Saturday, April 30, 2016

Saturday April 30, 2016

Log time 1850:

Our normal wake up time is now 30 minutes earlier because of the longer days.

Today we returned to our standard Sat. Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast.

After a relaxing breakfast I took a 12 mile bike ride.

Great day for a ride. Spring has arrived. The leaves are nearly out and spring flowers in full bloom. Little League baseball has started. The bike path was crowded with bikers and runners.

After the ride I walked over to the Cascade Library. I read the morning newspapers. I read nothing that I want to comment on.

At home I had a quick lunch. In keeping with today's theme I decided to do some yard work.

I headed to ACE and bought a tree limb cutter and yard waste bags.

I also got our grill's propane tank filled. Grilling season will start soon.

Nancy and I spent about an hour trimming shrubs and removing a dead tree.

I took a short nap.

For dinner we went to a neighbor hood restaurant, Shepard' Grill. I had cod and Nancy had a bowl of soup.

It is now 1900 and we are getting ready to watch a streaming show on Netflix or Acorn.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Friday April 29, 2016

Log time: 1955

We are finally getting rid of our jet lag. Up at a nearly normal time.

Sunrise today was at 0636. Love these early morning with the birds in full throat.

I did the calisthenics at home today because my sister, Helen, and husband Don are stopping for a cup of coffee about 1000.

While waiting for Helen I had coffee and read the WSJ.

Helen and Don came about 1000. They are heading home to Gaylord after five months in Tucson.

For the first time since we have been back I got on the bike and took the six mile route to the Y.

I ran a mile, showered and then headed home.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on her normal walk. First time in two weeks. Ms P has been also suffering from some relocation trauma. Very sluggish.

Took a nice nap. Nancy fixed pot roast cooked in a crock pot. It was great.

Watched the news and then took a walk around the block.

It is now 2100 and we now are watching a second episode of Bosch on Amazon.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday April 28, 2016

Log time, Wednesday 2030

We are back! We left Sunday the 17th for Ireland and returned last night the 26th.

We had a great time, Ireland is beautiful. Despite being 600 miles north of GR Ireland's Spring was in full bloom.

We were on a C.I. E. Tour. The tour took us around the circumference of the island.

Twenty six other folks accompanied us on the tour. Helping make the tour successful was a great tour guide.

The guide was a lover of all things American, country music, pickup trucks and Walmart.

We visited all the normal tourist stops including kissing the Blarney Stone.

We had lectures on the Potato Famine and the political problems with the English. Irish history is very sad and I can see why so many folks immigrated to North America.

Observations on Ireland:

I liked the rural areas with the green fields and all the livestock especially the sheep. It was springtime so we saw new born lambs everywhere.

All the farms were small. We passed through many small villages and every village had several small pubs. The pubs we visited were great.

I especially liked the Irish coastline. I was surprised that surfing is becoming popular. I doubt the water ever gets to 65.

Northern Ireland looks more prosperous.

In Wexford I purchased a history on the Hughes family. My Grandfather Hughes's family came from Ireland. However family lore has the Hughes family originally from Wales and then immigrated to Ireland for several generations. The Hughes history seems to substantiate this.

Blog continues Thursday April 28 at 1600:

Ruins of castles from the Norman era are everywhere.

I read the Irish newspapers and found that Ireland has the same problems as the USA. I was surprised that the Irish and EU politicians are dumber than ours. Is that possible? I think we handled the recession much better than the EU.

The food was good and very basic. I liked lamb stew and of course Guinness beer. We did tour a Guinness plant and a Waterford Crystal facility.

The Irish are hung up on the Titanic. We visited Cobh the last port of call for the ship before it went down. We also visited a museum in Belfast where the ship was built.

We were in Ireland on the 100th anniversary of the Easter Sunday uprising. This event started the Irish on their road to independence.

We took the Ring of Kerry drive, saw the Cliffs of Moher and Giant's Causeway.

