Saturday, July 29, 2023

July 29, 2023

 Saturday July 29, 2034

Blog time 1618 sitting in office

Just got off a phone call with my sister, Helen.  I wanted to know if the high heat and humidity were bothering her.  After listening to her schedule I would say she is getting by.

This morning we were up at 0700.  Breakfast this morning at “The Gathering Place”.  The place was empty.

After breakfast we headed to Meijer’s to replenish our larder.  Meijer’s was also empty.  Folks must be on vacation.

While Nancy was doing the laundry, I was riding my bike.  I started out planning on riding to Ada a distance of about 7 miles.  It was very hot and humid so 4 miles into the ride I turned around.  

At home, I got in Fusion and drove to Ada Bike.  I picked up a new speedometer for my bike.  The unit operates like a cell phone picking up a signal from satellites.  It is very simple. No wires required.  It can be moved easily from bike to bike.

For dinner tonight we drove to Culver’s for a frozen custard.  Very good but probably not to healthy.

Debbie FaceTime us this evening.  We had a nice conversation.  Things are going ok in San Jose.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Happy Valley”.  I like this show.

It is now 2200 and after the WSJ I will head to bed.

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