Monday, July 4, 2016

Monday July 4, 2016

Log time: 1750

Happy July 4th! I remember picnics at my Grandparents farm, band concerts and fireworks.

Nancy and I spent our first Fourth together watching a parade in Redwood City, Ca.

Today we got up at 0700 and headed to our old neighborhood, Ottawa Hills. We attended the Hollyhock Lane Fourth of July Parade. They had a great turnout and a lot of floats. This is an election year so all the pols running for office were in the parade. We had a chance to talk with old neighbors.

After the parade we drove to the Brandywine on Lake Drive and had breakfast. This is the first time in exactly a year that we have visited the Brandywine. Same good food and the same staff.

Took Ms P on a long walk and then ran an errand. I bought cargo shorts at American Eagle. I see all these old guys wearing shorts. My legs are as ugly as theirs so I give in. I will wear shorts.

Nancy and AJ went to Kathi Kothe’s for a swim. I took a 10 mile bike ride, showered and then took a short nap.

Nancy fired up the grill and cooked steaks, corn and potatoes. Great summer fare.

Tonight we are going to East Grand Rapids for the fireworks.

On the Fourth of July in 1927 my Grandmother Maggie McTavish Hughes was in London. She made no mention of the holiday. Of course the English don’t celebrate our Fourth.

On the Fourth in 1938 in Ossineke, Mi Great Grandfather and Grandmother Sanborn drove to the McNeil’s cottage on Hubbard Lake for a family picnic. The McNeil’s were family. I might have even attended the picnic.

A good traditional Fourth of July.

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