We had major delays and plane changes getting to Ireland but the return trip went smooth. We both agreed that we will fly business class on our next overseas trip.

Arrived home on Tuesday at 1900. I woke early Wednesday, jet lag, so I went to Breakfast Club.

We both spent most of Wed catching up.

Thursday April 28. Busy day:

I walked to Y in heavy rain. For first time in two weeks I did some calisthenics. I did my routine at 50%.

Spent rest of day catching up and scheduling Vet, Dentist and various repairmen appointments. I also booked a room in Alpena for my 60th AHS reunion.

Got a call from my sister and she might stop by tomorrow morning for breakfast. She and Don are heading to Gaylord after spending the winter in AZ.

Nancy and I are headed to Panera for a bowl of soup tonight.

I would be remiss if I did not mention an unusual event on our trip. On our first day we stopped for lunch in a small Irish village. As we were getting off the bus I asked the driver where we were. He said Ferns, Ireland. I commented that I thought my Dad's cousin, Col Robert Rayburn, retired to a farm near Ferns. The woman who greeted us said she knew the Col. He had lunch at this pub nearly every day. She also took me to meet the bar tender who was good friends with the Col. The bar tender knew the Col was from Alpena. The Col was a legend in Ferns.

Robert Rayburn was a year younger than Dad. Dad and Mom graduated from AHS in 24 and Robert in 25. Robert Rayburn attended West Point and was a career Army officer. He retired to Ferns and raised jumping horses. Small world.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday April 15, 2016

Log time: 1833

The day started cool 39 but reached a high of 72 today. Today was the warmest day of the year.

I did bundle up for the bike ride to the Y. I was surprised that the Y was nearly empty this morning. Are folks at home doing their taxes?

I am winding down so I will be well rested for our long flight to Europe. I did the routine at 75%.

The WSJ must also be taking a break because I found nothing that I want to comment on.

Kim came today to clean. After her shift she will take Ms P with her for a couple of weeks. Ms P loves Kim and her family.

I took a short walk before lunch.

After lunch I walked over to Macatawa Bank to put some items in our safe deposit box.

Nancy has completed packing for our trip but I have not started. Spent some time paying bills and cleaning up my in-basket.

For dinner Nancy and I headed to Sundance for dinner. I had a salad and Nancy had scrambled eggs and ham.

We are now watching the NBC news and at 1900 we will watch the PBS news. We will later spend some time watching shows on either netflix or Acorn.

It was great to see warm weather return. I put the snow shovel away.

Thursday April 14, 2016

Log time, Friday @ 1700

It looks like it will warm up today but when I left it was 39 so I dressed warm.

Took the six mile bike route to the Y.

Calisthenics and then off to Panera. I finally found out why my Apple watch bike ride function was not working. I did not sync the watch with my new iPhone. I like the iPhone 6SE. It is much smaller than the 6+ so it fits in a shirt pocket. Large phones are easy to read but a bear to carry around.

The NY primaries are dominating the news.

Several big questions on the world stage, will Britain exit the EU and will Brazil impeach their leader?

After Panera I pedaled to Macatawa Bank to get some money for our Ireland trip.

I had a 1320 appointment with my skin doctor so as soon as I got home I headed to her office. She froze several spots and said see you in six months.

Quick lunch and then I took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk. She is showing her age because the walk, despite clear pavement and pleasant temps, was difficult for her.

I took a short nap and then at 1730 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Russ's. We met Kathi Kothe. Kathi has lived in GR longer than Nancy or I have and this was her first trip to Russ's. I think she liked the food.

On our way home we stopped at Nordstrom Rack so Nancy could exchange a rain coat. Actually she kept the one she bought earlier.

Read the GRP and watch Vera on Acorn before turning in.

Temp to reach 70 tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday April 13, 2016

Log time: 1942

Breakfast Club Wednesday so I get up with the alarm at 0550. Took Ms P out and could see that we had a nice day ahead.

