Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday December 18, 2012

I got started early today because I have a 0845 Doctor's appointment. I hustled through my at-home routine. I took and quick shower and then got in the C2 and headed to Dr Mary's office on Michigan Street. I got my stitches out and it took about 4 minutes. After the Doctor I stopped at the bank to get some money for our trip to CA tomorrow. I then headed to the MAC. Today I did the tri and my swim time for 1,000 yards was 31'. I have to be home early today so I did not go to the Kava House. I had my coffee at Breton Village. The mall was crowded because the Christmas train display is up and running. A lot of grandparents bringing their grand kids to see the trains. It is really a great display. I got home about 1230 and Nancy was already home. I think Ms P knew that she was leaving. Kim stopped by about 1400 and Ms P and Kim headed out. I spent some time playing with Nancy's new phone. I cannot get the email to work on the phone. My new iphone is working fine. It is a great piece of technology. I also finished packing this afternoon. I needed to get my 30 in so I took a 2.5 mile walk. Tonight we will watch the NCIS shows and then head to bed. The taxi is stopping by at 0415. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday December 17, 2012

Like clockwork Ms P and I are up at exactly 0500. As I was getting ready to pedal to the MAC I noticed that Ms P was moping around. I think I determined what her problem was. She saw our suitcases were out and we were starting to pack. She figured out that we were leaving. I think maybe this might have triggered her seizure yesterday. It is another very mild day with temperatures in the 40s. After the MAC I pedaled home and got in the C2 and headed to Greenville. I turned in our two ATT phones and Carol gave me a new phone for Nancy. I already have a new iphone. Of course I spent a hour talking to Carol and Donni. I wonder if I am getting like most retired guys who wastes working folks time by talking up at storm? I hope not. However, I always like talking shop with working engineers like Carol. I find out what is going on. Gossip is good. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block and then headed upstairs to continue packing. I am almost done. I also talked to Chris Hoekema about having her sons shoveling our walk whine we are gone. Tonight we will have a light dinner and then watch some TV before upstairs. I got my 30 in today did you? 50 years ago about this time I was leaving Midway Island and heading to Alpena, Mi for the holidays. I was one happy Navy guy.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Sunday December 16, 2012

It was 0500 again for Ms P and me. It was very mild when we went outside, 48⁰. It was colder in San Jose, CA this morning. We headed to the MAC for our Sunday swim. We both swam 1,000 yards. Since we will be going to CA later in the week we did not have to go to Meijer's today. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I also took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I took at 2.5 mile walk. It was dark and gloomy. However, a lot of folks were out walking. When I got home I was watching the Lions game on TV when Ms P had a seizure. It lasted about 10 minutes. She was having such a normal day I wonder what triggered the seizure. Both Nancy and I have started to pack. We are only checking one bag so we have to be creative. Tonight we will watch 60 minutes and read the GRP. I hope to be in bed early because tomorrow is a busy day. At least it is busy for a retired guy.

Saturday December 15, 2012

It was a 0500 morning for Ms P and I. I got up for good at 0730. I headed to Bill's at 0810 and it was still dark outside. No wonder folks get depressed this time of year. I gave in and had pancakes at Bill's. They were good and Bill's is good about letting us use as much syrup as we want. After breakfast I rode my bike around Reeds Lake. The total mileage this morning was 12. Rain is suppose to start around noon so my Reeds Lake ride is my exercise for today. I spent most of the afternoon getting my iphone up and running. I can now facetime with my Sister, Debbie and Steve's family. I also tried texting and it seem to work ok. I might even establish a twitter account. The Siri option on the phone also works fine. I now have the ultimate toy. This evening Nancy and I are meeting the Namey's at Sundance Grill for dinner. We will have dessert at our house after dinner.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Friday December 14, 2012

TGIF: Even though I am retired I still like Fridays when they roll around. Today is no exception. After the morning routine I rode my bike with the steel stud tires to the MAC. The steel studs are great in ice and snow but they seem to be harder to pedal. They are also noisy. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. Since Kim was cleaning the house I was in no hurry to get home. I read the WSJ and DFP from cover to cover. The only thing of interest was the continuing trial of Detroit's ex-mayor and his contractor buddy. They were using the City as their personal piggy bank. I spent my entire career in public infrastructure construction and I have never encountered corruption, especially on the scale it was done in Detroit. I did not get home until 1330. I asked Kim how Ms P did at the kennel and she said that Ms P did fine. That was good news to hear. After a quick lunch I drove Nancy to Costco. Gas at Costco was $3.11 a gallon. We were buying a dessert for Saturday night. We are having the Namey's over after dinner. Nancy and I are getting new cell phones. We are both moving to the SCECO company plan with Sprint. Nancy bought me a new iphone 5 so after Costco I headed to the Sprint store to pick it up. At 1800 we met the Horlings at the Twisted Roster for dinner. After dinner we saw the movie "Lincoln". We all thought it was a great movie. We did not get home until almost 2300.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday December 13, 2012

