Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday April 15, 2016

Log time: 1833

The day started cool 39 but reached a high of 72 today. Today was the warmest day of the year.

I did bundle up for the bike ride to the Y. I was surprised that the Y was nearly empty this morning. Are folks at home doing their taxes?

I am winding down so I will be well rested for our long flight to Europe. I did the routine at 75%.

The WSJ must also be taking a break because I found nothing that I want to comment on.

Kim came today to clean. After her shift she will take Ms P with her for a couple of weeks. Ms P loves Kim and her family.

I took a short walk before lunch.

After lunch I walked over to Macatawa Bank to put some items in our safe deposit box.

Nancy has completed packing for our trip but I have not started. Spent some time paying bills and cleaning up my in-basket.

For dinner Nancy and I headed to Sundance for dinner. I had a salad and Nancy had scrambled eggs and ham.

We are now watching the NBC news and at 1900 we will watch the PBS news. We will later spend some time watching shows on either netflix or Acorn.

It was great to see warm weather return. I put the snow shovel away.

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