Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wednesday September 29, 2010

Wednesday morning my easy morning and I do not get up until 0705. This morning I get on the AT and pedal to Bill's for the breakfast special, 2 eggs, American fries, 3 links and toast, for $3.75. It was very good. When I get home about 0930 I take Ms P out and then load the AT on the C2 and head for Holland State Park. It is a beautiful fall day with temperatures in the 70s and not a cloud in the sky. The leaves are turning. I pedaled from Holland State Park up Lakeshore to Port Sheldon. It took about 3 hours. I thought I was really moving as I pedaled north but on my way back I knew why. I had a strong wind at my back. Heading south I had to buck this wind and I was really tired. I have been thinking that maybe I need some more gears on my bike. My single speed can be difficult to ride especially when I am on a steep grade. When I am on a "rails to trails" the grade is flat. Today I could not climb several hills and had to get off and push the bike uphill.

When I got home I took a quick shower and then a 30 minute nap. Tonight is cereal night and I mixed yogurt with my raisin bran. We had a problem with a leaking pipe below the sink. Nancy had to remove all the item below the sink and dry it out. I took off the drain pipe and headed to Rylee's. I needed two new washers. It cost $1.50. I put the drain back together and it works fine.

Not much on TV so I read the paper, played some games on my itouch and then headed to bed. The weather today was great and is one reason to live in MI.

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