Thursday, July 27, 2023

July 27, 2023

 Up once again at 0730.  Nancy was already dressed and heading out to MVP.  I did my at home exercises.  Since I made a repair to my at home chin up bar, I am slowly gaining confidence on using the bar.  I hope on nice days to do all my exercises at home and eliminate a trip to MVP.

My super duper weather app said it is going to be another scorcher.  High temp 90.  

Yesterday I found out that I was over inflating my bike tires.  Corrected the problem this morning.

Pedaled 5 miles to MVP.  Nancy was just leaving when I arrived. Did my normal exercises.  As mentioned earlier I hope to eventually do all the exercises at home, thus eliminating MVP except for rainy days.

After MVP pedaled to Forest Hill Foods.  Bought a bagel and Starbucks coffee.  Spent time reading the Michigan papers.  Got home at 1300.

This and that:

During my high school years the City would have outdoor dances on Friday and Saturday nights from 7-9 under the lighted tennis courts at Bay View Park.  The dances were well attended.  It was a lot of fun. 

During the month of June I would work at my Grandfather’s farm.  I helped getting the hay crop in.  The rest of the summer I worked on a survey crew at Dad’s company.

Good grief this is the hottest summer on record.  All over the world temperature records are being broken.  Ocean water temps off the coast of Florida are in the 90s.

Senator Mitch McConnel has a senior moment and the press has a hissy fit.  

Missy and AJ saw the film “Barbie”.  AJ was surprised that the movie was filmed in her LA school.

We had dinner in the main dining room.  We sat alone.

Tonight we attended a concert in Cook Valley’s theater which is across the hall from our apartment.  The group that performed was the “Brass Quintet”.  It was a great concert.  Nancy and I knew all the tunes.

After the concert we attended a cookies and punch gathering.  

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