Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday October 26, 2011

Today is easy Wednesday. I start by pedaling to Bill's for their pancake breakfast. It was pitch black when I left at 0715. I can't wait for DST to end. I don't like to pedal in the dark. After breakfast it was still dark and gloomy but I decided to go on a bike ride. I headed east towards Reeds Lake. I rode around the lake and my speedometer said I had pedaled 11 miles. I had to mail some packages so I walked to the PO. I had a quick lunch and then did some reading while I waited for the sprinkler man to come and drain our system. He arrived at 1330 and it took about 20 minutes to complete the draining. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my office working on an excel template. This evening Nancy and I are meeting the Horlings, Hal and Karen at Red's in Rockford for dinner. Everyone was on time and we spent the next 2.5 hours eating, drinking and talking. It was great. We got home at 2100 and I quickly read the GRP before going to bed.

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