Saturday, April 2, 2016

Friday April 1, 2016

Log time: Saturday at 1720

April Fools Day must be wary:

Alarm goes off at 0650 and I get right up. It looked like another mild day.

After breakfast I got on the bike and headed to the Y. Today I changed my route slightly to avoid the Cascade/28th intersection. This intersection is a killer on weekday mornings. The altered route is a little over 6 miles according to my Apple watch.

Speaking of the watch I used it this morning to check my time on a mile run on the Y's indoor track. I concluded that the watch does not work inside.

Panera was empty this morning: Spring Break.

I continue to be intrigued by the scandals in Brazil and Malaysia.

Kim came today and cleaned. The house looks great.

We made a quick run to Costco. I bought a pair of $12 jeans. We also purchased wine, cheese, cheerios and peanut butter.

After lunch we took Ms P on her walk.

The tax lady called and said our taxes were ready.

Took a nap and then we headed to the Red Olive for dinner. We both had liver and onions. (no April Fools)

At home I took my evening walk around the block.

We watched a new father/son detective show, C-, on netflix and then finished the evening with House of Cards.

The weather turns nasty tomorrow with snow predicted.

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