We are now watching the end of the UM/PSU game.

How about them Badgers!

LaLaguna was not very crowded. I had their Tamales. Great Tamales!

Veronica face timed Nancy tonight we had a good talk with both Veronica and Alessandra.

Right now Nancy is face timing with Debbie. Face time rocks!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Friday September 23, 2016

Blog time: 2045

It was pitch black at 0630 this morning. Temps did not reach 70 but it threatened rain all day.

Both Nancy and I have noticed that our clubs are not very busy. Maybe with the warm weather most folks are still in their summer mode.

The recent bombings in Aleppo by Russia and Syria makes US policy seem weak. The Middle East will probably be a violent place for years.

The movers and shakers in the business world do not seem in control of their destiny.

Nobody is worth more than $1M per year. Executive salaries are way out of line. The recent congressional hearings has highlighted the extravagant salaries. The execs have killed the goose that laid the golden egg.

Kim cleaned today and the house looks great. As soon as I got home Nancy and I headed to Costco to restore our peanut butter, eggs and grape supply.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on her walk. Our front screen door is broken so I drove the Lowe's and bought a replacement. On way home I stopped at the Honda dealer and looked at the CR-V. It is made in North America. I was impressed.

Nancy grilled hamburgs for dinner. Also had sweet potato and corn.

Finished my outside activities with a walk around the block. Tonight was a Netflix evening.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Thursday September 22, 2016

Blog time: 1700

Today is the autumn equinox. 12h07' of daylight heading to nine hours on Dec 21. Except for our warm temps, 82, fall is in the air. Most of the robins are gone, the leaves are turning, high school football is in full swing and all the stores are pushing Halloween costumes.

I celebrated the equinox by sleeping in until 0700. Nancy also celebrated by staying home, no MVP swim.

I followed my normal routine. Read the WSJ and some stories on the Apple News app. I found nothing I want to comment on.

I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed out to run errands.

Stopped at Macatawa to make a deposit. At D&W Nancy mailed a birthday package.

Next stop was Home Depot. We need a new storm door so we looked over their selection.
Blog time: 1730

Today is my 2,207 blog. I am amazed that I have stuck with it this long.

Wednesday so I slept in until 0700. Nancy headed out to MVP early. I stayed home and did my calisthenics at 50%.

My goal was to bike to Ada and have breakfast at Nonna's. Weather folks said no rain until this afternoon. I got two miles into the ride when my watch started screeching. I have an App that gives me weather alerts. The alert said lightning was close by. I turned around and headed to Panera.

I just made it before it started pouring. I had a bowl of oatmeal with sourdough toast.

I had plenty of time to read the papers. The new iPad operating system is neat. They improved the Apple news App.

The finance folks were all in a twitter wondering what the Feds will do today. Get a life!

The business community is getting a black eye with congress grilling Wells Fargo and Mylan. Folks are feed up with the high salaries and lack of moral backbone.

I really get tired of the President's lecturing. His relations with other world leaders has been dismal.

The video of the police shooting an unarmed black man in Tulsa is disturbing. I am changing my feelings toward a hand gun ban.

Police in the U.K. do not carry hand guns. Maybe we should ban all hand guns including police and anyone committing a crime with a gun would be shot. Think it would work?

Rain stopped at noon. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Ms P had a rare accident in the house this morning.

I did a load of laundry. I think our washing machine does a poor job rinsing. Today I dialed in extra rinse. I don't like the side loading machine.

Before lunch took Ms P on a long walk. Tomorrow is recycle and trash day so I gathered everything and took it out to the curb.

Need milk for dinner so I got on the bike and headed to Meijer's.

Nancy said the Garden's was busy. Folks were coming to see the Art Prize exhibit. The exhibit did not get good reviews.

Yesterday we recorded several shows so tonight we will watch them. 12h30' of daylight today, tomorrow is the equinox.