The attendance at BC continues to decline. Today we had the senior Democrat on the Kent County Commission. She talked about the Democrats priorities. For decades the Democrats have been the minority party on the Commission. I liked her talk.

After BC I headed to our tax preparer in Jenison. Picked up our amended tax return.

Stopped at Starbucks in Breton Village and spent 45 minutes reading the papers. At 1015 I headed to the Y for my Wednesday swim. The pool was 100% full but I did get a lane. Swam 1,000 yards. I stopped at Meijer's to fill up the Cobalt.

At home I took Ms P on her daily walk.

Lunch and then ran the dishwasher and did a load of laundry.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. She is going directly to Book Club after her shift. Book Club now starts at 1700.

I took a short nap and then at 1630 I headed to Uccello's. It is pizza night for Bob, Tom and Ed.

Got home at 1830 and took a walk around the block. Nancy got home at 1930.

We are now watching "Justified" on Amazon.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tuesday April 12, 2016

Log time: 1732

The days keep getting longer. Today we have 13h09' heading to 15h on June 21.

Another nice day in GR. Today I did my calisthenics at home because I have some early morning errands to run.

My first stop was the MI DMV where I got purchased my vehicular plates and changed my address. I took my iPad because I anticipated waiting in line for a hour. Surprise the DMV was organized and I had my business completed in less than 15 minutes.

Next stop was the Sprint store. I had my new iPhone activated and all the files on the old phone transferred to the new phone. Total time at Sprint was over an hour.

At home I got out the bike and pedaled to the Y. I arrived about noon and thought the place would be jammed with folks working out over their lunch hour. I was wrong. I did my chin-ups and then ran a mile. Showered and shaved before leaving.

Nancy had a dentist check up this afternoon. I got home about 1330 and had a quick lunch.

Spent about an hour getting my new phone just the way I like it. Not all the file transfers were silky smooth so had to make some minor changes.

Took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk.

I did a load of laundry and then a short nap.

Both Nancy and I are beginning to assemble some items for our upcoming trip to Ireland. The weather in Ireland will be mild with highs in the 50s and lows in the 40s. No rain for our first week.

After dinner I will take a walk around the block. Finish the evening watching some TV and reading the GRP.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday April 11, 2016

Log time: 1738

Finally the weather has broken and we have returned to normal Spring weather. It was near 40 with sun when I left for the Y.

For this first time this year I did not wear lined pants or long underwear on my bike ride. I was very comfortable.

The Y was crowded with all the returning Spring break folks. Panera was more crowded also today.

I read the newspapers and had my morning coffee at Panera.

I see Yahoo is looking for buyers. I would not buy stock in Yahoo, would you?

I think the news outlet are being jerks when they pick on Jordan Spieth. We all have bad days, at least I do.

Corruption seem to be rampant in countries like Ukraine, Russia, Brazil and other countries that don't have a free press.

As a civil engineer I am fascinated by China's effort to build a new silk road across south and central Asia. It will be a game changer if it ever gets built.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. Then I had a quick lunch.

Nancy had lunch today with friends from the old Blodgett Gift Shop.

I just remembered that I need to renew the Cobalt's plate. It is due each year on the month of my birthday, April.

I think I did not get a notification because of our move to the condo. The State does not have my correct address.

I got in the Cobalt and headed to the DMV office. It was so crowded I decided on tomorrow morning.

Stopped at Costco to purchase some eye drops.

Apple emailed me and said my new iPhone would be delivered Wednesday. I filled out a form that allowed UPS to deliver the iPhone without a signature. Big deal they deliver the item two days early. Lucky Nancy was home to sign. Tomorrow I stop at Sprint to change my SIMS card. What is a SIMS card anyway?

Light dinner tonight and then some Apple TV.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday April 10, 2016

Log time: Sunday 1720

Weekend Update:

Saturday April 9: We had an inch of snow overnight. Nancy and I walked to Panera over snow covered sidewalks.

