Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wednesday July 6, 2016

Log time: 2123

Breakfast Club Wednesday but today I am playing hooky.

Nancy headed out to MVP in a light rain.

As soon as Nancy got home I put on my raincoat and walked to Panera for coffee and a quick read.

I am tired already of the Presidential campaign and all the finance experts giving their opinion of the impact of the BRexit. I can not believe that all the world’s problems are the result of the BRexit.

Rain had stopped when I headed home. Got home at 1200.

Nancy left at 1230 for her shift at the Gardens.

AJ and I took Ms P to the beauty shop. We will pick her up at 1600.

AJ and I spent several hours at the zoo. Lions, tigers, bears and all kinds of snakes and birds. The temps were in the low 90s so I had to buy AJ an ice cream cone.

We picked Ms P at 1600. She looks great with her short hair.

We had a light dinner.

After the dishes I took a walk around the block. At the intersection of Tahoe and Charlevoix I saw an Albion College magazine in the middle of the intersection. I knew it was the Albion College magazine because Nancy gets one every quarter.

I picked it up and saw it was addressed to Dave Fowler, 3706 Charlevoix. I took the mag and rang the bell at 3706. No answer and none of the neighbors were home.

The reason for my interest is that I went to Alpena HS with a Dave Fowler. Dave attended Albion College. I will ring more door bells tomorrow.

We watched an episode of Luther on netflix. It is now 2200 and Nancy and AJ have gone to bed. I am watching the Tour de France. Beautiful country.

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