Finally, Ms P and I slept in until 0500 this morning. It was very mild when we walked outside. It looks like a nice day ahead. For the first time in a week I did pushups, pull ups and rowed with no damage to the stitches. I also went swimming for the first time in a week. I spent some time at the Kava House reading the WSJ and DFP. The Michigan right-to-work law is still making headlines. I did not get home until 1330. Nancy had a lunch today with a friend. After I had a quick lunch Ms P and I got in the C2 and headed to Meijer's. I bought a gift card. My old firm is having an adopt a family drive. I stopped by the office and dropped off the card. Of course I stayed and talked to Ryan and Robert. I stopped by home to drop Ms P off and then headed to the bike shop. I had snow tires put on the bike. Of course it is not expected to snow in the next week. Nancy's foot is bothering her tonight so she went to bed early. She is putting the heating pad on the foot. I hope it works. Tonight I will watch the news and then "Person of Interest". We also got a paper edition of the GRP so I will spent some time reading it. The GRP is not the same since it went to the three day a week delivery. Most of the material is fluff or taken off a wire service. I am glad I have my Kindle. I got my 30 in today did you?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday December 12, 2012

It seems Ms P and I are hung up on 0400. We both need to go outside. I had to get up early, 0545, because I had Breakfast Club this morning. The speaker today was a professional storyteller. She told several Christmas stories. It was entertaining. After BC I stopped by the Kava House to read the papers. The WSJ had a major story on Michigan passing a right-to-work law. I was totally surprised that the measure passed. Although I am not a big fan of unions I don't think the new legislation will have much impact. I think I said the same thing yesterday. After the Kava House I walked Ms P around the block. I then started writing Christmas cards. I was done by 1300. I had a 1400 Grand Rapids Building Authority meeting. We had a small agenda and we adjourned at 1430. I will now walk to the post office to mail my Christmas cards. Nancy is on Meijer's Garden committee dealing with the new Japanese Garden that is being constructed at the Gardens. They had a 1100 meeting. After the meeting she will work her normal Wednesday afternoon shift. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I know it is a day early but change is good. Not much on TV so we will probably head to bed early.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday December 11, 2012

It was cold this morning, 27⁰, when Ms P and I went out at 0400. The ground had a thin layer of snow. I did not do any exercises at home but headed directly to the MAC at 0800. I really put on the layers and it seemed to work. I was nice and toasty except for my feet. I will solve the cold feet problem next year. I am still not doing any exercises that might pull my stitches. I hope to resume these exercises on Thursday. I am still ordering small coffees because my stomach cannot tolerate too much. The big talk in Mi is the pending right-to-work legislation. There is a huge rally in Lansing today. It will be interesting to see the impact of the legislation in 10 months. I had a light lunch and then headed upstairs to start writing check to charities that we give to once a year. It took me most of the afternoon. Nancy spent most of the afternoon getting packages ready to mail to the kids. I took the packages to the post office. The line at the PO was almost out the door. Ms P and I took a quick walk around the block. I talked to both Missy and Debbie this afternoon. Tonight is a big TV night for me. However, I have to head to bed early because I have to get up early for Breakfast Club.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday December 10, 2012

Monday morning and Ms P and I went outside at 0400. The weather was a snow/rain mix. I really did not know if I could ride my bike today. Nancy and I watched the early morning shows. Nancy has to meet some vendors this morning so she is not going to the MAC. Because of my stitches I cannot do any chip-ups or pushups. I walked outside at 0730 and decided that the roads were wet but not frozen. I strapped on my miner's lantern and got on my retro and pedaled to the MAC. I did all my routine, except for the upper body exercises at the MAC. I finished my routine with a 1.5 mile run. My time for the 1.5 miles was 16'. At one time I could run 1.5 miles in 12'. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House. Lately, because of a sour stomach I have been drinking a small coffee. I continued today. Both the WSJ and DFP only rehashed the weekend news. After a quick lunch I ran several errands. I had to buy several recessed light bulbs for our kitchen. I like the lights but they are pricey, $8 each. I keep thinking that I will start my Christmas cards soon. Maybe tomorrow. This afternoon Nancy went to another hospital guild party. She is my party girl. Did you know that a lot of folks comment how much Nancy looks like Judith Dench, the British actress. I think Judith Dench looks like Nancy but she is much shorter, 5'1" vs 5'4".

