Sunday, July 23, 2023

July 22, 2023

 Saturday July 22, 2023

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

We all got up this morning at 0700.  Our guest, sister, Helen, spent the night in Cook Valley’s Guest Room.  She said it was great.  

This morning we all drove to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  The restaurant was busy.  Helen had cinnamon bread French toast, Nancy had the Western Omelette with raisin toast, and I had oatmeal with a scrambled egg and raisin toast.  The food was average at best.  We will try a new restaurant next Saturday.

After breakfast we took a drive north through Ada and ending up at Panera for our free coffee.  At home Helen and Nancy headed out for a shopping expedition.  Since they both have August birthdays the will buy each their present.

I put on my bike clothes.  Before heading out I put on my new bike bag.  This bag installs under the horizontal top bar.  It is big enough to carry my chain and small iPad.

Today I pedaled almost 11 miles.  My new bike is a joy to ride.  I like the wider tires and 11 gears.  A great improvement over the Bad Boy.

I got home at 1100 showered and shaved and put on clean clothes.  Helen and Nancy got home at 1300.  They said they had a great shopping day.  The stopped at Talbots, Costco and LuLulemon.  

I spent most of the rest of the day reading on my iPad and snacking. Helen brought cookies, muffins and a rhubarb.  By 1630 all the muffins and cookies were gone.  Not a great way to control my weight.

I read today’s news but found nothing I want to comment on.  Nothing will get done until our pols talk to one another.  What it wrong with compromise?

For dinner we drove to Schnitz’s Deli in Ada.  Sat outside on Schnitz’s second floor deck.  It was sunny and 81.  After dinner we walked next door to Scoopers and had an ice cream cone.  

Helen was able to hook up Granddaughter Kennedy’s soft ball game on our tv. We watched the game.  Kennedy’s team won.

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