Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday April 6, 2016

Log time: 1730

The wet weather continues. It rained most of the night. This is my easy Wednesday so I did some chores like take out trash before putting on my rain suit and walking to Panera.

I had an oatmeal breakfast and a chance to read the papers.

I am appalled at all the new regulations that the executive branch has introduced lately. I think the Feds are gaining too much control over our lives.

I dread to think if either Cruz or Trump are the GOP's candidate for POTUS. But on the other hand Clinton or Sanders would be worse.

Finally the Feds have indicted three people for fraud in getting undeserved folks SS disability payments. How can a judge award payments to 1,280 cases out of 1,284. Major scandal.

After Panera I walked over to the Y and went swimming. I swam 30 minutes or 1,000 yards.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. Because of the large crowds expect during Spring Break I drove her.

At home I washed some new khakis to get the stiffness out.

Took a short nap and then Ms P and I headed back to Meijer's to pick up Nancy. She said they were busy despite the rain.

One of Nancy's coworkers gave her two bottles of wine. She is moving to VA and wanted the name of a cleanup company. Nancy gave her the name of the company we used. She was so impressed with their work she gave Nancy the wine.

We had a light dinner and watched the news. I took a quick walk around the block. For the first time I saw a wild turkey in our backyard.

It is now 2020 and we are watching Janet Kind on Acorn.

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