Friday, July 28, 2023

July 28, 2023

 Friday July 28, 2023

Blog time 1415 sitting in office

Thank God it is Friday.  I woke up tired even before I did any exercises.  Today is Nancy’s swim day.

Fixed my oatmeal breakfast w/blueberries.  Checked temps before I headed out and it was 75 with humidity.  Today, first thing I headed to MVP a ride of 5 miles.  It was so humid that when I stopped at an intersection my glasses would fog up. 

Spent about 15 minutes in gym just doing chin and pull ups.  Other exercises I did at home.  Starting Monday I will do my chin-ups and pull-ups at home, so on clear days I can avoid MVP.  I will use MVP only on rainy days. 

Noted today that traffic on East Paris was very light.  I assume that a lot of folks are working 4 day weeks.

After MVP I headed to Forest Hills Foods a distance of 2.2 miles.  I bought 2 cake donuts and a Starbucks coffee before settling down to read morning papers.  Today I brought my mini iPad.

At home I showered, dressed.  Nancy and I were planning a trip to Meijer’s but when we checked the locker we found that we had everything.  Trip cancelled.

Quick lunch of a cup of yogurt.  This afternoon a took a nap.

Nancy and I attended Happy Hour this evening.  It was too hot to have HH outside so me had HH in the Harbor cafe.

Nancy and I had 1745 dinner reservations.  I had the fried cod and Nancy a shrimp cocktail.  After dinner Nancy attended Mexican train and I took a short walk before returning to room to finish  this blog.

Missy called this evening.  We had a nice talk.  It is now almost 2100 and Nancy should be returning home soon. Just as I finished writing this she walked in the door.

It is now 2200 and the temp is 81.  Rain forecast for tonight and tomorrow should be slightly cooler.

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