Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday September 26. 2010

Sunday morning and the alarm goes off at 0646. It is a back to normal Sunday. First I take Ms P out to do her bidness and then I bring my laundry basket upstairs. At 0740 Nancy and I head to the MAC. Today I swim for 45 minutes. My shoulder is still sore so I do more kicking than stroking. After the MAC we head to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I top off the Taurus and gas is $2.72 per gallon.

At home Nancy fixes her world famous poached eggs. Today the eggs are on English muffins. The muffins are so good I have several more with peanut butter. I read the funnies and the sports page and then head up for my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap Nancy and I head downtown to Artprize. We were worried about traffic and finding a parking space but I got into the Louis/Ottawa ramp with no problem. We start looking at displays in Leo's and then go across the street to the Bob. The Bob has a lot of displays both outside and inside. After leaving the Bob we cross the Blue Bridge and head to Gerald Ford Museum. Along the way are several big art sculptures. After walking around downtown we end up at the GR Art Museum. Downtown was loaded with families viewing all the art projects. Our final stop was 50 Monroe to look at a project that was done by a fellow MAC member Jo Valenti. Nancy and I have known Jo for over ten years.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed hot dogs. It was a good American meal. We watched the news and 60 minutes and at 2100 we headed upstairs.

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