Friday, July 15, 2016

Friday July 15, 2016

Bob is on special assignment and will return the last week and July,

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tuesday July 12, 2016

Log time: 2007

Today is another easy day. I am winding down because tomorrow we get up at 0330 and head to CA.

I took the short bike route to the Y and did my daily routine at 50%. Panera was not very crowded today. I did a quick read of the WSJ before heading home.

Quick lunch and then AJ and I grab our fish poles and head to Millennium Park. I rented a kayak. The fishing was not very good but I enjoyed being on the water. After our hour rental was up we headed to the beach. AJ spent about an hour in the water. In fact at 1600 they closed the beach because of thunder storms.

At home AJ took a bath and I took a shower. At 1800 we got in the Cobalt and headed to iHop. AJ had chocolate pancakes and I had pancake and eggs. It was good.

Nancy had to work the concert at Meijer’s tonight so she missed out on fishing and iHop.

Early to bed tonight because 0330 comes early. Stay tuned!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday July 11, 2016

Log time: 2042

It was raining when I left for the Y. Old guys don’t ride bikes when it is raining so I walked to the Y.

The AC was going full blast at Panera so I was glad I had another shirt in my backpack. WSJ still has articles about BRexit and its negative impact on the world’s economy. If that is a fact then why is the US Stock Market going bonkers?

It looks like the UK has another Iron Lady.

We commit more troops to east Europe and Afghanistan. Will we ever stop protecting the world?

It was raining hard when I headed home.

Kim came to clean today. Kim will keep Ms P while we are in CA. Ms P likes Kim and has stayed with her many times.

What do you do with an eight year old on a rainy summer’s afternoon? You go to the movies. We saw the “The Secret Life of Pets”. Not an original idea. The movie was jammed. We both liked the movie.

The sun was out when we left the theater. It was hot and humid so Nancy took AJ to the pool at MVP.

I walked around the block and then finished packing for our trip. Nancy and AJ were not home at 1800 so I had a light dinner.

After dinner I took another walk around the block.

Nancy and I watched the first episode of Season 18 of Midsomer Murders on netflix.

The heat and humidity will continue through tomorrow.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sunday July 10, 2016

Log time: 1708

AJ was the first one up this morning, 0630. I guess that means she is over jet lag.

The weather folks said we are in store for another hot, sunny day. They were right. The high temp reached 86.

A light bulb went off this morning when I headed out to the mailbox to get the morning paper. I had not cancelled our mail service for next week. Luckily I had a blank form.

Nancy said she is starting her vacation early so no Y this morning. I got on my bike and took the short route to the Y. I did the calisthenics at 50% and ran a mile. I got home at 0930.

Nancy needed to make a quick trip to Meijer’s. Ms P, AJ and I took a short walk. We made a close inspection of a pond in the back yard. The pond was loaded with frogs. AJ regretted that she did not bring her net. What do you do if you catch a frog?

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I had mine with sour dough bread and bacon. I do not know any man who does not like bacon. The Breakfast Club folks alway cook up a lot of bacon. Each member take at least six slices. I think that BC is the only place that they can eat as much as they want. Their wife probably tells them how bad it is for their health and limit the portions at home.

I took a walk around the block. At 1500 Nancy and AJ put on their swim suits and headed to MVP’s huge outdoor pool.

I took a short nap. After, I headed downstairs to clean up my desk.

Tonight Nancy is fixing Italian beef sandwich for dinner. She cooked the beef in the crock pot. I will have mine over sour dough bread. Sound good!

July, 1927 my Grandmother Hughes was in Scotland. On the 8th she visited her father’s birthplace, Campbeltown. Yesterday she saw the King and Queen arrive at Edinburgh Castle. Today the 10th she is on a 200 mile sightseeing trip. She will visit a famous loch and Rob Roy’s cave.

On this date in 1938 (the year of my birth) in Ossineke, Mi. My Great-grandfather Sanborn said it was cloudy with some rain. No ball game today so he and GGM took a car trip to visit friends. GGF had a Lincoln Zephyr car. A car guy I know said the Zephyr had a V12 engine. Attendance today at the Ossineke Methodist Church was 20.

Saturday July 9, 2016

Log time: 2106

We all slept in until 0730. It was cool and breezy on our walk to Panera. Nancy and I had our usual but AJ had an egg and bacon sandwich. It looked good.

Nancy ran errands and I did a load of laundry. Also took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk.

This afternoon Nancy and AJ headed to her friend Kathi’s for a pool party.

I took a 12 mile bike ride. Ate lunch and then took a short nap. Later I got in the Cobalt and ran errands. Stopped at Dick’s to see if they had any ExOfficio 10,000 mile tee shirts. No luck. Same at Gazelle’s. Final stop Panera’s to buy a loaf of sour dough bread.

Nancy called and said the pool party was great that they would be home late. I had a light dinner and then took Ms P on another walk.

Missy made her nightly call to AJ this evening. We watched the Track and Field trials. Nancy and AJ are now in bed but I just finished watching Rake on netflix. It is a great guy show. Nancy does not like it.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Friday July 8, 2016

Log time: 1800

Up at 0630 and did all my calisthenics at home.

