Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunday October 3, 2011

Friday September 30: The last day of September. It has rained all week. The weather people are predicting rain for this afternoon. This means I cannot cut the grass. Friday morning and I followed my normal routine. I enjoy reading the WSJ and how all the business pundits are confused about what will happen next. If they are confused what about the rest of us? I really think that the average person who has a job is more worried about their favorite ball team than either the economy or politics?

After lunch I ran several errands and started getting my clothes out for our upcoming trip. For dinner Nancy and I headed to Brann's for a salad. We got to Brann's about 1730 and were surprised at how crowded it was. Were the folks waiting for the Tiger game? If they were they would probably be wasted by gametime at 2030.

Nancy and I watched some TV and even the start of the Tiger's game. After the rain delay was announced I headed to bed.

Saturday October 1, 2011: The sun is suppose to shine all day. In fact on my pedal to Bill's the sun's reflection off my mirror blinded me. It was in the 30's this morning so I had to dress warm for my ride.

After breakfast it was still too wet to cut the grass so I ran some errands. I started cutting about 1100 and finished by 1400. After the yard work I took and shower and then a short nap. I did watch some of the Michigan game.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Panera for a bowl of soup. Whenever we go to Panera I see mostly old folks and college students. We did stop at the Apple store to see if our Apple toys are wired for 220V. The answer is yes.

I watched the first half of the UW/Nebraska game. I really didn't have a favorite. My high school coach was an icon at Nebraska. Steve attended UW. I went to bed at half time.

Sunday October 3, 2011: This morning Nancy and I swam only 30 minutes, 1000 yards. After the swim we headed to the Cheri Inn for breakfast. I had hot cakes and Nancy had Eggs Benedict. It was very good. After breakfast I finished packing. Nancy and I are getting good at packing. Our bags for a two week trip each weigh 30 pounds. Take that airlines. My biggest worry about taking an extended trip is that I will forget a charging chord. I walked over the Gaslight Village to mail a bill. I also bought a beer for tonight. We will watch some TV and then head to bed early. We are taking the C2 to O'Hare. Nancy is worried that cars are not safe at the long term parking lots. We have parked at O'Hare before without a problem. How about them Lions.

Remember every day you must spend 30 minutes outside. Keep a good thought.

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