Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday April 7, 201

Log time: 1718

Winter continues with temps only in the 30s today. The low temps will continue through the weekend.

It was spitting rain/snow this morning so I walked to the Y.

After my shower I realized that I left my mini-pad at home. I quickly walked home, got my mini and then biked back to Panera.

I took my time drinking coffee and reading. As I said before I do not read articles about the primaries. What will be will be!.

I did read about a private elementary school in NJ gone amuck. This school only provides a vegan diet for the students. I think the whole vegan diet is unhealthy.

I also cannot understand the objection to GMO grains. GMO grains have saved billions of folks from starvation.

I rode the bike home in a snow storm.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to Meijer's. We are having folks over Saturday night and I have to buy some beer. Since I started my no sugar diet I have switched from beer to wine. Not because of the diet but just because my tastes have changed.

I also bought travel size packets of shaving lotion, mouth wash, toothbrush and paste for our upcoming trip to Ireland.

Nancy bought electric converters from Amazon so we can charge our toys in Ireland. They arrived today.

I checked and we will need euros in Ireland and pounds in Northern Ireland. Did you know that the entire island of Ireland is smaller in land area than Michigan?

Took a short nap and as soon as I finish this blog we are heading to Shepard's Grill for dinner. I might have their smelt basket.

Despite the weather lately I have still been getting my 30 minutes outside every day. I hope you have too.

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