Sunday, July 30, 2023

July 30, 2023

Sunday July 30, 2023

Blog time 2130 sitting in office

Up at 0730, oatmeal breakfast and then at 0845 we drove to Trinity Lutheran.  Church was lightly attended.

After church we took a drive.  Drove west on Fulton to Lake Michigan Drive.  West on Lake Michigan Drive past Grand Valley State to US 31.  Heading north following Lake Mi shore line to Grand Haven.

 Coast Guard Festival is this week in Grand Haven.  Traffic was heavy.  We took I96 home to GR.  

The drive took over two hours.  We have not been on this route in ages.  A lot of development but still agriculture seems to be thriving.  The corn is tasseled out and the blueberries are ready for picking.

At home put on a new speedometer on my bike.  Of course I forgot to charge it so it was no use.  I also put on a bottle holder.  Today my ride was 9 miles.

After the ride I had a yogurt cup with grape nuts before showering.  I did take a sort nap.

This evening Nancy fixed meat loaf lean cuisine with coleslaw.  Cookies for dessert.

After the TV news we watched another episode of “Happy Valley”.  I think we have one episode left.

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