Sunday December 9, 2012

Sunday morning and Ms P and I went out at 0500. it was spitting snow. Today Nancy and I declared that today is the official end of "jet lag". We are back to normal except that Nancy's foot still hurts and I cannot swim because of the 7 stitches in my hand. Nancy did go swimming and I ran 1.5 miles on the track. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for some supplies. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.33 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. After reading a few section of the GRP I headed upstairs for my Sunday nap. I started to read my book but was soon asleep. After the nap I took Ms P around the block in a freezing drizzle. Tonight Nancy's Book Club is having their Christmas party. It will be at the Moleski's. Stay tuned. There were 11 folks at the Christmas party. Plenty of food and drink was had by all. The conversation was friendly and filled with holiday cheer. Michigan politics was not discussed tonight. We got home at 2030. I watched the first half of the Lions/Packers game.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Saturday December 8, 2012

We are back, last week Saturday Nancy and Bob got home from their big trip to Vietnam. It was a great trip. Vietnam is a beautiful country. The times they have caught up with VN. Every hotel we stayed in had free Wifi in the room. I used the note section of my itouch to take notes on our daily travels. Below our my unedited notes. Tues 11/13 Chicago ok but mechanical problem flight delayed 4 hours, arrive japan, flight to Bangkok canceled, tomorrow fly to Beijing then Bangkok. I don't know what happened to Thurs. Friday Nov 16: I think, Tokyo to Beijing, plane delayed again, got into Bangkok at 0200. Oat folks picked us up. Great hotel, will leave in hour for flight to Hanoi and hope to catch up with group. Hot in Bangkok, snow in Beijing. Saturday Nov. 17 caught up with group yesterday, took tour in evening, saw lowering of flag at Ho Chi Minh mausoleum. Sat morn took tour to remote village. Took ferry to village. Saw rice paper making, area very poor. In pm visit Confucius temple. Dinner at local cafe sat outside. Good food. Ok with chop sticks Sunday Nov 18, up early took bus to Halong Bay. Stopped at work shop of Agent Orange victims. Arrive Halong 1300, took launch to junk. Junk was small but nice. Visited island cave, watched sunset from upper deck of junk. Great dinner. Halong Bay was great, must see if in VT. Pleasant sleep on junk. Monday morning leave junk early. Fly to Hue ancient capital. Stay in nice hotel. Visited pagoda and took boat ride on Perfume river. Tuesday Nov 20 took tour of Imperial Citadel. Impressive. Visited orphanage supported by OAT. Main Nun recently passed attended Buddhist Memorial service. Much like Irish wake. Nov 21: Wednesday drove to Danang. Danang has really changed in 48 years. Very modern with many tall buildings. Visited China Beach, world class beach. Staying in Hoi An an ancient city. Super hotel with great pool. Attended VN cooking class. Thursday, Thankgiving, visited ancient Temples of mountain people. Beautiful area have lunch and dinner in Hoi An. Friday morning took bus to Danang and flew to Nha Trang the premier beach resort in VN. Looks like Miami what a difference 48 years make. Drove to rural village for lunch. Dinner at local restaurant. Nov 24: Saturday took boat trip to island resort. Paddled round boat. We went swimming. Water and beach were great. Lunch on island. Nov 25: Sunday took four hour bus ride up the mountains to Dalat. Toured Dalat and took elevated tram ride over pine forest. Dinner with middle class family. Dalat because of elevation is much cooler than coastal cities. Monday: Dalat took tour to flower and coffee growing area. Coffee growing area is huge, coffee grown on side of mountain. Tasted weasel shit coffee. Not kidding very expensive. Visited Montagnards village. Viets moved mountain people out of traditional lands to reservation like areas. In pm visited Dalat U talked to students. Not much different than US. Later attended mountain people dance demonstration. Nancy and I sampled homemade rice wine from large ceramic jug Nov 27: Tuesday flew to Saigon. Could not recognize any project I worked on at airport. Saigon is booming. Looking like Singapore. Took tour, saw my apartment, it will be torn down soon for new high rise. Took cyclo tour, dinner at hotel. Wednesday took boat tour on Mekong. Visited several craft factories. Had lunch in old landlord's home. Got back at 1600. Nancy and I had drink on roof of Rex Hotel. Rex was home of news folks during war. We then walked to Continental Hotel. Oldest hotel in city. I had eaten there many times in 63&64. It now has AC. Dinner was great. French food. Stopped at night market on way back to hotel. Thursday, Nancy and Bob play hookey and strike out on