Thursday, July 20, 2023

July 19, 2013

 Wednesday July 19,

Blog Time:  1342 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0545, Breakfast Club Wednesday

This morning is a busy morning.  Today BC is moving to the Embassy Suites on upper Monroe Ave by the 6th Street Bridge.

I was a little apprehensive about finding my way around but everything was well marked.  We had about 16 folks in attendance.  The food was just average, scrambled eggs, potatoes, bacon and fruit.  

The speaker was a retired Coast Guard Captain who spoke on leadership.  It was a canned military presentation.

After BC I drove to Ada Bike.  I bought a new bike yesterday and dropped off my favorite Brooks saddle to have them put it on.  Will pick up the bike later today.  I want to thank my Nephew Jason Crandall who gave me good advice on picking the right bike.  Thanks Jason.

Nancy went swimming this morning.  She is having lunch today with Carol Masten, Becky Verker and Pat Haskins.  After lunch she will drive me to Ada to pick up my bike.

It has been over a month since I posted a blog.  I will add some tidbits about what we did during my absence on future blogs.

During my absence we have settled into a routine at Cook Valley.  We usually attend the Happy Hour each weekday starting at 1700.  About four days a week we have dinner in the main dining area.  Food is good.

Every evening we watch a streaming show on Acorn, Netflix, Prime, Apple+, or BritBox.  Right now we are watching “Lincoln Lawyer”.

We have been having great July weather.  I have been riding my bike every day.  Usually 10 miles.

Nancy and I continue to have old folks health problems.  I recently was told I have diverticulitis.  Nancy has some balance and memory issues.  But we are plugging along.

Every day I read the Alpena and Detroit News, the WSJ and Apple’ News section.  The woke folks drive me bananas.  I am also disappointed with our President.  

The situation in the Ukraine does not seem to improve.  I hope we continue to support efforts of the Ukrainians.

Locally, religious, conservative Ottawa County has gone off the tracks.  A group of very conservative Trump supporters have taken over.  Loony Tunes.  

Speaking of Trump I sure hope he disappears.  The man is a cancer.  The MI GOP is also way off the main stream.

When Nancy got home from lunch she drove me to Ada.  Made a final check of the bike and pedaled home, a distance of 5.84 miles.

Took a quick shower.  My skin is very dry so I had Nancy lotion my back.  

It is now 1655 and we are heading to Happy Hour.  Because of the nice weather we will sit outside.  14 folks were at Happy Hour.  It was very pleasant sitting outside on a perfect July and talking.

Nancy and I had 1745 dinner reservations.  Our table mates tonight were our next door neighbors the Reeses.  I had the salmon and Nancy had a salad.

Tonight we watched an episode of FuBar on Netflix.  It was kind of silly.

Missy facetimed this evening as did Nancy’s sister Peg.  Everything is ok with both callers.


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