Friday, October 28, 2011

Thursday Ocotber 27, 2011

Today is suppose to be another dark gloomy day. At the MAC I did my row, run, swim routine. The WSJ was loaded with articles on the EU's debt deal. I checked on my itouch about 1200 and the stock market was going up. In todays mail I received a flyer from the owners of the Ambassador Bridge. This bridge is privately owned and goes from Detroit to Windsor, Ontario. The bridge spans the Detroit River. Canada wants a new bridge located down stream from the Ambassador Bridge. NAFTA has created a lot of truck traffic between Canada and the US. In fact I think Detroit is the busiest border crossing. The new bridge would be wider and have better connections to existing freeways. One of the raps on the Ambassador Bridge is that it dumps a lot ot trucks on Windsor's surface street creating big traffic jams. The new bridge would be a toll bridge like the Mackinaw and Blue Water Bridges. Canada would put up most of the money. The new bridge is supported by the MI Chamber of Commerce the Unions and most major newspapers. I think the new bridge is a great idea. The flyer said I should call my State Senator and tell him the new bridge is a waste of money. I don't agree so I emailed my Senator and told him to support the new bridge. Enough already on the bridge, Bob! After lunch I headed upstairs to my office to continue checking a set of bridge plans. I also caught up on my emails and banking business. My SS check came in on Wednesday. I want all you young folks to keep working and paying into SS so I can keep spending. At 1730 Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. After dinner we headed to the GR Art Museum to listen to a lecture and look at a display by an artist who also taught at UW, Madison. It was a very good lecture (and short). But what was so amazing about the speaker was that he was 90 years old. The museum served snacks and Nancy and I spent about 2 hours there. I then watched some TV while I read the GRP. I like the new TV show "Person of Interest". I did watch some of the World Series but went to bed before the sixth inning. I guess I missed a great game.

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