Thursday, July 20, 2023

July 20, 2023

 Thursday July 20, 2023

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0730.

Turned on the AC before going to bed and had a great night’s sleep.  Today Nancy is heading to MVP for treadmill/bike routine.

Yesterday I bought a new bike.  It is a Surley.  The folks at Ada Bike said it it exactly what I need.  Today I hopped on the bike and pedaled to MVP.  After MVP I pedaled to Forest Hills foods.  I bought a yogurt/blueberry cup along with a bagel.  I read the morning papers.

Today our apartment is being cleaned between 1000 and 1100 so I decided not to eat breakfast at home.  Good excuse for eating out.

Got home at noon.  Showered and shaved before spending time making adjustments on bike.  Today’s lunch was a cup of yogurt with Fiber 1 topping.

No nap today.  At 1700, we attended Happy Hour held on the outdoor patio.  About 15 folks attended.

Starting tomorrow my sister Helen is spending several days with us.  I checked with Cook Valley and the guest room will be ready for her.

We had dinner tonight in the dining room.  We had another couple join us.

I had the burger and Nancy had a salad.  The burger was dry.  

Cook Valley has a new cook and we have heard several complaints about food quality.

After dinner we took a short walk.  The mosquitoes were bad so we cut our walk short.

No TV tonight.  Instead we are spending some quiet time reading.

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