We had our standard Panera breakfast and talked about our day's schedule. We are having five folks for dinner tonight so errands and chores must be done.

It was really pretty walking on snow covered walks in the bright sun. The temp in the morning was in the high teens.

With the snow we were able to notice a lot of deer tracks. They find the shrubs around office buildings tasty.

As soon as I got home I got in the Taurus and headed to Great Harvest Bread Company. I bought a loaf of multi grain bread.

Next stop was Bill and Paul's. I bought a pair of 1,000 mile underpants for our trip to Ireland.

At home I did some cleaning chores. I did take time to walk over to the Cascade Library and read the newspapers.

Tonight is also a birthday party for Ed Namey and me. We are both 78 in April, Ed is a couple days older. Ed and I also graduated from UM Engineering in Jan 1961.

I drove to Baskin Robbins and picked up a birthday cake. I also stopped at Meijer's to pick up a prescription.

Lunch and then a short nap. Took Ms P on a short 1.25 mile walk. She was not happy walking in the snow. The condo folks did not plow our drive and walk so I got out the shovel and completed the task.

All the guest arrived within 5 minutes of 1800. Nancy had set out fruit and cheese snacks. All the guest drank wine.

For dinner Nancy fixed Lasagna. The meal went over well. Finished the evening with coffee and conversation.

I declared Nancy's party a success.

Sunday April 10:

The alarm goes off at 0650 and we get ready for our Sunday swim. Both Nancy and I got a lane but the pool was crowded with every lane filled.

Gas at Meijer's today was $1.97. We only bought bananas, yogurt, pretzels and dog food.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine on a waffle.

Read the funnies and watched some morning news shows before taking my Sunday nap.

It looked like it had stopped raining so I started out on a walk. It started to rain about a mile into the 3.2 mile walk.

Soup and hot dogs for dinner tonight. We will finish reading the GRP and watch some TV before turning in.

At the birthday party last night I brought out a booklet on 1938 the year of Ed and Bob's birth.

In 1938 we did not have TV or dial phones. In Alpena we heated our house with coal. Life Expectancy was 59.7 year.

Gas was $0.10 a gallon. The average income was $1,731 and a new car was $860. I grew up in a happy, loving family.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday April 8, 2016

Log time: 1925

Another cold day in GR. It was 28 when I headed out on the bike this morning. Even though I wore a warm hat my right sinus felt like it was freezing. This is the area where I had shingles several years ago.

I have been using the "indoor run" function on my Apple watch lately. I don't think its distance function works inside. The watch says I ran 1.2 miles but the Y says it is only 1.0 (five laps per mile). I paced off the track and it is identical to the Y.

This morning in the locker room I told a member that I was a retired engineer. Another member said he worked for Williams and Works for 35 years. His name was Steve Young. I knew Steve when I worked for Kent County in the 70s. We hired his firm for soil borings and Steve was my contact. It has been 38 since I have seen Steve. We had a nice talk.

It was snowing when I left the Y for Panera. I had my coffee and read the papers.

This morning I was watching CNBC and they had Erskine Bowles and Alan Simpson as guests. Bowles and Simpson headed a commission to find a rational way to balance the US budget. The report they produced was a well thought out proposal. I wish the clowns in DC would adopt their recommendations.

Another guest on CNBC was Hank Paulson the US Treasurer when the economy collapsed during the last years of the Bush administration. Paulson gets high marks for his handling of the crisis. He has become an expert on China and its economy. I enjoyed his comments.

You listen to the above folks talk about the economy and their common sense proposals and you wonder why in a country of nearly 400M we cannot find more qualified candidates for president?

It was snowing heavy when I got home. No walk right now for Ms P.

Nancy had a busy day today. After MVP she attended a class at Apple on the Apple watch. Later she stopped at Trader Joe's to get some supplies for our dinner party tomorrow night. We are having five folks over for dinner tomorrow night.

Nancy spent a lot of time this afternoon preparing.

