Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday October 25, 2011

The weather man last night it would not rain until late this afternoon. Liar, Liar! I walked outside at 0700 and it was raining. I put on my rainpants for my ride to the MAC. Today I did the row, run, swim routine. It really started to rain when I got about 1/2 way to the Kava House. It was free refill day at the Kava House so i got a small coffee and had it refilled several times. The WSJ had several articles on the EU problems. I wish Greece would just sink into the Mediterranean. Why do all the GOP candidates keep shooting themselves in the foot? Despite my low opinion of the President I do think his decision to bring the troops home from Iraq was the right one. Now I hope he brings them home from Afghanistan. After lunch I headed upstairs to my office. I spent the entire afternoon working on my computer. I spent some time working on an Excel worksheet. It has been awhile since I used Excel so I had to spend some time refreshing my skills. Tonight we will watch NCIS and read the GRP. I hope to read an article in Vanity Fair on the problems in CA. I guess Arnie did not solve many problems. Tomorrow I will check on getting my DNA run.

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