Nancy took the day off.

I biked to Panera for coffee and a quick read of WSJ.

I wish the GOP would forget the Clinton emails.

BRexit is not responsible for all the world’s problems.

Recent shootings by police is worrisome. Is it racism? I really don’t think so but the videos sure cast some doubts on police actions.

The shooting of police in Dallas is also troubling.

I really think we should ban folks carrying concealed weapons.

If I was King I would ban folks and police carrying hand guns. People using guns in a crime would be shot. Think this would work? Would any pol vote for it? Appoint me King!

At 0930 we got in the Taurus and headed to a horse riding stable in Gaines Twp. Today AJ had a session riding a horse.

After the session we headed to the discount mall. I bought low cut socks and running shorts and Nancy bought clothes for grandkids.

It has been hot and humid all day. I decided to get a bike ride in before it got any hotter. I took a 12 mile ride and in the last mile it started to pour. I was soaked when I got home.

Nancy and AJ headed to MVP for a swim but they turned around and came home when the rain started. It did not rain long. We really need an all day rain.

Nancy and I have applied for a Global Entry permit. It will allow us to bypass some security check points. We are both going to Port Huron for an interview on the 26th.
Nancy fixed noodles with chicken for dinner. She also prepared mashed potatoes. It was very tasty.

Took Ms P on a short walk and then watched the Track and Field trials. Right now I am watching tennis from Wimbledon.

Earlier we saw a deer in the back yard. We all dropped everything to watch.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Thursday July 7, 2016

Log time: 2051

Another hot day in GR. Slept in today and then hopped on the bike and headed to the Y.

Nancy took the day off. She and AJ went shopping for shoes and clothes.

Did the full routine before heading to Panera. Read the WSJ/NYT but found nothing worth commenting on.

I got home at 1230 and Nancy and AJ were getting ready to head out to the beach. Nancy’s friend Bonnie lives in Grand Haven. Her seven year old grandson, Jack, is visiting. Jack and AJ got along great. Nancy said Lake Michigan’s water temperature was tolerable.

I took Ms P on a short walk. After lunch I got in the Cobalt and headed to Bill and Pauls. I bought some 1,000 mile underwear for our trips to CA and the Rockies.

I also stopped the Meijer’s and bought travel size tooth paste, mouth wash, fiber and shaving lotion.

Nancy and AJ got home from their afternoon at the beach at 1700. Everyone was tired so I got a pizza from TJ’s.

On my evening walk around the block it started to rain. It was not a hard rain. We really need the rain.

I am watching Africa on netflix. Great show.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wednesday July 6, 2016

Log time: 2123

Breakfast Club Wednesday but today I am playing hooky.

Nancy headed out to MVP in a light rain.

As soon as Nancy got home I put on my raincoat and walked to Panera for coffee and a quick read.

I am tired already of the Presidential campaign and all the finance experts giving their opinion of the impact of the BRexit. I can not believe that all the world’s problems are the result of the BRexit.

Rain had stopped when I headed home. Got home at 1200.

Nancy left at 1230 for her shift at the Gardens.

AJ and I took Ms P to the beauty shop. We will pick her up at 1600.

AJ and I spent several hours at the zoo. Lions, tigers, bears and all kinds of snakes and birds. The temps were in the low 90s so I had to buy AJ an ice cream cone.

We picked Ms P at 1600. She looks great with her short hair.

We had a light dinner.

After the dishes I took a walk around the block. At the intersection of Tahoe and Charlevoix I saw an Albion College magazine in the middle of the intersection. I knew it was the Albion College magazine because Nancy gets one every quarter.

I picked it up and saw it was addressed to Dave Fowler, 3706 Charlevoix. I took the mag and rang the bell at 3706. No answer and none of the neighbors were home.

The reason for my interest is that I went to Alpena HS with a Dave Fowler. Dave attended Albion College. I will ring more door bells tomorrow.

We watched an episode of Luther on netflix. It is now 2200 and Nancy and AJ have gone to bed. I am watching the Tour de France. Beautiful country.

Tuesday July 5, 2016

Log time: 1900 Wednesday

Busy day today. Up at usual time, Nancy goes swimming and I do calisthenics at home.

As soon as Nancy gets home I get on bike and ride to Panera. Spent about 30 minutes reading the WSJ/NYT and drinking coffee.

1015 we all get in Taurus and head to the Boulder Ridge Animal Farm in Alto. AJ got to feed the birds, giraffe and other hoofed animals. The place was crowded. This is a great place for Grandparents to take Grandkids.

We got home about 1300. I took a 12 mile bike ride.

At 1615 we left home for the Gardens. Nancy has to work the concert tonight.

AJ and I bought hot dogs, set up our chairs and watched the concert. The Tuesday night concerts are free and features local talent.

It was a great evening for a concert. Nancy said 1,200 tickets were sold.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Monday July 4, 2016

Log time: 1750

Happy July 4th! I remember picnics at my Grandparents farm, band concerts and fireworks.

