Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday April 10, 2016

Log time: Sunday 1720

Weekend Update:

Saturday April 9: We had an inch of snow overnight. Nancy and I walked to Panera over snow covered sidewalks.

We had our standard Panera breakfast and talked about our day's schedule. We are having five folks for dinner tonight so errands and chores must be done.

It was really pretty walking on snow covered walks in the bright sun. The temp in the morning was in the high teens.

With the snow we were able to notice a lot of deer tracks. They find the shrubs around office buildings tasty.

As soon as I got home I got in the Taurus and headed to Great Harvest Bread Company. I bought a loaf of multi grain bread.

Next stop was Bill and Paul's. I bought a pair of 1,000 mile underpants for our trip to Ireland.

At home I did some cleaning chores. I did take time to walk over to the Cascade Library and read the newspapers.

Tonight is also a birthday party for Ed Namey and me. We are both 78 in April, Ed is a couple days older. Ed and I also graduated from UM Engineering in Jan 1961.

I drove to Baskin Robbins and picked up a birthday cake. I also stopped at Meijer's to pick up a prescription.

Lunch and then a short nap. Took Ms P on a short 1.25 mile walk. She was not happy walking in the snow. The condo folks did not plow our drive and walk so I got out the shovel and completed the task.

All the guest arrived within 5 minutes of 1800. Nancy had set out fruit and cheese snacks. All the guest drank wine.

For dinner Nancy fixed Lasagna. The meal went over well. Finished the evening with coffee and conversation.

I declared Nancy's party a success.

Sunday April 10:

The alarm goes off at 0650 and we get ready for our Sunday swim. Both Nancy and I got a lane but the pool was crowded with every lane filled.

Gas at Meijer's today was $1.97. We only bought bananas, yogurt, pretzels and dog food.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine on a waffle.

Read the funnies and watched some morning news shows before taking my Sunday nap.

It looked like it had stopped raining so I started out on a walk. It started to rain about a mile into the 3.2 mile walk.

Soup and hot dogs for dinner tonight. We will finish reading the GRP and watch some TV before turning in.

At the birthday party last night I brought out a booklet on 1938 the year of Ed and Bob's birth.

In 1938 we did not have TV or dial phones. In Alpena we heated our house with coal. Life Expectancy was 59.7 year.

Gas was $0.10 a gallon. The average income was $1,731 and a new car was $860. I grew up in a happy, loving family.

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