At Fox Ford I had Nancy look at and sit in the Escape and Edge SUVs. I thought that she would eliminate one of the models because it was too small/large. No such luck she did not care.

We stopped at Lowe's and looked at their selection of storm doors. They did have one like our existing door. We are still thinking.

We also stopped at the GMC dealer and looked at their mid size SUV. We eliminated GMC.

Finally we stopped at the Chevy dealer and looked at the Equinox.

We are are leaning toward Ford.

I took Ms P on a short walk.

Dinner tonight at Shepard's Grill.

We walked to Shepard's, 0.5 miles. Place was crowded.

Nancy had a garden burger and I had a lake Perch sandwich.

Watched the final episode Major Crimes.

Today is the last day of 80 degree temps. Tomorrow we return to normal September temps.

The days are now so short that it is dark on my nightly walk. I need a new flashlight.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wednesday September 21, 2016

Blog time: 1730

Today is my 2,207 blog. I am amazed that I have stuck with it this long.

Wednesday so I slept in until 0700. Nancy headed out to MVP early. I stayed home and did my calisthenics at 50%.

My goal was to bike to Ada and have breakfast at Nonna's. Weather folks said no rain until this afternoon. I got two miles into the ride when my watch started screeching. I have an App that gives me weather alerts. The alert said lightning was close by. I turned around and headed to Panera.

I just made it before it started pouring. I had a bowl of oatmeal with sourdough toast.

I had plenty of time to read the papers. The new iPad operating system is neat. They improved the Apple news App.

The finance folks were all in a twitter wondering what the Feds will do today. Get a life!

The business community is getting a black eye with congress grilling Wells Fargo and Mylan. Folks are feed up with the high salaries and lack of moral backbone.

I really get tired of the President's lecturing. His relations with other world leaders has been dismal.

The video of the police shooting an unarmed black man in Tulsa is disturbing. I am changing my feelings toward a hand gun ban.

Police in the U.K. do not carry hand guns. Maybe we should ban all hand guns including police and anyone committing a crime with a gun would be shot. Think it would work?

Rain stopped at noon. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Ms P had a rare accident in the house this morning.

I did a load of laundry. I think our washing machine does a poor job rinsing. Today I dialed in extra rinse. I don't like the side loading machine.

Before lunch took Ms P on a long walk. Tomorrow is recycle and trash day so I gathered everything and took it out to the curb.

Need milk for dinner so I got on the bike and headed to Meijer's.

Nancy said the Garden's was busy. Folks were coming to see the Art Prize exhibit. The exhibit did not get good reviews.

Yesterday we recorded several shows so tonight we will watch them. 12h30' of daylight today, tomorrow is the equinox.

Tuesday September 20, 2016

Blog time: 1730

Another beautiful fall day. Blue skies with high temp of 82.

Fall is coming fast. Every day more trees are showing color. Most Robins have disappeared.

0630 seems to be our new wake up time. Today Nancy went swimming and I followed my normal routine. I cannot get my mile time below 10'.

Did Russia/Syria bomb the relief column heading to Aleppo? Recent elections in Russia gave Putin a boost and in Germany Merkel took a beating. I don't like Putin but think Merkel is a good leader.

Enough about the central banks in the EU, Japan and US, who cares!

Jack Welsh on Squawk Box this morning gave a strong argument for Trump. Actually I think he believes that Trump is the lessor of two evils.

I have been following the impeachment trials in Brazil. Corruption seems to be rampant.

Got a call from a fellow Naval Officer and he wants me to meet a fellow Navy construction man who was in Vietnam in the late 60s. We are going out for lunch Friday. Before lunch Lynn is giving us a ride in his small plane. Sounds great.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a walk. Quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to our new discount mall. Our purpose was to look for birthday presents for Grandson Lucas. No luck!

I did buy three shirts for me at Brooks Brothers.

Spent some time checking out my finances.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to Noto's for the monthly condo association dinner. Speaking of condos, Monday our bituminous drive is being replaced.

