Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday July 12, 2016

Log time: 2007

Today is another easy day. I am winding down because tomorrow we get up at 0330 and head to CA.

I took the short bike route to the Y and did my daily routine at 50%. Panera was not very crowded today. I did a quick read of the WSJ before heading home.

Quick lunch and then AJ and I grab our fish poles and head to Millennium Park. I rented a kayak. The fishing was not very good but I enjoyed being on the water. After our hour rental was up we headed to the beach. AJ spent about an hour in the water. In fact at 1600 they closed the beach because of thunder storms.

At home AJ took a bath and I took a shower. At 1800 we got in the Cobalt and headed to iHop. AJ had chocolate pancakes and I had pancake and eggs. It was good.

Nancy had to work the concert at Meijer’s tonight so she missed out on fishing and iHop.

Early to bed tonight because 0330 comes early. Stay tuned!

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