own. First stop is old office. It is still standing. Cheap Charlies is gone. Stopped at Majestic Hotel, 2 star 64, 5 star 2012. My old apartment ready for demolition. Took several pics. Had French pastries at new upscale building. Same location where I would drink a coke and smoke a cigar in evening. One evening I was headed to cafe when I had an urgent need to use head. I went home and took care of business. I headed back to cafe but it was closed because the VC had thrown a bomb in cafe. It opened next day. Nancy spent several hours shopping. Tonight have Farewell dinner. Dinner was in local restaurant and the food was great. We took a final bus tour around Saigon. Friday morning, November 30, Nancy and I are up at 0500. We have a early flight to Bangkok. Arrived in Bangkok in early afternoon. We are staying in the same hotel we stayed in earlier. Nancy and I walked around the neighborhood. Bangkok has severe traffic problems. About 1800 we take a taxi to the night market. It took about 45 minutes to go several blocks. The night market was jammed and it was very hot, 90⁰. We stayed about 90 minutes before heading back to the hotel. Saturday morning we get up at 0400 and get ready for our trip back home. We fly from Bangkok to Japan where we change plans. We fly from Japan directly to Chicago and then on to GR. It took 24 hours to travel from Bangkok to GR. We were zombies when we got home. Sunday morning December 2 our first day back home. We cannot sleep past 0600 so we get up and go to the MAC for a very short swim. After our brief swim we head to Meijer's to restock our reefer. Nancy does fix her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. We spend the rest of the day resting and catching up. Monday: Both Bob and Nancy have serious jet lag. I my at home routine at 50% and then ride my bike to the MAC. I have coffee at the MAC and read the WSJ and DFP. In the PM we get almost three weeks of mail. I take an afternoon nap and work on reading the mail. I think I have developed stomach flu because my stomach is upset and I am chilled all the time. We head to bed early. Tuesday and I do my entire routine at 50%. I am still very tired. I read the WSJ and DFP but really cannot remember anything important. Ms P came home today. It was great to see her. She was moody for awhile but after about four hours she forgave us for abandoning her. Christmas programs have knocked out NCIS tonight. We head to bed early. I am still chilled and my stomach is not in balance. Wednesday: I am glad that today is my easy day. I pedal to Bill's for breakfast. Coffee upsets my stomach so I had tomato juice and oatmeal for breakfast. In the afternoon I visited Dr Yurko and she removed a sun damaged section of my left hand. It required seven stitches. We have a very light dinner and head to bed early. Thursday and because of my stitches I cannot exercise so I ride to Bill's for breakfast. The DFP has many articles on the proposed right-to-work laws that the MI legislature is voting on. I am not pro-union but I think the RTW laws really create a lot of bad feelings for very little gain. In the afternoon I have an eye exam. Dr. Anderson gave me a new contact and it really and improvement. The chills and stomach problems seem to be getting better. Thursday evening we attend a Christmas Gala at Meijer's Garden. I wore a suit and tie and Nancy really looked good. The Gardens were all deck out with Christmas decorations. It was very impressive. The food on the other hand was not very good. We got home about 2100. Friday morning I think my stomach problems are returning so I take a pill that we took with us to VN. We were to take the pill if we developed some stomach problems. Nancy told me that her stomach was upset last night because of some food last night. I was probably premature in my starting the pill. I still cannot exercise because of my had so I walked to the Kava House. I am feeling much better today so I started doing some chores. I winterized the lawnmower and got the snow shovels down from the garage rafters. I took my bike to the shop to get snow tires installed. Nancy and I, along with Ms P, made a trip to Costco and Target this afternoon. I also took my watch in the jewelers to get its steel band cleaned. In the evening we attended the OHNA's TGIF. The TFIF was well attended. We spent several hours visiting with neighbors. Saturday. Nancy had trouble sleeping last night because her foot was bothering her. She went downstairs about 0400 and Ms P stayed by her side. I got up at 0500 and Nancy was wrapping Christmas presents. She said that the pain is not as bad when she is standing. We had our first snow of the season last night. I rode my retro bike to Bill's for breakfast. I had their Saturday special. After breakfast I ran several errands. It is now 1730 and Nancy and I are going out for soup at Panera Bread.