Friday, July 21, 2023

July 21, 2023

Friday July 21, 2023

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

 Slept in until 0730.

Nancy headed out early for her MVP swim.

After an oatmeal breakfast I got on my new bike and headed to MVP.  A distance of 5 miles.

Today I did my chin-ups and sit-ups.  For a Friday MVP was nearly empty.  Folks must be on vacation.  After the workout I got back on my new Surly bike and pedaled 5 miles home.

At home I took a quick shower, dressed and drove to Ada Bike.  I bought a new storage bag.  This bag is attached under the cross bar.  I will keep my locking device in the bag.

Today my sister, Helen, from Gaylord is visiting.  Helen arrived about 1500.  She brought goodies like cookies and a rhubarb pie.

We got permission to use Cook Valley’s guest room.  It is a very nice room with all the amenities.  Helen will spend two nights in the room.

We attended the 1700 Happy Hour.  After HH we have dinner reservations in the main dining room.

Tonight’s Happy Hour was lightly attended.  We had dinner reservations for 0545.  

Tonight we all had the shrimp cocktail.  I added a bowl of tomato bisque soup.  Nancy and Helen had the shrimp but Helen order a cup of soup.  It was very good.

After dinner we each had a piece of rhubarb pie.  Actually I had two.  The pie was very good.

We spent a pleasant evening talking. Helen turned in about 2100.  Nancy and I soon followed.

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