Saturday, July 2, 2016

Saturday July 2, 2016

Log time: 1727

I am sitting on the deck drinking a summer tonic and writing this blog.

I was the last one up this morning, 0730.

AJ, Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. It was a cool, 59, when we left but it did not take long to reach 70.

As soon as we got home I changed into my biking clothes. I took a 12 mile ride.

Before showering I took Ms P on a short walk.

AJ and I had a quick lunch and at 1315 we headed out to Celebration Cinema. We saw the movie “Finding Dora”.

It cost $17 for tickets. The cost of Aj’s ticket was the same as mine.

When I was AJ’s age a ticket to the movie was only $0.12. When I reached 12 it went up to $0.25. A box of Juicy Fruits cost a nickel, today we paid $6.00 for a box of popcorn.

Did you know that on weekends at Celebration you can buy beer and wine?

Nancy is cooking some egg rolls for a pre-dinner snack. Tonight we are having hot dogs and corn on the cob for dinner.

The meal was great. After dinner AJ and Nancy went to Baskin Robbins to get AJ an ice cream cone. I walked around the block.

AJ just got off the phone with Missy.

We are watching Midsomer Murders on netflix and AJ is watching “The Princess and the Frog” in the next room.

We had another nice summer’s day. Next week the weather folks predict three days with temps over 90.

80s are fine but 90 and over is a bit much.

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