Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday April 8, 2016

Log time: 1925

Another cold day in GR. It was 28 when I headed out on the bike this morning. Even though I wore a warm hat my right sinus felt like it was freezing. This is the area where I had shingles several years ago.

I have been using the "indoor run" function on my Apple watch lately. I don't think its distance function works inside. The watch says I ran 1.2 miles but the Y says it is only 1.0 (five laps per mile). I paced off the track and it is identical to the Y.

This morning in the locker room I told a member that I was a retired engineer. Another member said he worked for Williams and Works for 35 years. His name was Steve Young. I knew Steve when I worked for Kent County in the 70s. We hired his firm for soil borings and Steve was my contact. It has been 38 since I have seen Steve. We had a nice talk.

It was snowing when I left the Y for Panera. I had my coffee and read the papers.

This morning I was watching CNBC and they had Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson as guests. Bowles and Simpson headed a commission to find a rational way to balance the US budget. The report they produced was a well thought out proposal. I wish the clowns in DC would adopt their recommendations.

Another guest on CNBC was Hank Paulson the US Treasurer when the economy collapsed during the last years of the Bush administration. Paulson gets high marks for his handling of the crisis. He has become an expert on China and its economy. I enjoyed his comments.

You listen to the above folks talk about the economy and their common sense proposals and you wonder why in a country of nearly 400M we cannot find more qualified candidates for president?

It was snowing heavy when I got home. No walk right now for Ms P.

Nancy had a busy day today. After MVP she attended a class at Apple on the Apple watch. Later she stopped at Trader Joe's to get some supplies for our dinner party tomorrow night. We are having five folks over for dinner tomorrow night.

Nancy spent a lot of time this afternoon preparing.

After lunch I headed to Ace Hardware and bought a bag of bird seed. I hope this is my last bag for the year.

I took a short nap. It looked liked the snow had stopped so I took Ms P on a short walk. Wrong decision, it started snowing heavy during our walk.

We had a light dinner. It is now 2040 and we are watching "House of Cards".

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