Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday April 5, 2016

Log time 1800:

It was really cold, 19, but clear this morning. Bundled up and headed to the Y in bright sunshine.

Every morning I spot a flock of wild turkeys on Spaulding Ave. I stop my bike to take a picture of the big Tom's and they walk out range.

I have been using my Apple watch to measure distance traveled for either bike or foot. It also provides time, calories burned and heart rate. I especially like to measure distance travelled on my bike.

Both the Y and Panera were empty this morning because of Spring break.

I find the Panama Papers to be very interesting. I alway thought bad guys could move money around the world undetected. Glad I was wrong.

Will today's Wisconsin's primary make a difference? I am still a Kasich supporter.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. Today we took our nature tour.

Had my usual weekday lunch, yogurt, apple, cheese and hard boiled egg.

After lunch Nancy and I head to Groskopf to purchase an electric converter so we can charge our electronics on our trip to Ireland.

Did a load of laundry and then took a short nap.

Nancy got a call from her sister, Peg, this afternoon saying that a tax form is missing from her Mother's trust.

I called our tax preparer and told her of our problem. She will make the necessary changes.

Rain will start at midnight and won't stop until tomorrow evening.

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