Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday July 11, 2016

Log time: 2042

It was raining when I left for the Y. Old guys don’t ride bikes when it is raining so I walked to the Y.

The AC was going full blast at Panera so I was glad I had another shirt in my backpack. WSJ still has articles about BRexit and its negative impact on the world’s economy. If that is a fact then why is the US Stock Market going bonkers?

It looks like the UK has another Iron Lady.

We commit more troops to east Europe and Afghanistan. Will we ever stop protecting the world?

It was raining hard when I headed home.

Kim came to clean today. Kim will keep Ms P while we are in CA. Ms P likes Kim and has stayed with her many times.

What do you do with an eight year old on a rainy summer’s afternoon? You go to the movies. We saw the “The Secret Life of Pets”. Not an original idea. The movie was jammed. We both liked the movie.

The sun was out when we left the theater. It was hot and humid so Nancy took AJ to the pool at MVP.

I walked around the block and then finished packing for our trip. Nancy and AJ were not home at 1800 so I had a light dinner.

After dinner I took another walk around the block.

Nancy and I watched the first episode of Season 18 of Midsomer Murders on netflix.

The heat and humidity will continue through tomorrow.

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