Sunday, July 10, 2016

Saturday July 9, 2016

Log time: 2106

We all slept in until 0730. It was cool and breezy on our walk to Panera. Nancy and I had our usual but AJ had an egg and bacon sandwich. It looked good.

Nancy ran errands and I did a load of laundry. Also took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk.

This afternoon Nancy and AJ headed to her friend Kathi’s for a pool party.

I took a 12 mile bike ride. Ate lunch and then took a short nap. Later I got in the Cobalt and ran errands. Stopped at Dick’s to see if they had any ExOfficio 10,000 mile tee shirts. No luck. Same at Gazelle’s. Final stop Panera’s to buy a loaf of sour dough bread.

Nancy called and said the pool party was great that they would be home late. I had a light dinner and then took Ms P on another walk.

Missy made her nightly call to AJ this evening. We watched the Track and Field trials. Nancy and AJ are now in bed but I just finished watching Rake on netflix. It is a great guy show. Nancy does not like it.

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