Nancy and I spent our first Fourth together watching a parade in Redwood City, Ca.

Today we got up at 0700 and headed to our old neighborhood, Ottawa Hills. We attended the Hollyhock Lane Fourth of July Parade. They had a great turnout and a lot of floats. This is an election year so all the pols running for office were in the parade. We had a chance to talk with old neighbors.

After the parade we drove to the Brandywine on Lake Drive and had breakfast. This is the first time in exactly a year that we have visited the Brandywine. Same good food and the same staff.

Took Ms P on a long walk and then ran an errand. I bought cargo shorts at American Eagle. I see all these old guys wearing shorts. My legs are as ugly as theirs so I give in. I will wear shorts.

Nancy and AJ went to Kathi Kothe’s for a swim. I took a 10 mile bike ride, showered and then took a short nap.

Nancy fired up the grill and cooked steaks, corn and potatoes. Great summer fare.

Tonight we are going to East Grand Rapids for the fireworks.

On the Fourth of July in 1927 my Grandmother Maggie McTavish Hughes was in London. She made no mention of the holiday. Of course the English don’t celebrate our Fourth.

On the Fourth in 1938 in Ossineke, Mi Great Grandfather and Grandmother Sanborn drove to the McNeil’s cottage on Hubbard Lake for a family picnic. The McNeil’s were family. I might have even attended the picnic.

A good traditional Fourth of July.

Sunday July 3, 2016

Log time: 2211

Slept in this morning, Nancy did not want to go swimming.

I got on my bike and took the direct route to the Y.

Did calisthenics at 50% and ran 1.2 miles.

Got home at 0900.

We all got in the Taurus and headed to Meijer’s.

High test gas today was $2.79.

Nancy bought AJ a sweet roll.

In addition to groceries we bought string and plastic fishing worms.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Took Ms P on a short walk and read most of the GRP.

Nancy and AJ tie dyed a tee shirt today.

Took a short nap and then spent about an hour getting my new, left handed, spinning rod working.

It was a frustrating job. I had trouble seeing the thin fish line. I had to string the line about four times before I finally figured out how the thing worked.

Ended the afternoon with a walk around the block.

We had deli sandwiches for dinner tonight.

After the dishes we all took a short walk.

Missy called AJ tonight. We also spent some time on FaceTime talking to Debbie.

Nancy and AJ have gone to bed and I just finished watching a British mystery on netflix.

Have the alarm set for 0650 so we can get up in time to see the OHNA’s Hollyhock parade tomorrow.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Saturday July 2, 2016

Log time: 1727

I am sitting on the deck drinking a summer tonic and writing this blog.

I was the last one up this morning, 0730.

AJ, Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. It was a cool, 59, when we left but it did not take long to reach 70.

As soon as we got home I changed into my biking clothes. I took a 12 mile ride.

Before showering I took Ms P on a short walk.

AJ and I had a quick lunch and at 1315 we headed out to Celebration Cinema. We saw the movie “Finding Dora”.

It cost $17 for tickets. The cost of Aj’s ticket was the same as mine.

When I was AJ’s age a ticket to the movie was only $0.12. When I reached 12 it went up to $0.25. A box of Juicy Fruits cost a nickel, today we paid $6.00 for a box of popcorn.

Did you know that on weekends at Celebration you can buy beer and wine?

Nancy is cooking some egg rolls for a pre-dinner snack. Tonight we are having hot dogs and corn on the cob for dinner.

The meal was great. After dinner AJ and Nancy went to Baskin Robbins to get AJ an ice cream cone. I walked around the block.

AJ just got off the phone with Missy.

We are watching Midsomer Murders on netflix and AJ is watching “The Princess and the Frog” in the next room.

We had another nice summer’s day. Next week the weather folks predict three days with temps over 90.

80s are fine but 90 and over is a bit much.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Friday July 1, 2016

Log time: 20Spen30

Last night was torture. I had to wear the sleep apnea monitor which was a pain, plus we had some thunder storms roll through last night and Ms P went wild. I slept in until 0730.

Nancy headed to MVP and I did the calisthenics at home. It takes me 22 minutes to do my daily routine of calisthenics.

As soon as I finish the calisthenics I got in the Taurus and returned the monitor to St Mary’s. I should know the results in two weeks.

Missy, AJ and I walked to Sundance for breakfast. The place was crowded. I think a lot of folks took today off so they could have a long weekend. I was disappointed with the food, service and price. I gave it a C-.

Nancy and AJ went to Schuler’s Book store and Toy’s R US. I walked Ms P around the block and then continued on to Macatawa Bank.

Spent some time reading the morning papers. At 1530 I took Missy to the airport. She is heading back to LA.

I took a nap. For dinner tonight AJ, Nancy and I walked to a small Mexican Cafe next to Shepard’s Grill. I had their fresh made tamales, and Nancy and AJ had tacos. Both Nancy and I like the food. We gave it an A-.

I took Ms P on her short nature walk. The weather was very mild today but a warm up is scheduled for tomorrow.