Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday October 29, 2011

Nancy and I get up about 0630. Nancy said she was really tired and would not be going to the MAC. Missy and AJ were just getting up when I was getting ready to ride my bike to "Bill's". I decided to wait so we could all go out for breakfast. I stopped by the Kava House for some coffee and to read the papers. Nancy called as I was finishing my coffee so I headed home. We all piled into the Taurus and headed to Bill's. Bill's was not very crowded so we did not have to wait. In fact I have never waited at Bill's. After breakfast Nancy and I took AJ to Meijer Gardens. The Gardens had a lot of pumpkins on display. It was turning into a bright sunny day. When we got home it was still to wet to cut the grass so I took a short nap. At 1530 I started cutting the grass and was done by 1730. I do not think I will have to cut the grass again this year. Nancy fixed sloppy joes for dinner. We all enjoyed the meal. After dinner AJ and I carved a pumpkin. I think this is the first time I have carved a pumpkin since the 80s. It actually turned out ok. It is on display on our front porch. I watched for the fifth time the Bourne Identity on TV. I really like this movie. I headed upstairs about 2300.

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