After lunch I headed to Ace Hardware and bought a bag of bird seed. I hope this is my last bag for the year.

I took a short nap. It looked liked the snow had stopped so I took Ms P on a short walk. Wrong decision, it started snowing heavy during our walk.

We had a light dinner. It is now 2040 and we are watching "House of Cards".

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thursday April 7, 201

Log time: 1718

Winter continues with temps only in the 30s today. The low temps will continue through the weekend.

It was spitting rain/snow this morning so I walked to the Y.

After my shower I realized that I left my mini-pad at home. I quickly walked home, got my mini and then biked back to Panera.

I took my time drinking coffee and reading. As I said before I do not read articles about the primaries. What will be will be!.

I did read about a private elementary school in NJ gone amuck. This school only provides a vegan diet for the students. I think the whole vegan diet is unhealthy.

I also cannot understand the objection to GMO grains. GMO grains have saved billions of folks from starvation.

I rode the bike home in a snow storm.

After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to Meijer's. We are having folks over Saturday night and I have to buy some beer. Since I started my no sugar diet I have switched from beer to wine. Not because of the diet but just because my tastes have changed.

I also bought travel size packets of shaving lotion, mouth wash, toothbrush and paste for our upcoming trip to Ireland.

Nancy bought electric converters from Amazon so we can charge our toys in Ireland. They arrived today.

I checked and we will need euros in Ireland and pounds in Northern Ireland. Did you know that the entire island of Ireland is smaller in land area than Michigan?

Took a short nap and as soon as I finish this blog we are heading to Shepard's Grill for dinner. I might have their smelt basket.

Despite the weather lately I have still been getting my 30 minutes outside every day. I hope you have too.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wednesday April 6, 2016

Log time: 1730

The wet weather continues. It rained most of the night. This is my easy Wednesday so I did some chores like take out trash before putting on my rain suit and walking to Panera.

I had an oatmeal breakfast and a chance to read the papers.

I am appalled at all the new regulations that the executive branch has introduced lately. I think the Feds are gaining too much control over our lives.

I dread to think if either Cruz or Trump are the GOP's candidate for POTUS. But on the other hand Clinton or Sanders would be worse.

Finally the Feds have indicted three people for fraud in getting undeserved folks SS disability payments. How can a judge award payments to 1,280 cases out of 1,284. Major scandal.

After Panera I walked over to the Y and went swimming. I swam 30 minutes or 1,000 yards.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. Because of the large crowds expect during Spring Break I drove her.

At home I washed some new khakis to get the stiffness out.

Took a short nap and then Ms P and I headed back to Meijer's to pick up Nancy. She said they were busy despite the rain.

One of Nancy's coworkers gave her two bottles of wine. She is moving to VA and wanted the name of a cleanup company. Nancy gave her the name of the company we used. She was so impressed with their work she gave Nancy the wine.

We had a light dinner and watched the news. I took a quick walk around the block. For the first time I saw a wild turkey in our backyard.

It is now 2020 and we are watching Janet Kind on Acorn.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday April 5, 2016

Log time 1800:

It was really cold, 19, but clear this morning. Bundled up and headed to the Y in bright sunshine.

Every morning I spot a flock of wild turkeys on Spaulding Ave. I stop my bike to take a picture of the big Tom's and they walk out range.

I have been using my Apple watch to measure distance traveled for either bike or foot. It also provides time, calories burned and heart rate. I especially like to measure distance travelled on my bike.

Both the Y and Panera were empty this morning because of Spring break.

I find the Panama Papers to be very interesting. I alway thought bad guys could move money around the world undetected. Glad I was wrong.

Will today's Wisconsin's primary make a difference? I am still a Kasich supporter.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on her walk. Today we took our nature tour.

Had my usual weekday lunch, yogurt, apple, cheese and hard boiled egg.

After lunch Nancy and I head to Groskopf to purchase an electric converter so we can charge our electronics on our trip to Ireland.

Did a load of laundry and then took a short nap.