We have a tree that is too close to our retaining wall. The roots are damaging the wall. While we were gone they removed a tree near the wall. However, it was the wrong tree.

We had a good turnout at our dinner. Nancy and I continue to meet new neighbors.

Watched some TV before my old boss called tonight. Spent over an hour talking to Dave.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday September 19, 2016

Blog time: 1600

Sitting on the deck enjoying the blue sky and low 80s temp. So far we have enjoyed exceptional September weather. I noted this morning on my bike ride to the Y that the leaves are beginning to show some color. Great time of year.

Up this morning at 0630 and it was dark outside. Sun does not come up until 0727.

We also are having a super moon. Got up at 0300 and the moonlight was super bright. The Autumnal Equinox is this Thursday, the 22nd.

Nancy headed to MVP and I had breakfast and pedaled to the Y. The temp was 58. My scenic route is 7.5 miles. I really like this ride.

Today I did the calisthenics and mile run. After the routine I showered and headed to Panera. Recently I have been limiting myself to only one cup of coffee. It is difficult but my stomach is thanking me for the sacrifice.

I don't how the country can stop lone wolf terrorists. The law enforcement folks in NY and NJ responded efficiently to the latest bombing. They even have a suspect in custody.

I think I am suffering from a news overload. I really don't want to read more about the election or this week's Fed meeting. Even the reporting on the actions of the US and Russia in Syria is too much.

Speaking of Syria I was extremely disappointed that Gary Johnson the Libertarian candidate for president did not know where Aleppo was.

As I was leaving Panera I ran into Wally Olson a father of two boys who played hockey for OHHS back in the 80s. Wally was a very vocal supporter of the hockey team. It is sad that OHHS does not even field a hockey team.

Nancy had an appointment with her foot doctor this afternoon. She has an infected big toe. The Doctor removed the toe nail, ouch.

I had a dentist appointment. Got my teeth cleaned.

Light dinner tonight and maybe we will check out some new TV shows.

This date in 1938. I have not reported on the activities of Great Grandfather Sanborn lately. 19 Sep in 38 was also on a Monday. GGF spent the day in the garden. He picked a bushel of apples and a bushel of pears. Two bushels of corn and shelled beans. A busy day in Ossineke, Mi.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday September 18, 2016

Blog time: 1550 Friday the 16th

I'm back! Took a short vacation from writing this blog.

A week ago today Nancy and Bob completed an eleven day tour of the northern Rockies from the Grand Tetons to Lake Louise/Banff in Canada. It was a great tour.

We left GR on Monday the 29th of August for Jackson, Wy. We left a day early to make sure we encountered no unexpected delays. Good move on our part because United lost our bags. It took 24 hours to recover the bags.

Forty folks on the tour and all were good folks. It was a Road Scholar tour. Our fourth RS tour.

Wednesday the 31st was our first full day. We. toured Grand Teton National Park.

Dinner that night was at a local Jackson restaurant.

We stayed three night in Jackson.

Day two we departed Jackson and headed to Yellowstone National Park. Tour the south section of Yellowstone. Spent the night at Canyon Village in the park.

Friday we toured the thermo pools and saw Old Faithful do her thing. It was the Labor Day weekend and the park was crowded. Many tour buses.

We had a Geology prof on out tour through the park. He gave us some good info on Yellowstone's unique geologic features. Returned to Canyon Village for the evening.

Saturday packed up and left Canyon Village and headed north to Helena, Mt.

On our way we stopped at Mammoth Hot springs.

In Helena we stayed at the Radisson. We had a local rancher give us a lecture on ranching and living in Mt. It was very entertaining.

Sunday pack up again and head north to Glacier NP. We had a sack lunch in route. We toured some of the park and spent the evening at Many Glacier Hotel.

Monday we were able to sleep in which was much appreciated. We boarded Red Jammer Buses and headed to Logan Pass. A very scenic trip in the Rockies.

