Saturday, July 9, 2016

Friday July 8, 2016

Log time: 1800

Up at 0630 and did all my calisthenics at home.

Nancy took the day off.

I biked to Panera for coffee and a quick read of WSJ.

I wish the GOP would forget the Clinton emails.

BRexit is not responsible for all the world’s problems.

Recent shootings by police is worrisome. Is it racism? I really don’t think so but the videos sure cast some doubts on police actions.

The shooting of police in Dallas is also troubling.

I really think we should ban folks carrying concealed weapons.

If I was King I would ban folks and police carrying hand guns. People using guns in a crime would be shot. Think this would work? Would any pol vote for it? Appoint me King!

At 0930 we got in the Taurus and headed to a horse riding stable in Gaines Twp. Today AJ had a session riding a horse.

After the session we headed to the discount mall. I bought low cut socks and running shorts and Nancy bought clothes for grandkids.

It has been hot and humid all day. I decided to get a bike ride in before it got any hotter. I took a 12 mile ride and in the last mile it started to pour. I was soaked when I got home.

Nancy and AJ headed to MVP for a swim but they turned around and came home when the rain started. It did not rain long. We really need an all day rain.

Nancy and I have applied for a Global Entry permit. It will allow us to bypass some security check points. We are both going to Port Huron for an interview on the 26th.
Nancy fixed noodles with chicken for dinner. She also prepared mashed potatoes. It was very tasty.

Took Ms P on a short walk and then watched the Track and Field trials. Right now I am watching tennis from Wimbledon.

Earlier we saw a deer in the back yard. We all dropped everything to watch.

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