Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday October 20, 2011

I still am suffering from jet lag because I was wide awake at 0600. It was pouring pain when I was ready to leave for the MAC so I put on my rain suit. It was also pitch black but in addition to my bike lights I bought a light that fstraps on top of my helmut. It also has a rear view light. Motorists should be able to see me. I did the tri this morning. On the swim portion the stroke I used was the breast stroke. It is easier on my shoulder. It was raining hard when I was ready to leave so instead of going to the Kava House I stayed at the MAC and read my newspapers. After lunch I cleaned out my sweater drawer. I was surprised how many nice sweaters I had on the bottom of the pile. I paid some bills and walked to the Post Office and mailed them. I am getting my 30 minutes in are you? Nancy had a wine and cheese party this afternoon. She got home about 1800. Instead of going to Great Lakes Shipping we headed to Costco to get some supplies like peanut butter, vitamin D pills, etc. I had a slice of pizza for dinner. We watched a little TV and then at 2100 headed to bed.

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