Should note that most of the trip was above elevation 6,000. Temps were in the high 30s most mornings but would get up to 70 later in the day.

The leaves were turning on the Aspens. We saw a lot of hoofed animals buffalo, elk, deer and antelopes. Also mountain sheep and goats. We did not see a bear.

Tuesday we checked out of Many Glacier Hotel and headed Banff, Albertq. We toured Waterford Lakes NP which is an extension of US Glacier NP in Canada.
Stopped at the Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump museum. The Indians would round up Buffaloes and drive them over a cliff. A very efficient and safe way to harvest the buffalo. The Indians used the buffalo for food, clothing, the skins for their teepee and the bones for arrowheads, needles and eating utensils.

Spent the next three night at the Mount Royal Hotel in downtown Banff. Banff is a great tourist town. Good restaurants and shops abound. We really liked Banff.

Wednesday morning we toured the Whyte Museum. A good introduction to the Canadian Rockies.

We took a gondola ride up Sulphur Mountain. Spectacular view of the mountains.

We had dinner at a local restaurant. Later we had a lecture on sled dogs.

Thursday we had a guide for our tour of Jasper NP. We took a special bus to the top of the Athabasca Glacier. We also visited Lake Louise.

Friday packed up and headed for Calgary. On the way we stopped at Heritage Park. This park is like Deerfield Village in Mi.

Friday night we had our Final Banquet. A good time was had by all. Tour is over.

Blog continues on Sunday September 18 at 1535

Saturday morning we head to the Calgary airport. Debbie had given Nancy and me a Global Express card and we breezed through US customs.

Flight home was uneventful except United put us on a later flight out of Chicago. We got home about midnight. It is always good to get home and sleep in one's own bed.

Sunday morning and we slept in. We did some major shopping at Meijer's. Picked up Ms P in the afternoon.

Monday morning Nancy heads to MVP and I do my calisthenics at home. 0900 the tile man arrives and grouts the back splash tiles.

After, I head to Panera for coffee and a chance to read the WSJ for first time in two weeks. I did not miss much. The babble continued on Clinton, Trump, the Fed, Middle East and efforts of China to become a global bully.

Nancy had lunch with friends from the old hospital guild. We had a light dinner then watched TV and Netflix. First TV watching in two weeks.

Tuesday is my first trip to Y in over two weeks. This is our return to normal day.

Wednesday morning and I am up at 0550 and head out to Breakfast Club. Good turnout with several badly needed new members. The program was not very good.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. After her shift she is heading to her book club. I meet Tom Moleski at Vatales for dinner.

Thursday Nancy to MVP and I bike to the Y. Do the calisthenics at 70%. Coffee and papers at Panera. Thursday evening we stay home for dinner because the tile man is coming to put the final seal on the back splash tiles. It took about 20 minutes to put the seal on. We pay him and now have new counter tops and tile back splash. It looks great and we are glad that we made the purchase.

Friday and we are fully engaged in our normal morning and afternoon activities. Friday evening we picked up Kathi Kothe and head for a pre-Art Prize showing at the GR Art Museum. We had a pleasant time.

Saturday Nancy's toe has been bothering her lately so first thing she drive to Emergency at Blodgett. I walk to Panera in a light shower. I was getting ready to order when qNancy walks in. The Doc gave her some antibiotics. We have our normal Saturday fare. Spent most of the day running errands.

Saturday evening we had dinner at Sundance. Debbie face timed us and we had a pleasant talk. Watched some Netflix before turning in.

Sunday the 18th. Nancy stayed home but I went swimming at the Y. First time in about a month. After the swim I picked up Nancy and we did some shopping at Meijer's.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs this morning. I had mine with waffles.

Took a short nap while Nancy went shopping.

Nancy is firing up the grill to cook a steak for dinner. We will finish reading the GRP and watch some TV.

Final comments on our trip. The Rockies are beautiful but I am a flat lander. I like Michigan's lakes and woods.