Nancy got a call from her sister, Peg, this afternoon saying that a tax form is missing from her Mother's trust.

I called our tax preparer and told her of our problem. She will make the necessary changes.

Rain will start at midnight and won't stop until tomorrow evening.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Monday April 4, 2016

Log time: 2020

Spring is being delayed for a week. It was 25 when I headed out this morning but I was bundled up so it was not too bad.

Most folks must have headed to warmer climes for Spring break because the Y was empty.

Panera was also empty.

It was snowing when I left Panera.

I took Ms P on her walk as soon as I got home.

Spent the afternoon going over our tax forms. We have to pay more taxes this year so I went over the form closely. The preparer was right.

I took a short nap.

We had a light dinner and watched the news. I took my nightly walk around the block.

We are now watching an Amazon show, Harry Bosch.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sunday April 3, 2016

Log time: 1645

The day started cool, mid 20s, but with sun.

Alarm off at 0650 and we get up and head to the Y for our Sunday swim. The pool was empty. I swam 1,000 yards and Nancy swam 1250 yards.

Gas prices keep going up. Today it cost me $24 to fill up. For the past month it has been less than $20 for the same mileage.

We do not purchase as much at Meijer's since Fresh Tyme and Trader Joe's has opened.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I watched some Sunday morning news shows and read the funnies before taking my Sunday nap.

After the nap I had a quick lunch and then took Ms P on a 1.75 mile walk. After I dropped her at home I continued the walk. I ended up walking 3.0 miles.

Nancy is fixing chill and tamales for dinner tonight. After dinner I will take my evening walk around the block.

We will finish reading the GRP, watch 60 minutes and a netflix show before turning in. A routine Sunday.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Saturday April 2, 2016

Log time: 1740

We slept in this morning.

We set our Apple watches and headed to Panera. Both watches measured 0.75 miles.

We had our usual Saturday morning fare. I like this routine.

It was cold and blustery on our walk hime but no snow yet.

At home we grabbed Ms P and ran errands. As soon as we got in the car it started to snow.

First stop was at the Accountant's office to pick up and sign our tax returns.

Next we stopped at Standard Kitchens so Nancy could check out their counter tops. They had a good selection and would turn key the installation.

At Pet Smart Nancy bought Ms P her free birthday treat. Ms P will be 12 on Monday. That might be 84 in people years.

Finally we stopped at Costco so I could exchange my $12 jeans for a bigger size.

I walked over to the Cascade Library in a heavy snow. Found a comfortable chair and read the WSJ and several other papers the library had.

I took a photo of our snow covered back yard and texted it to the kids. Snow in April is really not that rare.

It is now 1800 and the sun has popped out.

Nancy is fixed hot dogs and chili for dinner. A good dinner on a snowy night.

We will watch some NCAA BB and maybe a Amazon prime show tonight.

Friday April 1, 2016

Log time: Saturday at 1720

April Fools Day must be wary:

Alarm goes off at 0650 and I get right up. It looked like another mild day.

After breakfast I got on the bike and headed to the Y. Today I changed my route slightly to avoid the Cascade/28th intersection. This intersection is a killer on weekday mornings. The altered route is a little over 6 miles according to my Apple watch.

Speaking of the watch I used it this morning to check my time on a mile run on the Y's indoor track. I concluded that the watch does not work inside.

Panera was empty this morning: Spring Break.

I continue to be intrigued by the scandals in Brazil and Malaysia.

Kim came today and cleaned. The house looks great.

We made a quick run to Costco. I bought a pair of $12 jeans. We also purchased wine, cheese, cheerios and peanut butter.

After lunch we took Ms P on her walk.

The tax lady called and said our taxes were ready.

Took a nap and then we headed to the Red Olive for dinner. We both had liver and onions. (no April Fools)

At home I took my evening walk around the block.

We watched a new father/son detective show, C-, on netflix and then finished the evening with House of Cards.

The weather turns nasty tomorrow with snow predicted.